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DeepyMod Excavation

DeePyMoD is a modular framework for model discovery of PDEs and ODEs from noise data. The framework is comprised of four components, that can seperately be altered: i) A function approximator to construct a surrogate of the data, ii) a function to construct the library of features, iii) a sparse regression algorithm to select the active components from the feature library and iv) a constraint on the function approximator, based on the active components.

In this repository I am trying to summarize the DeepyMod features step by step so that the reader can make development easily.

Even though the authors mentioned the applicability of their package for the case of ODEs, one should face many difficulties to exploit this package for such cases. The reason is that data set preparation, custom library, and etc. have to be prepared from scratch. Therefore, I suggest to use it for the case of PDEs!

Downloading the package and exploring it

You can find the original DeepyMod package here.

Well if you extract it you will see 4 folders: (i) docs (ii) src (iii) tests (iv) examples.

In the folder examples you will find different jupyter notebook files(.ipynb) which are different PDEs.

These are the minimum requirements that you need for the simulation! Even though you can use, the following syntax

pip install deepymod

I recommend you to avoid such decision! because it throws bugs as you want to utilize the package!

How to use and develop?

For doing this:

(i) Go to src folder and make .py file! or even .ipynb with any IDE (spyder or VSCode) or Jupyter notebook

then inside the empty .py file try to add the system path and import general libraries, such as:

# General imports
import numpy as np
import torch
import sys
import os
import as sio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
cwd = os.getcwd()

Then you can import modules that are required for our simulations:

# DeePyMoD imports
from deepymod import DeepMoD
from import Dataset, get_train_test_loader
from import Subsample_random
from import burgers_delta
from deepymod.model.constraint import LeastSquares, Ridge, STRidgeCons
from deepymod.model.func_approx import NN
from deepymod.model.library import Library1D
from deepymod.model.sparse_estimators import Threshold, STRidge
from import train
from import Periodic, TrainTest, TrainTestPeriodic

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = "cuda"
    device = "cpu"

# Settings for reproducibility

torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False


# Making dataset
v = 0.1
A = 1.0

x = torch.linspace(-3, 4, 100)
t = torch.linspace(0.5, 5.0, 50)

#x = torch.tensor(x)
#t = torch.tensor(t)

load_kwargs = {"x": x, "t": t, "v": v, "A": A}
preprocess_kwargs = {"noise_level": 0.00}


dataset = Dataset(
    subsampler_kwargs={"number_of_samples": 500},

coords = dataset.get_coords().cpu()
data = dataset.get_data().cpu()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.scatter(coords[:,1], coords[:,0], c=data[:,0], marker="x", s=10)


train_dataloader, test_dataloader = get_train_test_loader(
    dataset, train_test_split=0.8)


poly_order = 2
diff_order = 2

n_combinations = (poly_order+1)*(diff_order+1) 
n_features = 1

network = NN(2, [64, 64, 64, 64], 1)

library = Library1D(poly_order, diff_order)
estimator = Threshold(0.1) 
sparsity_scheduler = TrainTestPeriodic(periodicity=50, patience=200, delta=1e-5)
constraint = LeastSquares()
constraint_2 = Ridge()
constraint_3 = STRidgeCons()

estimator_2 = STRidge()

#linear_module = CoeffsNetwork(int(n_combinations),int(n_features))

#constraint = Ridge()
# Configuration of the sparsity scheduler
model = DeepMoD(network, library, estimator_2, constraint_3, estimator_2).to(device)

# Defining optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), betas=(0.99, 0.99), amsgrad=True, lr=1e-3) 




DeepMOD class

Ok, let's have a close look at DeepMoD. It is inherited from nn.Module well you need mainly to work with its __.init__ and forward methods.

class DeepMoD(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        function_approximator: torch.nn.Sequential,
        library: Library,
        sparsity_estimator: Estimator,
        constraint: Constraint,
        sparsity_estimator_2: Estimator
    ) -> None:
        """The DeepMoD class integrates the various buiding blocks into one module. The function approximator approximates the data,
        the library than builds a feature matrix from its output and the constraint constrains these. The sparsity estimator is called
        during training to update the sparsity mask (i.e. which terms the constraint is allowed to use.)

            function_approximator (torch.nn.Sequential): [description]
            library (Library): [description]
            sparsity_estimator (Estimator): [description]
            constraint (Constraint): [description]
        self.func_approx = function_approximator
        self.library = library
        self.sparse_estimator = sparsity_estimator
        self.constraint = constraint
        self.sparse_estimator_2 = sparsity_estimator_2

    def forward(
        self, input: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, TensorList, TensorList]:
        """The forward pass approximates the data, builds the time derivative and feature matrices
        and applies the constraint.
        It returns the prediction of the network, the time derivatives and the feature matrices.

            input (torch.Tensor):  Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_outputs) containing the coordinates, first column should be the time coordinate.

