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Implementation for ICML 2024 paper "MolCRAFT: Structure-Based Drug Design in Continuous Parameter Space"

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Official implementation of ICML 2024 "MolCRAFT: Structure-Based Drug Design in Continuous Parameter Space".

Check our demo: coming soon



You will need a host machine with gpu, and a docker with nvidia-container-runtime enabled.


  • This repo provides an easy-to-use script to install docker and nvidia-container-runtime, in ./docker run sudo ./ to set up your host machine.
  • For details, please refer to the install guide.

Install via Docker

We highly recommend you to set up the environment via docker, since all you need to do is a simple make command.

cd ./docker


  • The make will automatically build the docker image and run the container, inside which your host home directory will be mounted to ${HOME}/home. The docker image supports running any command inside a tmux session.
  • If make exits with error messages with pip, try make again in case of any network connection timeout.
  • Once make succeeds, note that exiting from container wound't stop it, nor the tmux sessions running within. To enter an existing container, simply run make again. If you need to stop this container, run make kill.
  • For customized environment setup, please refer to files docker/Dockerfile, docker/asset/requirements.txt and docker/asset/apt_packages.txt.
  • If your bash does not highlight properly, try sh -c "$(wget -O -)" to reinstall zsh template.
  • PoseCheck should be manually installed. See instructions below.

Install via Conda

You can also build your own environment through conda env create -f environment.yml. Here we list the main packages we used, in case you want a different version:

conda create -n molcraft
conda activate molcraft
conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install lightning -c conda-forge
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install rdkit openbabel pyyaml easydict python-lmdb -c conda-forge

For evaluation, you will need to install vina (affinity), posecheck (clash, strain energy, and key interactions), and spyrmsd (rmsd).

# for vina docking
pip install meeko==0.1.dev3 scipy pdb2pqr vina==1.2.2 
python -m pip install git+

# for posecheck evaluation
git clone
cd posecheck
git checkout 57a1938
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install -c mx reduce

# for spyrmsd
conda install spyrmsd -c conda-forge


  • If you encounter vina fail, please check /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/vina/, line 260, change to astype(np.int64)
  • The latest version of PoseCheck uses a different algorithm for calculating strain energy, and installing commit 57a1938 will reproduce our results.

Posecheck may fail to load protein when multiple processes access the same pdb file. A hot fix is by preprocessing all pdb files in advance:

# in posecheck/posecheck/utils/
# change line 62-68 to
    if not os.path.exists(tmp_path):
        # Call reduce to make tmp PDB with waters
        reduce_command = f"{reduce_path} -NOFLIP  {pdb_path} -Quiet > {tmp_path}", shell=True)

    # Load the protein from the temporary PDB file
    prot = load_protein_prolif(tmp_path)
    # os.remove(tmp_path)

# adding the following 2 functions
# preprocess pdb files
def prepare_protein_from_pdb(pdb_path_list: list[str], reduce_path: str = REDUCE_PATH):
    for pdb_path in pdb_path_list:
        tmp_path = pdb_path.split(".pdb")[0] + "_tmp.pdb"
        # Call reduce to make tmp PDB with waters
        reduce_command = f"{reduce_path} -NOFLIP  {pdb_path} -Quiet > {tmp_path}", shell=True)

# after pose check, you can remove all tmp files by hand:
def remove_protein_tmp_file(pdb_path_list: list[str]):
    for pdb_path in pdb_path_list:
        tmp_path = pdb_path.split(".pdb")[0] + "_tmp.pdb"
        if os.path.exists(tmp_path):

Folder Structure

  • /checkpoints: The official checkpoint last.ckpt (43M) will be automatically cloned here.
  • /configs: We use yaml file to manage configs for model, directory, data, train, and evaluation. Some of the parameters are provided as input arguments (e.g., --test_only --no_wandb), and will be automatically updated and converted to a config object.
  • /core: The main code directory.
    • /callbacks: pytorch-lightning callbacks for validation, docking, etc.
    • /evaluation: Basic functions for evaluating conformation, affinity, etc.
    • /models:
      • BFN base class, implemented with Bayesian update and various loss.
      • The score model for SBDD, implemented with SBDD output, loss, sampling.
      • A LightningModule, implemented with training_step, validation_step, test_step and sampling_step.
      • backbone network, same as TargetDiff.
    • /utils: util functions for reconstructing molecule from point cloud, featurizing protein-ligand data, etc.
  • /logs: The default output folder, containing checkpoints, generated molecules, evaluation results, etc.
  • /test: Evaluation code.
  •,, entry scripts.


Data used for training / evaluating the model should be put in the data folder by default, and accessible in the data Google Drive folder.

To train the model from scratch, download the lmdb file and split file into data folder:

  • crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_final.lmdb

To evaluate the model on the test set, download and unzip the into data folder. It includes the original PDB files that will be used in Vina Docking.

