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Things to Complete

  • Fix Deliver To in Mobile & Desktop View.

  • Add Support for Authenticated Users.

  • Add Framer motion to Mobile Side Menu.

  • Fix Buy options in items Slider.

  • Add React Query to Navbar.

  • Add Protected Routes.

  • Add Maps to MyAddressesMobile.

  • Add a Review system.

  • Append buy options to cart.

  • Add Error Boundaries and handlers.

  • Make buttons bigger || or make classes for buttons.

  • Add forgot password support .

  • Add routes to account page and try to animate them.

  • Complete desktop view order history.

  • Add Buy Options to SingleProduct in Desktop and Mobile View.

  • Add Loaders to Vertical Items.

  • Discuss Location handling with Maher.

  • Add default location support.

  • Localize Footers.

  • Add 404 page.

  • Add a Review system for Mobile.(2hrs)

  • Look into lazy loading and progressive images.

  • Add auto Complete to the Search bar.(1hr)

  • Add keys to env variables.(0.5hr)

  • Add Wishlist Page Desktop & Mobile.(3hrs) (discuss with maher)

  • Add React query to order history. (2.5hrs)

  • Add payment Method for Mobile & Desktop (3hrs) (discuss with maher)

  • Add Viewed Items for Mobile & Desktop (3hrs)

  • Look into re-algothiming side menu (3hrs)

  • Complete Profile Modal Desktop (3hrs)

  • discuss change user Info (phoneNumber and email)

  • Add Side Cart Menu Desktop & Mobile

  • Add category items placeholders

  • fix image zoom on single product mobile

  • add reviews to single product

  • Add Language Page to side menu

  • wrong credentials handling.

  • Add Edit Cart item support. (discuss with maher)

  • deliver to mobile.

  • add password modals in account.

  • fix search bar mobile.

  • Complete Viewed Items.

  • Add Coupon Support in Cart.

  • Add Currencies and modify checkout delivery cost

  • Add payment methods Logos in Cart

  • Complete Item Reviews

  • Add Delivery Country Page to side menu

  • Add React Query & Localizations to the Search page.

  • Add Scroll Pagination to SingleProduct Pages.

  • Complete the Checkout Page.(2hrs)

  • Search Engine optimization.

  • Add auto detect locale and localstorage language.(1hr)

  • Add delivery country context.(1hr)

  • Nest Lazyloading deep (3hrs)

  • login and register number and password validation (discuss)

  • Single Product

  • single product quantity input number validation

  • look into fixing home loaders

  • show error snackbar

  • handle no products

  • make a default product photo

  • fix checkout

  • fix footer nav

  • fix side menu categories

  • look into changing single product layout

  • add sale indicators to swipers

  • fix image zoom

  • add pagination to search, category,singleproduct

  • breadcrumbs

  • fix viewed items

  • send item slug with cart

  • send category info (slug and name and stuff) with products by category api

  • make brands page

  • set up settings api

  • attention to out of stock products in checkout

    **API BUGS** userInfo Update, how the hell should i send a post body with a params supported api url -- NO ERROR HANDLING WHEN EMAIL EXISTS
    -- check coupon validity per user
    -- tell why coupon is invalid
    -- coupon add route and coupon remove route.
    -- add banners data to showcase
    -- organize payment methods in countries
    -- add route for getting multiple products based on id
    -- refresh roken explanation
    -- in filter category api make product structure same as get category product


  • filter product api doesn't send images with filtered products.

  • filter by price error with variation products.

  • need a desktop and mobile category cover photo for category section.

  • increase quantity when item added in cart twice instead of rejecting.

  • make guest cart api behave same as regular cart, with the same parameters.

  • Product api , send variation symbol (S for Small, L for Large), also need a is_size or is_color confirmation.

  • Remove check cart api , the cart should be checked automatically while sending the data, if there is a change send a message along with the cart.

  • i need a way to show the best brands on navbar categories, we make a new api or just find another way.

  • need api for about us (if there is any).

  • need api for FAQ (if there is any).

  • need api for return policy page (if there is any).

  • refresh token explanation, as i know they should live much longer than regular tokens.

  • Please Explain how many item types we do have ? what is a simple product with addons vs variant product with addons ?


  • Clean Cart

  • Brands Page

  • sort panel mobile

  • Deliver To Desktop

  • Add Product Comment

  • Category Children

  • Add Currency exchange Support

  • Maps invalid location support

  • fix inner html shitty google translate background

  • look into single product mobile loader

  • swiper item sale indicator

  • fix side cart menu

  • set selective pages for mobile nav bar

  • fix checkout mobile layout

  • fix snackbar width

  • Remove Viewed Items fix

  • fix side menu height

  • add country code to combine cart api

  • add country code to clean cart api


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