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switching updated - signal extraction
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alirezaahmadi committed May 18, 2022
1 parent c2c941a commit d6393eb
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Showing 4 changed files with 127 additions and 134 deletions.
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions configs/params.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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frontColor_topic: '/nav_front_rs/camera/color/image_raw'
frontDepth_topic: '/nav_front_rs/camera/depth/image_raw'
frontCameraInfo_topic: '/nav_front_rs/camera/color/camera_info'

backColor_topic: '/nav_back_rs/camera/color/image_raw'
backDepth_topic: '/nav_back_rs/camera/depth/image_raw'
backCameraInfo_topic: '/nav_back_rs/camera/color/camera_info'
Expand All @@ -14,63 +13,60 @@ backCameraInfo_topic: '/nav_back_rs/camera/color/camera_info'
# frontColor_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_front/color/image_raw'
# frontDepth_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_front/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw'
# frontCameraInfo_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_front/color/camera_info'

# backColor_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_back/color/image_raw'
# backDepth_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_back/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw'
# backCameraInfo_topic: '/phenobot/rs_nav_back/color/camera_info'

# in experiments of the paper we use neither odom nor IMU !
# using Odomtery
useOdom: False
odomTopic: /odometry/base_raw
# use IMU for maintaining orinetation
useImu: False
imuTopic: /imu/orientation
# simulation
cmd_vel_topic: /phenobot/twist_mux/cmd_vel
# thorvlad
# cmd_vel_topic: /twist_mux/cmd_vel

# node params
update rate: 30
queue_size: 5

# processed image size scale
imgResizeRatio: 100
# for filtering contours
minContourArea: 10

# stationary debug mode, (without publishing velocity)
stationaryDebug: False
# run time params
# Mode 1: Driving forward with front camera (starting mode)
# Mode 2: Driving forward with back camera
# Mode 3: Driving backwards with back camera
# Mode 4: Driving backwards with front camera
navigationMode: 2

# angular velocity scaler
maxOmega: 0.05
minOmega: 0.01
omegaScaler: 0.1
maxLinearVel: 0.5
minLinearVel: 0.01

# Parameter for setting the number of rows to pass in one switch
linesToPass: 1
# Max Offset of the Window for extracting the turn features
maxMatchingDifference: 100
# Min Offset of the Window for extracting the turn features
minMatchingDifference: 0
# Threshold for keypoints
matchingKeypointsNum: 10

minKeypointNum: 10
# scanner window params
scanSteps: 5
scanStartPoint: 0
scanEndPoint: 1280
scanWindowWidth: 128

# tracker params
trackingBoxWidth: 200
topOffset: 0
bottomOffset: 0
sacleRatio: 0.4

# for dividing bushy rows
maxCoutourHeight: 120
# in case of using bigger size image size, we suggest to set ROI
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173 changes: 82 additions & 91 deletions scripts/
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import itertools
import copy
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

class featureMatching:
def __init__(self, featureParams):
self.featureParams = featureParams
self.simDistVec= []
self.meanVec = []
self.count = 0

def sampleCropRowFeatures(self, mode, rgbImg, greenIDx, mask, wLocs):
_greenIDx = greenIDx.copy()
def sampleCropRowFeatures(self, mode, rgbImg, greenIDx, binaryMask, wLocs):
_rgbImg = rgbImg.copy()
_rgbImgMasked = np.zeros(np.shape(_rgbImg), np.uint8)

