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Application for Daily Medical Reports

Simplifying Communication for Hospitals and Patients' Families

This front-end application is an integral part of the MediRepo project.

Check out the backend project on GitHub

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About MediRepo

In the context of COVID-19, many hospitals have had to restrict visitors, leaving patients' families anxious for information about their loved ones. MediRepo is an innovative solution designed to bridge this communication gap by allowing hospitals to share daily medical reports with patients' families.

Live Demo

Explore the live demo of MediRepo:

Visit the Live Demo

How to Use MediRepo

For Hospitals

  1. Create an Account: Get started by creating an account.
  2. Add Medical Reports: Upload medical reports for patients.
  3. Share Patient Code: Share the Patient Code and Attendance Code (which acts as a password) with the patient's family.

By using the same Patient Code and Attendance Code, only the latest medical report will be accessible. You can also utilize the Medirepo API to streamline the process of sending medical reports to the application and integrate it with your primary hospital application.

For Patients' Families

  1. Log In: Access the application using the provided Patient Code and Attendance Code (password).
  2. Enter Patient's Birthday: Provide the patient's birthday for verification.
  3. Discover Information: 🎉 Access and view medical information about your ❤️ loved one.

Medirepo (REST API)

Explore the Postman documentation for the Medirepo REST API:


Access the API repository on GitHub:

Check out the backend project on GitHub

Local Setup Guide

  1. Fork and Clone: Fork the project and clone it to your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:<your-user-name>/medirepoWeb.git
  1. Install Dependencies: Install the required libraries.
npm install
  1. Start the Project: Launch the application.
npm start

Note: You can create an environment variable file (e.g., .env-sample) in the project's root folder to configure the backend host.


We welcome contributions to MediRepo. Please review our contributing guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

You can contribute to this project in various ways, including:

  • Implementing new features
  • Making architectural improvements
  • Translating messages into your native language
  • Identifying and fixing bugs
  • Adding test coverage
  • Showing your support by starring the project ⭐

Feel free to contribute!


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What is Hacktoberfest?

🎃 HacktoberFest is an annual event hosted by DigitalOcean that encourages people to contribute to open source projects throughout October. Many modern tech infrastructures, including some of DigitalOcean's own products, rely on open-source projects maintained by passionate individuals with limited resources. HacktoberFest is all about giving back to these projects, improving your skills, and celebrating the open-source community.

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Features 📜

With Medirepo, hospitals can register and add daily patient reports to the platform. Upon admission, hospitals provide the Patient Code and Password to family members for access to these reports.

  • The latest report is always available.
  • You can add, delete, and print reports through the platform.
  • Enjoy the Extras: Dark Mode for improved viewing.


If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].


Made with 💜 by Andre Gabriel.



Illustrations by Storyset.

Contributors' image created with