Dummy Wallet app with deposit\withdraw\balance methods.
Prerequisites: docker
Run: ./gradlew :app:bootRun
CLI test harness to wallet
Run: ./gradlew :cli:bootRun --args '1 1 1'
where args:
- number of concurrent users emulated
- number of concurrent requests a user will make
- number of rounds each thread is executing
Assuming that concurrent access to the account is not common case, server relies on the optimistic locking for solving this problem:
message will be returned to a client.
It's up to client how to deal with it. CLI-harness in this project will retry operations on stale_state
ghz command line benchmarking utility was used for performance testing.
Example configs may be found in ghz-config
Run: ghz-config> ./ghz --config deposit.json
Results on dev machine:
- balance request ~2000 RPS
- deposit\withdraw request ~700 RPS