# get the correct window depending on the current mode
rowId = None
if mode == 3:
rowId = 0
rowId = -1
self.refWindowLoc = wLocs[rowId]
# int_coords = lambda x: np.array(x).round().astype(np.int32)
# exterior = np.array([int_coords(wLocs[rowId].exterior.coords)])
# bboxImg = self.cropBboxFromImage(_greenIDx, exterior)
idx = (mask!=0)
_rgbImgMasked[idx] = _rgbImg[idx]
self.refKeypoints, self.refDescriptors = self.detectTrackingFeatures(_rgbImgMasked)

self.drawKeyPoints(_rgbImg, self.refKeypoints)

def detectNewCropRow(self, mode, greenIDx, mask, wLocs):
# get masked rgb Image (ExG masked)
rgbMasked = self.maskRgb(rgbImg, binaryMask)
# detect keypoints in image
self.refKeypoints, self.refDescriptors = self.detectTrackingFeatures(rgbMasked)
# filter out features in desired window location
self.refKeypoints, self.refDescriptors = self.filterKeypoints(self.refKeypoints,
# draw keypoints on rgb Image
self.drawKeyPoints(_rgbImg, self.refKeypoints, [255,0,0])

def detectNewCropLane(self, mode, rgbImg, greenIDx, binaryMask, wLocs, numofCropRows):
_rgbImg = rgbImg.copy()
# get masked rgb Image (ExG masked)
rgbMasked = self.maskRgb(rgbImg, binaryMask)
# find new crop rows and compare to old ones!
# self.matchTrackingFeatures()
return False, None

# extract keypoints and descriptors from new detected line
srcKeypoints, srcDescriptors = self.detectTrackingFeatures(rgbMasked)
# filter in desired window
windowLoc = self.refWindowLoc
# filter out features in desired window location
srcKeypoints, srcDescriptors = self.filterKeypoints(srcKeypoints, srcDescriptors, windowLoc)
# find matches between ref and src keypoints
matches = self.matchTrackingFeatures(srcKeypoints, srcDescriptors)
# if not that indicates that the window is between two lines
print(self.count, len(matches))

# draw keypoints on rgb Image
self.drawKeyPoints(_rgbImg, srcKeypoints, [0,255,0])

self.simDistVec = list(self.simDistVec)

peaks = []
if self.count > 100:
self.simDistVec = np.negative(self.simDistVec)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(self.simDistVec, prominence=2, height=-5)
pickPoses = [self.simDistVec[p] for p in peaks]
plt.plot(peaks, pickPoses , "x")
plt.plot(np.zeros_like(self.simDistVec), "--", color="gray")

return len(peaks) == numofCropRows

def maskRgb(self, rgbImg, mask):
maskedRgb = np.zeros(np.shape(rgbImg), np.uint8)
idx = (mask!=0)
maskedRgb[idx] = rgbImg[idx]
return maskedRgb

def cropBboxFromImage(self, image, bbox):
imgWHeight, imgWidth = np.shape(image)
Expand All @@ -50,15 +95,25 @@ def cropBboxFromImage(self, image, bbox):
# cv.destroyAllWindows()
return bboxImg

def drawKeyPoints(self, rgbImg, keyPoints):
def filterKeypoints(self, keyPoints, descriptors, polygon):
filteredKeypoints = []
filteredDescriptors = []
for kp, des in itertools.izip(keyPoints, descriptors):
if polygon.contains(Point([0],[1])):
return filteredKeypoints, filteredDescriptors

def drawKeyPoints(self, rgbImg, keyPoints, color=[0, 0, 255], imShow=False):
for kp in keyPoints:
ptX =[0]
ptY =[1]
rgbImg[int(ptY)-3:int(ptY)+3, int(ptX) -
3:int(ptX)+3] = [0, 0, 255]
cv.imshow("test", rgbImg)
3:int(ptX)+3] = color
if imShow:
cv.imshow("test", rgbImg)
return rgbImg

def detectTrackingFeatures(self, greenIDX):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,90 +142,26 @@ def detectTrackingFeatures(self, greenIDX):
for kp, desc in itertools.izip(keyPointsRaw, descriptorsRaw):

print(len(matchingKeypoints), " Key Points in the first window were detected")
return matchingKeypoints, featureDescriptors

