rsatool calculates RSA (p, q, n, d, e) and RSA-CRT (dP, dQ, qInv) parameters given either two primes (p, q) or modulus and private exponent (n, d).
Resulting parameters are displayed and can optionally be written as an OpenSSL compatible DER or PEM encoded RSA private key.
Restore private exponent from part HEX and modulus
python -n 2345234523...23452345234 -d_start 0282....EFF94 -start_r 4096 -end_r 66000
Supplying modulus and private exponent, PEM output to key.pem:
python -f PEM -o key.pem -n 13826123222358393307 -d 9793706120266356337
Supplying two primes, DER output to key.der:
python -f DER -o key.der -p 4184799299 -q 3303891593