🔭 I’m currently working on:
- Automatic Patient-adaptive Objective Response Detection of Evoked Potentials
- Sequential hypothesis testing methods for ASSR and ABR
- Modeling Machine Learning methods for ASSR and ABR reliable detection
- A comparison of statistical sequential testing response detection models (ongoing!)
- Learning Neuroscience, focused on the auditory pathway
- Studying Causal Inference
🌱 Ask me about:
- Data Science in general, specially for:
- Statistical hypothesis testing, Deep Reinforcement Learning;
- Robotics and Biomedical Engineering theory and applications;
- Solving problems with ML, data storytelling and education;
- Web apps for data storytelling, analytics and prediction;
- Web fullstack development with Spring, React, Angular and Docker.
- Data Science in general, specially for:
- Languages I love using:
- Frameworks and infrastructure tools I'm familiar with:
- Databases I've worked with:
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