- 💻 Web development
- 🤖 Machine learning
- ©️ Low-level programming
Auto teeth (Link)
- Web app based on FastAPI and Vue which performs segmentation and regression tasks on dental x-rays to help odontologists obtain critical measures.
- Involves the deployment and storage of diverse machine learning models.
- Automated development and deployment with docker.
Notebooks for Auto teeth (Link)
- All the notebooks involved in the development of the web application.
- ML training and data visualization.
Flask - Jinja Web app (Link)
- Web app focusing on maintenable design.
- Documented and justified usage of design patterns.
Flashee - Flashcard app (Link)
- Offline browser application that lets the user create decks of cards.
- Generates random quiz based on the desired topics.
- Export and import of decks through JSON.
- Angular used for the UI.
- LocalDB is implemented for data persistence.
- Developed as part of a team of international members.
- Study made on the classification of transport methods through sensor data analysis.
- Involves generation, storage, and visualization of spatial data.
- A pipeline is created in order to train Machine Learning models.