            Tuple[torch.Tensor, TensorList, TensorList]: The prediction, time derivatives and and feature matrices of respective sizes                                                       ((n_samples, n_outputs), [(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs]), [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs])
        prediction, coordinates = self.func_approx(input)
        time_derivs, thetas = self.library((prediction, coordinates))
        input_pairs = (time_derivs, thetas)
        coeff_vectors = self.constraint(time_derivs, thetas)
        return prediction, time_derivs, thetas

now we go into the details how to make an instance from DeepMOD class:

function_approximator: nn.module object

network = NN(2, [64, 64, 64, 64], 1)

constructing a MLP module, you can find its root here:

from deepymod.model.func_approx import NN

the default activation function of this MLP is SIREN activation function you can find it here

Moreover, as you know we deal with spacious-temporal data sets therefore the input as well as outputs of our MLP should be considered based on the type of the PDE that we deal with. e.g. here it has 2 inputs, i.e. (t,x), time and state and only 1 output.

to make an instance library module see the following

from deepymod.model.library import Library1D
library = Library1D(poly_order, diff_order)

well library module has 2 classes such as Library2D or Library1D and 2 functions.

the Library1D inherits from the following base class in deepmod module:

class Library(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Abstract baseclass for the library module."""
        self.norms = None

    def forward(
        self, input: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
    ) -> Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]:
        """Compute the library (time derivatives and thetas) from a given dataset. Also calculates the norms
        of these, later used to calculate the normalized coefficients.

            input (Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]): (prediction, data) tuple of size ((n_samples, n_outputs), (n_samples, n_dims))

            Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]: Temporal derivative and libraries of size ([(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs]), [(n_samples, n_features)x n_outputs])
        time_derivs, thetas = self.library(input)
        self.norms = [
            (torch.norm(time_deriv) / torch.norm(theta, dim=0, keepdim=True))
            for time_deriv, theta in zip(time_derivs, thetas)
        return time_derivs, thetas

    def library(
        self, input: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
    ) -> Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]:
        """Abstract method. Specific method should calculate the temporal derivative and feature matrices.
        These should be a list; one temporal derivative and feature matrix per output.

        input (Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]): (prediction, data) tuple of size ((n_samples, n_outputs), (n_samples, n_dims))

        Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]: Temporal derivative and libraries of size ([(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs]), [(n_samples, n_features)x n_outputs])

as we can see it has an abstract method, therefore any class (Library1D/Library2D) that inherits from it should have a library method in itself.

This means that a custom library class can be made by re-writing its def library() method.

Now we need to define the method for sparsity and computing the coefficients:

from deepymod.model.constraint import LeastSquares, Ridge, STRidgeCons
from deepymod.model.sparse_estimators import Threshold, STRidge

I modified STRidge from this package PDEFIND and made it as a new class and compatible for our framework.

Both base Estimator and Constraint have abstract methods, def fit(),

Constraint Base class

class Constraint(nn.Module, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Abstract baseclass for the constraint module."""
        self.sparsity_masks: TensorList = None

    def forward(self, time_derivs, thetas) -> TensorList:
        #def forward(self, input: Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]) -> TensorList:

        """The forward pass of the constraint module applies the sparsity mask to the
        feature matrix theta, and then calculates the coefficients according to the
        method in the child.

            input (Tuple[TensorList, TensorList]): (time_derivs, library) tuple of size
                    ([(n_samples, 1) X n_outputs], [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs]).
            coeff_vectors (TensorList): List with coefficient vectors of size ([(n_features, 1) x n_outputs])
        #time_derivs, thetas = input
        if self.sparsity_masks is None:
            self.sparsity_masks = [
                torch.ones(theta.shape[1], dtype=torch.bool).to(theta.device)
                for theta in thetas

        sparse_thetas = self.apply_mask(thetas, self.sparsity_masks)

        # Constraint grad. desc style doesn't allow to change shape, so we return full coeff
        # and multiply by mask to set zeros. For least squares-style, we need to put in
        # zeros in the right spot to get correct shape.
        with torch.no_grad():
            coeff_vectors = [[0].detach().cpu().numpy(),
        coeff_vectors =, time_derivs)
        #coeff_vectors =, time_derivs)
        self.coeff_vectors = [
            self.map_coeffs(mask, coeff)
            if mask.shape[0] != coeff.shape[0]
            else coeff * mask[:, None]
            for mask, coeff in zip(self.sparsity_masks, coeff_vectors)
        return self.coeff_vectors

    def apply_mask(thetas: TensorList, masks: TensorList) -> TensorList:
        """Applies the sparsity mask to the feature (library) matrix.

            thetas (TensorList): List of all library matrices of size [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs].

