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alirezaahmadi committed May 10, 2022
1 parent 8c41af3 commit dcbe0dc
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Showing 2 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import rospy
from vs_nodeHandler import vs_nodeHandler

if __name__ == '__main__':
# initializing vs navigator node
rospy.init_node('vs_navigator', anonymous=False)
rospy.loginfo("#[VS] Visual_servoing navigator node running ...")

# instantiating navigator class
nodeHandler = vs_nodeHandler()

except KeyboardInterrupt:
rospy.logwarn("#[VS] Shutting down Phenobot Controller")
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from future.builtins import input

import rospy
import math
import cv2 as cv
import Camera as cam
import featureExtractor as fex
import Controller as vs_controller
import numpy as np
import time

from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import itertools

class vs_nodeHandler:

def __init__(self):

# subscribed Topics (Images of front and back camera)
front_topic = rospy.get_param('front_color_topic')
back_topic = rospy.get_param('back_color_topic')
self.sub_front_img = rospy.Subscriber(front_topic, Image, self.front_camera_callback, queue_size=1)
self.sub_back_img = rospy.Subscriber(back_topic, Image, self.back_camera_callback, queue_size=1)

# Initialize ros publisher, ros subscriber, topics we publish
self.graphic_pub = rospy.Publisher('vs_nav/graphic',Image, queue_size=1)
self.mask_pub = rospy.Publisher('vs_nav/mask',Image, queue_size=1)
self.exg_pub = rospy.Publisher('vs_nav/ExG',Image, queue_size=1)

cmd_vel_topic = rospy.get_param('cmd_vel_topic')
self.velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher(cmd_vel_topic, Twist, queue_size=1)

# cv bridge
self.bridge = CvBridge()

self.img_resize_scale = rospy.get_param('img_resize_scale')

# settings
# Mode 1: Driving forward with front camera (starting mode)
# Mode 2: Driving forward with back camera
# Mode 3: Driving backwards with back camera
# Mode 4: Driving backwards with front camera
self.navigationMode = rospy.get_param('navigationMode')
# debug mode without publishing velocities
self.stationaryDebug = rospy.get_param('stationaryDebug')
# speed limits
self.omegaScaler = rospy.get_param('omegaScaler')
self.maxOmega = rospy.get_param('maxOmega')
self.minOmega = rospy.get_param('minOmega')
self.maxLinearVel = rospy.get_param('maxLinearVel')
self.minLinearVel = rospy.get_param('minLinearVel')
# direction of motion 1: forward, -1:backward
self.linearMotionDir = 1
self.rotationDir = 1
# used to recoder direction of motion
self.omegaBuffer = list()
# true: front camera, False: back camera
self.primaryCamera = True
# switch process control parameters and settings
self.switchingMode = False
# counter of newly detected rows in switching process
self.newDetectedRows = 0
# buffer of detected keypoints to match for finding new rows
self.matchingKeypoints = []
# buffer of descriptor of detected keypoints
self.featureDescriptors = []
self.turnWindowWidth = 50
self.linesToPass = rospy.get_param('lines_to_pass')
self.max_matching_dif_features = rospy.get_param('max_matching_dif_features')
self.min_matching_dif_features = rospy.get_param('min_matching_dif_features')
self.smoothSize = 5 # Parameter for controlling the smoothing effect
# Threshold for keypoints
self.matching_keypoints_th = rospy.get_param('matching_keypoints_th')
# if there is no plant in the image
self.noPlantsSeen = False
self.nrNoPlantsSeen = 0

self.windowProp = {
"winSweepStart": rospy.get_param('winSweepStart'),
"winSweepEnd": rospy.get_param('winSweepEnd'),
"winMinWidth": rospy.get_param('winMinWidth'),
"winSize": rospy.get_param('winSize')
# in case of using bigger size image size, we suggest to set ROI
self.rioProp = {
"enable_roi": rospy.get_param('enable_roi'),
"p1": rospy.get_param('p1'),
"p2": rospy.get_param('p2'),
"p3": rospy.get_param('p3'),
"p4": rospy.get_param('p4'),
"p5": rospy.get_param('p5'),
"p6": rospy.get_param('p6'),
"p7": rospy.get_param('p7'),
"p8": rospy.get_param('p8')

self.fexProp = {
"min_contour_area": rospy.get_param('min_contour_area'),
"max_coutour_height": rospy.get_param('max_coutour_height')

