Twitter Sentiment Analyzer using Gensim's Word2Vec + NLTK + Keras.
you must have a Twitter developer account.
Your authentication details will need to be placed directly inside
OR in a file named
that will look like this:
consumer_key = 'abcd'
consumer_secret = 'efgh'
access_token = '4567'
access_token_secret = '1234'
To use TSA you will need to open your virtual env and install the required files in requirements.txt
with pip3:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you use Anaconda for example, you can follow these steps:
conda create -n TSA python=3.6
conda activate TSA
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can start the program by running ./
You will then be greeted with a menu:
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---Welcome to TSA---
What would you like to do?
1) Mine tweets
2) Validate a json file
3) Analyze a corpus of tweets
4) Find the most common words in a corpus of tweets
5) Predict a string
6) Quit
Enter your choice (1-6):
You will be prompted to enter a number in the range 1-6.
1) Mine tweets
will prompt you to enter your queries,
will then look for tweets containing these terms and they will be put in a file calledtweets.json
. You will be able to interrupt the program by pressing Ctrl+C. -
2) Validate a json file
will prompt you to enter a JSON file name. The file will then be reformatted into a valid JSON file and you will then be able to use it with the analyzer. -
3) Analyze a corpus of tweets
will prompt you to enter a JSON file name and will ask you if you also want to visualize extra data. The file will then analyze the sentiments in your corpus, you will see a prediction percentage for positive and negative tweets. If you agreed to get extra data, you will also get 4 extra charts: one showing the word embedding space in Sentiment140, one for Zipf's law, one for the word frequency distribution and one for bigrams. -
4) Find the most common words in a corpus of tweets
will prompt you to enter the number of the most common words you want to see and a JSON file name for your corpus. You will then see the N most common words in your corpus. -
5) Predict a string
will prompt you to enter a string you'd like to predict the sentiment of. -
6) Quit
will quit the program.
This program has been built with:
Python 3.6