By default, We transform the lmdb further into the featurized dataset as as described in, which might take several minutes. To enable accelerated training, the yaml file will be set as follows:

  name: pl_tr # [pl, pl_tr] where tr means offline-transformed


Run make -f (without the need for data preparation), or alternatively (with data folder correctly configured),

python --exp_name {EXP} --revision {REVISION}

where the default values should be set the same as:

python --sigma1_coord 0.03 --beta1 1.5 --lr 5e-4 --time_emb_dim 1 --epochs 15 --max_grad_norm Q --destination_prediction True --use_discrete_t True --num_samples 10 --sampling_strategy end_back_pmf


The default validation during training uses:

  • epochs = 15: It takes around 1 day and 20G GPU memory on a single 3090. 15 epochs is ~187k steps, which is close to TargetDiff.
  • sample_num_atoms = ref: ref mode will use the reference molecule to determine atom numbers before generation. This mode produces more stable results than prior mode (same as TargetDiff prior mode). In general, the average numbers of atoms of molecules generated by the two modes are similar (~23).
  • sample_steps = 100: Empirically, 100 steps are good enough for our model (previous diffusion models usually sample 1000 steps). The reported results of our model are also sampled in 100 steps. Besides, 100 steps save a lot of validation time.
  • num_samples = 5: In order to save time, we only sample 1 molecules for validation and 5 molecules for testing. For formal evaluation, change to num_samples = 100. You can skip energy and clash computation in core/evaluation/ (line 184-203) to speed up validation.
  • log_dir = logs/xxx/exp_name/revision: The wandb logs, checkpoints, and generated samples are stored in this folder by default.
  • Post-processing: We use openbabel to add bonds for generated point clouds (core/utils/, legacy code from TargetDiff). And we filter out incomplete and invalid (rdkit.Chem.SanitizeMol fail) molecules and only evaluate the remaining ones (> 97% of the samples).


For quick evaluation of the official checkpoint, refer to make evaluate in

python --test_only --no_wandb --ckpt_path ./checkpoints/last.ckpt

By default, your checkpoints are stored as logs/xxx/exp_name/revision/checkpoints/epochxxx.ckpt. Use --ckpt_path logs/xxx/exp_name/revision/checkpoints/epochxxx.ckpt will automatically change log_dir to logs/xxx/exp_name/revision. And the test results are saved in logs/xxx/exp_name/revision/test_outputs_v?, where _v? is to distinguish different runs.


  • Molecule size (number of non-H atoms) has a large impact on many metrics. You should control the average molecule sizes before comparing different models.


For quick debugging training process, run make debug -f

python --no_wandb --debug --epochs 1


We provide the pretrained checkpoint as last.ckpt.

Sampling for pockets in the testset

Run make evaluate -f, or alternatively,

python --config_file configs/default.yaml --exp_name {EXP} --revision {REVISION} --test_only --num_samples {NUM_MOLS_PER_POCKET} --sample_steps 100

The output molecules will be saved in ${HOME}/home/logs/{exp_name}/{revision}/test _outputs/mols. If the sampling is run multiple times, there will be several mols-v{version_number} folders.

Sampling from pdb file

To sample from a whole protein pdb file, we need the corresponding reference ligand to clip the protein pocket (a 10A region around the reference ligand).

Here is an example. The first argument is the protein pdb path, the second argument is the ligand sdf path, and you can choose your own checkpoint by changing the parameters in call() of

python data/test_set/ABL2_HUMAN_274_551_0/4xli_B_rec.pdb data/test_set/ABL2_HUMAN_274_551_0/4xli_B_rec_4xli_1n1_lig_tt_min_0.sdf


Evaluating molecules

For binding affinity (Vina Score / Min / Dock) and molecular properties (QED, SA), it is calculated upon sampling.

For PoseCheck (strain energy, clashes) and other conformational results (bond length, bond angle, torsion angle, RMSD), please refer to test folder.

Evaluating meta files

We provide samples for all SBDD baselines in the sample Google Drive folder.

You may download the all_samples.tar.gz and then tar xzvf all_samples.tar.gz, which extracts all the pt files into samples folder for evaluation.


Host our web app demo locally

With gradio and gradio_molecule3d installed, you can simply run python to open the demo locally. Port mapping has been set in Makefile if you are using docker. You should also forward this port if you run the docker in an ssh server. We will share a permanent demo link later.

Great thanks to @duerrsimon for his kind support in resolving rendering issues!


  title={MolCRAFT: Structure-Based Drug Design in Continuous Parameter Space},
  author={Qu, Yanru and Qiu, Keyue and Song, Yuxuan and Gong, Jingjing and Han, Jiawei and Zheng, Mingyue and Zhou, Hao and Ma, Wei-Ying},
  journal={ICML 2024},

  title={Unified Generative Modeling of 3D Molecules via Bayesian Flow Networks},
  author={Song, Yuxuan and Gong, Jingjing and Qu, Yanru and Zhou, Hao and Zheng, Mingyue and Liu, Jingjing and Ma, Wei-Ying},
  journal={ICLR 2024},


Implementation for ICML 2024 paper "MolCRAFT: Structure-Based Drug Design in Continuous Parameter Space"






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