The main purpose of this repo is to track issues for the latest version of synXLIFF.
Download link:
If you encounter any problems regarding a translation of synXLIFF feel free to create a pull request. We will then look into it.
Also if your language is still missing you can create a pull request with the translated xliff file.
- Translationfiles from BC Version 15 should work again #24
- Fixed a bug with languages when creating a new company #23
- You can now see the number of missing translations at project level. #6
- Object-Type "XMLPort" should be recognised again. #21
- the default export file name should now have the full language code. ("fr-ca" instead of "fr") #20
- added support for files translated with the "Multilingual App Toolkit" before. (Attibute "datatype" is now valid) #19
- the import can now handle captions with more than 1024 characters #18
- fixed an issue with our notification if a new version is available #17
- it is now possible to filter out locked captions while translating a project #15
- if a project language is deleted, all translations for this project and language are now deleted as well
- auto translation now translates only for the current project language
- the translation assist edit should now always have the correct translation text
- if a caption is changed in the code and import the global file again, the translation gets the status "changed"
- TableExtension and PageExtension were added to the object types
- fixed a problem with importing option captions with a leading whitespace
- the export now only exports translated items. This assures that if an item is not translated the default translation is used by BC.
- the "&" symbol is now replaced with "&" during export.
- fixed some display problems with the translation language on the project page.
- added support for files which where already translated before using Dynamics LCS
- synXLIFF now automatically checks for a new version on a daily base
- the check is executed "OnOpenPage" on "synXLIFF Project List"
- in the new setup table you can:
- deactivate the automatic check
- check manually for updates if you want to
- fixed an issue with actions that were not shown
- fixed an error when importing file with "maxwidth" attribute