# images
self.primary_img = []
self.frontImg = None
self.backImg = None

self.velocityMsg = Twist()
self.enoughPoints = True

# camera = cam.Camera(1,1.2,0,1,np.deg2rad(-80),0.96,0,0,1)
self.imageProcessor = fex.featureExtractor(self.windowProp, self.rioProp, self.fexProp)

rospy.loginfo("#[VS] navigator initialied ... ")

# Function to deal with the front image, called by the subscriber
def front_camera_callback(self, data):

# get and set new image from the ROS topic
self.frontImg = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='rgb8')
# get image size
self.imgSize = np.shape(self.frontImg)
# if the image is not empty, called by the subscriber
if self.frontImg is not None and self.backImg is not None:
# compute and publish robot controls if the image is currently used
if self.primaryCamera:

# Function to deal with the back image
def back_camera_callback(self, data):
# get and set new image from the ROS topic
self.backImg = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='rgb8')
# get image size
self.imgSize = np.shape(self.backImg)
# if the image is not empty
if self.frontImg is not None and self.backImg is not None:
# compute and publish robot controls if the image is currently used
if not self.primaryCamera:

# main function to guide the robot through crop rows
def navigate(self):
# get the currently used image
primaryImg = self.getProcessingImage(self.frontImg, self.backImg)
# set update props
# If the feature extractor is not initialized yet, this has to be done
if self.imageProcessor.isInitialized == False:
print("Initialize image processor unit...")

# this is only False if the initialization in 'setImage' was unsuccessful
if self.imageProcessor.isInitialized == False:
rospy.logwarn("The initialization was unsuccessful!! ")
# switch cameras
self.getProcessingImage(self.frontImg, self.backImg, switchCamera=True)
# if the robot is currently following a line and is not turning just compute the controls
if not self.switchingMode:
self.validPathFound, ctlCommands = self.computeControls()

# if the validPathFound is False (no lines are found)
if not self.validPathFound:
rospy.logwarn("no lines are found !! validPathFound is False")
# switch to next mode
if not self.stationaryDebug:
# if the mode is 2 or 4 one just switches the camera
if self.isExitingLane():
self.imageProcessor = fex.featureExtractor(self.windowProp, self.rioProp, self.fexProp)
self.getProcessingImage(self.frontImg, self.backImg, switchCamera=True)
# if the mode is 1 or 3 the robot follows rows
self.newDetectedRows = 0
self.switchingMode = True
self.velocityMsg = Twist()
self.velocityMsg.linear.x = 0.0
self.velocityMsg.linear.y = 0.0
self.velocityMsg.angular.z = 0.0
print("#[INF] Turning Mode Enabled!!")
# Compute the features for the turning and stop the movement
self.velocityMsg.linear.x = ctlCommands[0]
self.velocityMsg.linear.y = 0.0
self.velocityMsg.angular.z = ctlCommands[1]

# if the turning mode is enabled
# test if the condition for the row switching is fulfilled
newLaneFound, graphic_img = self.imageProcessor.matchTrackingFeatures(self.navigationMode)
if newLaneFound:
# the turn is completed and the new lines to follow are computed
self.navigationMode = fex.FeatureExtractor(self.windowProp, self.rioProp, self.fexProp)
self.switchingMode = False
self.velocityMsg = Twist()
self.velocityMsg.linear.x = 0.07 * self.linearMotionDir
self.velocityMsg.linear.y = 0.0
self.velocityMsg.angular.z = 0.0
print("#[INF] Turning Mode disabled, entering next rows")
# if the condition is not fulfilled the robot moves continouisly sidewards
self.velocityMsg = Twist()
self.velocityMsg.linear.x = 0.0
self.velocityMsg.linear.y = -0.08
self.velocityMsg.angular.z = 0.0
print("#[INF] Side motion to find New Row ...")

