I'm Alberto Sinigaglia. Heres some infos about me:
- AI enthusias
- very passioned on everything Deep Learning related
- very passioned on everything Reinforcement Learning related
- I have a Bachelor in CompSci @ Unipd
- I'm graduating in DataScience @ Unipd with a specialization in Deep Learning
- I really like helping people on StackOverflow
Currently I'm working on a Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) AI that should be able to play Briscola in teams, which will also be my master thesis project.
My personal website: albertosinigaglia.me
I really appreciate spending time coding projects, out of which the following are the ones that I'm proud/I like the most:
Force based graph: self organizing graph using non convex gradieng descet based optimization, demo online
Binarized Neural Network: implementation of binarized neural networks using first order logic and MaxSAT solvers
Snake using RL: Reinforcement learning agent that learns to play snake
Block coordinate gradient descent methods: implementation of multiple block coodinate gradient descent algorithms for a convex high-dimensional loss function
Variance reducing gradient descent algorihtms: implementation of SARAH, SNVRG, SpiderBoost, variance reducing algorithms for stochastic gradient descent optimization
Hangman using RL: Reinforcement learning agent that learns to play hangman
Attention sampling classification: classification of mega-pixel images using attention sampling, trained using Reinforcment learning
Discrete GANs: GANs with a discrete generator, trained using Reinforcment Learning or Straight through estimator
Pix2Pix: Pix2Pix implementation with multiple well-known network architectures
Canvas animations (old): collections of animations done in pure JS using Canvas
I'm also a fullstack developer, I mainly work with Laravel but I would like to learn to use framworks based on Python.
Here a non-comprehensive list of languages that I might be able to use pretty fluently:
But at the moment I mainly focused in learning those that are ML-related