            TensorList: The sparse version of the library matrices of size [(n_samples, n_active_features) x n_outputs].
        sparse_thetas = [theta[:, mask] for theta, mask in zip(thetas, masks)]
        return sparse_thetas

    def map_coeffs(mask: torch.Tensor, coeff_vector: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Places the coeff_vector components in the true positions of the mask.
        I.e. maps ((0, 1, 1, 0), (0.5, 1.5)) -> (0, 0.5, 1.5, 0).

            mask (torch.Tensor): Boolean mask describing active components.
            coeff_vector (torch.Tensor): Vector with active-components.

            mapped_coeffs (torch.Tensor): mapped coefficients.
        mapped_coeffs = (
            torch.zeros((mask.shape[0], 1))
            .masked_scatter_(mask[:, None], coeff_vector)
        return mapped_coeffs

    def fit(self, sparse_thetas: TensorList, time_derivs: TensorList) -> TensorList:
        """Abstract method. Specific method should return the coefficients as calculated from the sparse feature
        matrices and temporal derivatives.

            sparse_thetas (TensorList): List containing the sparse feature tensors of size (n_samples, n_active_features).
            time_derivs (TensorList): List containing the time derivatives of size (n_samples, n_outputs).

            (TensorList): Calculated coefficients of size (n_active_features, n_outputs).
        raise NotImplementedError

#################################### ####################################

Estimator Base class

class Estimator(nn.Module, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Abstract baseclass for the sparse estimator module."""
        self.coeff_vectors = None

    def forward(self, thetas: TensorList, time_derivs: TensorList) -> TensorList:
        """The forward pass of the sparse estimator module first normalizes the library matrices
        and time derivatives by dividing each column (i.e. feature) by their l2 norm, than calculate the coefficient vectors
        according to the sparse estimation algorithm supplied by the child and finally returns the sparsity
        mask (i.e. which terms are active) based on these coefficients.

            thetas (TensorList): List containing the sparse feature tensors of size  [(n_samples, n_active_features) x n_outputs].
            time_derivs (TensorList): List containing the time derivatives of size  [(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs].

            (TensorList): List containting the sparsity masks of a boolean type and size  [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs].

        # we first normalize theta and the time deriv
        with torch.no_grad():
            normed_time_derivs = [(time_derivs[0] / torch.norm(time_derivs[0])).detach().cpu().numpy()]
                (time_deriv / torch.norm(time_deriv)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for time_deriv in time_derivs
            normed_thetas = [(thetas[0] / torch.norm(thetas[0], dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()]
                (theta / torch.norm(theta, dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for theta in thetas

        self.coeff_vectors = [
  , time_deriv.squeeze())[:, None]
            for theta, time_deriv in zip(normed_thetas, normed_time_derivs)
        sparsity_masks = [
            torch.tensor(coeff_vector != 0.0, dtype=torch.bool)
            .to(thetas[0].device)  # move to gpu if required
            for coeff_vector in self.coeff_vectors
        return sparsity_masks

    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Abstract method. Specific method should compute the coefficient based on feature matrix X and observations y.
        Note that we expect X and y to be numpy arrays, i.e. this module is non-differentiable.

            x (np.ndarray): Feature matrix of size (n_samples, n_features)
            y (np.ndarray): observations of size (n_samples, n_outputs)

            (np.ndarray): Coefficients of size (n_samples, n_outputs)

Let's have a close look at Estimator base class. We first divide the dictionary terms and time derivatives by their 2-norms.

In DeepMOD they considered to put everything within a list.

so if you see here I simplified to the following form

with torch.no_grad():

      normed_time_derivs = [(time_derivs[0] / torch.norm(time_derivs[0])).detach().cpu().numpy()]

      normed_thetas = [(thetas[0] / torch.norm(thetas[0], dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()]            

The main reason to use with torch.no_grad(): is that we avoid any change in the training of deep learning.