if not self.stationaryDebug:
# publish the commands to the robot
if self.velocityMsg is not None:

print("#[INF] m:",
"p-cam:", "front" if self.primaryCamera else "back",
round(self.velocityMsg.angular.z, 3))

# publish the modified image
graphic_img = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.imageProcessor.processedIMG, encoding='rgb8')

mask_msg = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(self.mask)
mask_msg.header.stamp =

exg_msg = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(self.imageProcessor.greenIDX)
exg_msg.header.stamp =

# updates navigation stagte (one higher or reset to 1 from > 4)
def updateNavigationStage(self):
self.navigationMode += 1
if self.navigationMode > 4:
self.navigationMode = 1
inputKey = input("#[INF] Press Enter to continue with mode:")
print("#[INF] Switched to mode ", self.navigationMode)

# condition of line existing action, modes 2, 4
def isExitingLane(self):
print("Exiting Lane with Rear camera")
return self.navigationMode == 2 or self.navigationMode == 4

# if following a lane, modes 1, 3
def isFollowingLane(self):
return self.navigationMode == 1 or self.navigationMode == 3

# Function to manage the control variable for the driving direction
def switchDirection(self):
self.linearMotionDir = -self.linearMotionDir
print("switched Direction of Motion ...", self.linearMotionDir)

# Function to manage the control variable for the driving rotation
def switchRotationDir(self):
self.rotationDir = -self.rotationDir
print("switched Direction of Rotation ...", self.rotationDir)

# Function to set the currently used image
def getProcessingImage(self, frontImg, backImg, switchCamera=False):
if switchCamera:
print("switch camera to the other ...")
# Function to manage the switching between the two cameras
self.primaryCamera = not self.primaryCamera
# The front image is used
if self.primaryCamera:
primaryImg = frontImg
# The back image is used
primaryImg = backImg
return primaryImg

# Function to compute the controls when following a crop row
def computeControls(self):
# extract features via the feature extractor
self.mask = self.imageProcessor.updateLinesAtWindows()
# Check if the end of the row is reached
# driving forward
if self.isFollowingLane():
print("Froward Motion ...", self.linearMotionDir)
if self.imageProcessor.pointsT < 2:
self.enoughPoints = False
# driving backwards
print("Backward Motion ...", self.linearMotionDir)
if self.imageProcessor.pointsB < 2:
self.enoughPoints = False

# if features are found and the end of the row is not reached yet
if self.imageProcessor.lineFound and self.enoughPoints:
print("line found -- compute controls...")
# extract the features
x = self.imageProcessor.P[0]
y = self.imageProcessor.P[1]
t = self.imageProcessor.ang
# define desired and actual feature vector
desiredFeature = np.array([0, self.imgSize[0]/2, 0])
actualFeature = np.array([x, y, t])
# compute controls
controls = vs_controller.Controller(,
# scale rotational velocity
omega = self.omegaScaler * controls * self.rotationDir
# set linear speed and direction
rho = 0.2 * self.linearMotionDir
# store the command in a cache
return True, [rho, omega]

# if no lines are found or the end of the row is reached
print("No line found -- End of Row")
if not self.enoughPoints:
rospy.loginfo("Reached the end of the row!")
rospy.loginfo("No lines found!")
# using the last known control
if len(self.omegaBuffer) == 0:
# straight exit
omega = 0.0
rho = 0.05 * self.linearMotionDir
return False, [rho, omega]

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