def matchTrackingFeatures(self, greenIDX, refDescriptors):
def matchTrackingFeatures(self, srcKeypoints, srcDescriptors):
"""Function to compute the features in the second window
# Initiate SIFT detector
sift = cv.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
# get sift key points
keyPointsRaw, descriptorsRaw = sift.detectAndCompute(greenIDX, None)
keyPtsCurr = []
descriptorsCurr = []
# get the correct window depending on the current mode
if mode == 3:
windowLoc = self.wLocs[1]
windowLoc = self.wLocs[-2]
# maintain the keypoints lying in the second window
for kp, desc in itertools.izip(keyPointsRaw, descriptorsRaw):
ptX =[0]
ptY =[1]
# if the computed keypoint is in the second window keep it
if ptX > (windowLoc - self.turnWindowWidth) and ptX < (windowLoc + self.turnWindowWidth):
if ptY > self.max_matching_dif_features and ptY < (self.imgWidth - self.min_matching_dif_features):
# plot the key Points in the current image
int(ptX)-3:int(ptX)+3] = [255, 0, 0]

# Check if there's a suitable number of key points
good = []
if len(keyPtsCurr) > self.matching_keypoints_th:
qualifiedMatches = []
if len(srcKeypoints) > self.featureParams["minKeypointNum"]:
# compute the matches between the key points
index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
search_params = dict(checks=50)
flann = cv.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
matches = flann.knnMatch(np.asarray(
refDescriptors, np.float32), np.asarray(descriptorsCurr, np.float32), k=2)

self.refDescriptors, np.float32), np.asarray(srcDescriptors, np.float32), k=2)
# search for good matches (Lowes Ratio Test)
for m, n in matches:
if m.distance < 0.8*n.distance:

# if not that indicates that the window is between two lines
print('Not enough key points for matching for the ',
self.nrNoPlantsSeen, ' time')
self.nrNoPlantsSeen += 1
print('# no plants seen:', self.nrNoPlantsSeen)
if self.nrNoPlantsSeen > self.smoothSize:
self.noPlantsSeen = True
# cv bridge
self.bridge = CvBridge()
# publish processed image
rosIMG = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.primaryImg, encoding='rgb8')
self.numVec[self.count] = len(good)
self.count += 1
if self.count > self.smoothSize:
self.meanVec[self.count] = sum(

# if the smoothed mean is descending the first row has passed the second window
if self.meanVec[self.count] < self.meanVec[self.count-1] and self.meanVec[self.count] > self.matching_keypoints_th and self.noPlantsSeen:
self.cnt += 1
if self.cnt >= self.matching_keypoints_th:
self.newDetectedRows += 1
# if enough rows are passed
if self.newDetectedRows == self.featureParams["linesToPass"]:
self.cnt = 0
print("All rows passed")
return True, rosIMG
print(self.newDetectedRows, " row(s) passed")
self.cnt = 0
# compute the new features in the new first window
return False, rosIMG
print("No row passed, continuing")
return False, rosIMG
print("No row passed, continuing")
return False, rosIMG
print('Not enough key points for matching for matching')

return qualifiedMatches
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions scripts/
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from featureMatching import *
from movingVariance import *

class imageProc:
def __init__(self, scannerParams, contourParams, roiParams, trackerParams):
"""# class FeatureExtractor to extract the the line Features: bottom point, angle
Expand All @@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ def __init__(self, scannerParams, contourParams, roiParams, trackerParams):

def reset(self):
self.count = 0
self.pointsInTop = 0
self.pointsInBottom = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ def findLinesInImage(self):
xM, xB = getLineRphi(ptsFlip)
t_i, b_i = lineIntersectImgUpDown(xM, xB, self.imgHeight)
l_i, r_i = lineIntersectImgSides(xM, xB, self.imgHeight)
print("row ID:", boxIdx, t_i, b_i, l_i, r_i )
# print("row ID:", boxIdx, t_i, b_i, l_i, r_i )
# if the linefit does not return None and the line-image intersections
# are within the image bounds
if xM is not None and b_i >= 0 and b_i <= self.imgWidth:
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