Moreover, the above syn-taxes can be written alternatively as follows:

with torch.no_grad():

                (time_deriv / torch.norm(time_deriv)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for time_deriv in time_derivs
            normed_thetas = [(thetas[0] / torch.norm(thetas[0], dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()]
                (theta / torch.norm(theta, dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for theta in thetas

so we can remove the redundant parts accordingly.

After this step, we can feed the normalized versions to a least square framework by the following syntax:

self.coeff_vectors = [
  , time_deriv.squeeze())[:, None]
            for theta, time_deriv in zip(normed_thetas, normed_time_derivs)

well the same as before we can make it more simple! anyway, we leave it as it is.

finally we can make a sparsity_masks as follows:

sparsity_masks = [
            torch.tensor(coeff_vector != 0.0, dtype=torch.bool)
            .to(thetas[0].device)  # move to gpu if required
            for coeff_vector in self.coeff_vectors

consider the term torch.tensor(coeff_vector != 0.0, dtype=torch.bool)! which make a boolean tensor corresponding to non-zero elements of a torch.tensor!

class Estimator(nn.Module, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Abstract baseclass for the sparse estimator module."""
        self.coeff_vectors = None

    def forward(self, thetas: TensorList, time_derivs: TensorList) -> TensorList:
        """The forward pass of the sparse estimator module first normalizes the library matrices
        and time derivatives by dividing each column (i.e. feature) by their l2 norm, than calculate the coefficient vectors
        according to the sparse estimation algorithm supplied by the child and finally returns the sparsity
        mask (i.e. which terms are active) based on these coefficients.

            thetas (TensorList): List containing the sparse feature tensors of size  [(n_samples, n_active_features) x n_outputs].
            time_derivs (TensorList): List containing the time derivatives of size  [(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs].

            (TensorList): List containting the sparsity masks of a boolean type and size  [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs].

        # we first normalize theta and the time deriv
        with torch.no_grad():
            normed_time_derivs = [(time_derivs[0] / torch.norm(time_derivs[0])).detach().cpu().numpy()]
                (time_deriv / torch.norm(time_deriv)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for time_deriv in time_derivs
            normed_thetas = [(thetas[0] / torch.norm(thetas[0], dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()]
                (theta / torch.norm(theta, dim=0, keepdim=True)).detach().cpu().numpy()
                for theta in thetas

        self.coeff_vectors = [
  , time_deriv.squeeze())[:, None]
            for theta, time_deriv in zip(normed_thetas, normed_time_derivs)
        sparsity_masks = [
            torch.tensor(coeff_vector != 0.0, dtype=torch.bool)
            .to(thetas[0].device)  # move to gpu if required
            for coeff_vector in self.coeff_vectors
        return sparsity_masks

    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Abstract method. Specific method should compute the coefficient based on feature matrix X and observations y.
        Note that we expect X and y to be numpy arrays, i.e. this module is non-differentiable.

            x (np.ndarray): Feature matrix of size (n_samples, n_features)
            y (np.ndarray): observations of size (n_samples, n_outputs)

            (np.ndarray): Coefficients of size (n_samples, n_outputs)


by taking a close look at the Constraint class we see that instance attribute self.sparsity_masks gets its value from forward method of Estimator class! Just consider the return value of Estimator.forward which is sparsity_masks. As a matter of the default value of saprsity_masks in Constraint class is None, however during the training loop it is initialized by the following syntax:

model.constraint.sparsity_masks = model.sparse_estimator(thetas, time_derivs)

Let's go into the details:

 if self.sparsity_masks is None:
            self.sparsity_masks = [
                torch.ones(theta.shape[1], dtype=torch.bool).to(theta.device)
                for theta in thetas

        sparse_thetas = self.apply_mask(thetas, self.sparsity_masks)

the if self.sparsity_masks is None: ... part is obvious. The next calls a method inside the Constraint class, which is defined as static method as follows:

    def apply_mask(thetas: TensorList, masks: TensorList) -> TensorList:
        """Applies the sparsity mask to the feature (library) matrix.

            thetas (TensorList): List of all library matrices of size [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs].

            TensorList: The sparse version of the library matrices of size [(n_samples, n_active_features) x n_outputs].
        sparse_thetas = [theta[:, mask] for theta, mask in zip(thetas, masks)]
        return sparse_thetas

the line [theta[:, mask] for theta, mask in zip(thetas, masks)] just exclude columns in dictionary that are False in sparsity_masks (or mask).

then we feed sparse_thetas and time derivative to another

coeff_vectors =, time_derivs)

like before we can use many approaches to solve this least square problem as follows:

from deepymod.model.constraint import LeastSquares, Ridge, STRidgeCons

anyway. is an abstract method and any custom library class has to implement def fit() method! this is a typical in design pattern approaches. the results of this coeff_vectors has a size equal to the size of non-False elements of sparsity_masks therefore we should bring them back into the original shape! thus we make use of the following:

self.coeff_vectors = [
            self.map_coeffs(mask, coeff)
            if mask.shape[0] != coeff.shape[0]
            else coeff * mask[:, None]
            for mask, coeff in zip(self.sparsity_masks, coeff_vectors)
    def map_coeffs(mask: torch.Tensor, coeff_vector: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Places the coeff_vector components in the true positions of the mask.
        I.e. maps ((0, 1, 1, 0), (0.5, 1.5)) -> (0, 0.5, 1.5, 0).

            mask (torch.Tensor): Boolean mask describing active components.
            coeff_vector (torch.Tensor): Vector with active-components.

            mapped_coeffs (torch.Tensor): mapped coefficients.
        mapped_coeffs = (
            torch.zeros((mask.shape[0], 1))
            .masked_scatter_(mask[:, None], coeff_vector)
        return mapped_coeffs

the last step is to



let's consider again forward method of DeepMOD base class. We feed our data set to the NN module, then we get the prediction and the coordinates. However, the coordinates are the dame as the data set!

We feed the prediction to the library module as a tuple to compute the time derivative and the dictionary!!!

then we need to solve the time derivative = Dictionary * coeffs. To solve this equation, we already defined LeastSquares, Ridge, STRidgeCons approaches. So we can feed them as well.

def forward(
        self, input: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, TensorList, TensorList]:
        """The forward pass approximates the data, builds the time derivative and feature matrices
        and applies the constraint.

        It returns the prediction of the network, the time derivatives and the feature matrices.

            input (torch.Tensor):  Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_outputs) containing the coordinates, first column should be the time coordinate.

            Tuple[torch.Tensor, TensorList, TensorList]: The prediction, time derivatives and and feature matrices of respective sizes
                                                       ((n_samples, n_outputs), [(n_samples, 1) x n_outputs]), [(n_samples, n_features) x n_outputs])

        prediction, coordinates = self.func_approx(input)
        time_derivs, thetas = self.library((prediction, coordinates))
        input_pairs = (time_derivs, thetas)
        coeff_vectors = self.constraint(time_derivs, thetas)
        return prediction, time_derivs, thetas


Let's set up our framework for training! We need to make an instance from different base class! order of the library, estimator method, constraint, and etc.

There are some redundancy as well in DeepMOD such as rainTestPeriodic base class. To tell truth we do not need it in the training loop and simply we can comment it! But make the comment in the training loop not anywhere else!

poly_order = 2
diff_order = 2
n_combinations = (poly_order+1)*(diff_order+1) 
n_features = 1

network = NN(2, [64, 64, 64, 64], 1)
library = Library1D(poly_order, diff_order)
estimator = Threshold(0.1) 
sparsity_scheduler = TrainTestPeriodic(periodicity=50, patience=200, delta=1e-5)
constraint = LeastSquares()
constraint_2 = Ridge()
constraint_3 = STRidgeCons()
estimator_2 = STRidge()

model = DeepMoD(network, library, estimator_2, constraint_3, estimator_2).to(device)
    def sparsity_masks(self):
        """Returns the sparsity masks which contain the active terms."""
        return self.constraint.sparsity_masks

    def estimator_coeffs(self) -> TensorList:
        """Calculate the coefficients as estimated by the sparse estimator.

            (TensorList): List of coefficients of size [(n_features, 1) x n_outputs]
        coeff_vectors = self.constraint.coeff_vectors
        return coeff_vectors

    def constraint_coeffs(self, scaled=False, sparse=False) -> TensorList:
        """Calculate the coefficients as estimated by the constraint.

            scaled (bool): Determine whether or not the coefficients should be normalized
            sparse (bool): Whether to apply the sparsity mask to the coefficients.

            (TensorList): List of coefficients of size [(n_features, 1) x n_outputs]
        coeff_vectors = self.constraint.coeff_vectors
        if scaled:
            coeff_vectors = [
                coeff / norm[:, None]
                for coeff, norm, mask in zip(
                    coeff_vectors, self.library.norms, self.sparsity_masks
        if sparse:
            coeff_vectors = [
                sparsity_mask[:, None] * coeff
                for sparsity_mask, coeff in zip(self.sparsity_masks, coeff_vectors)
        return coeff_vectors


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




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