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QA Automation

QA assignments are fun and opportunity to learn a lot of stuff!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


System prerequisites :

  1. Maven
  2. Java JDK 8
  3. Setup system variables
  4. Your favorite IDE

Application/project prerequisites :

  1. Import project from git and build as maven project
  2. In "./src/main/resources/config/" file get your git personal token added/replaced
  3. In "./src/test/resources/testdata" folder - add files which you want to validate - remember the file name
  4. Download machine suitable chromedriver.exe file and replace it with the one at, please keep the name same - ./src/test/resources/chrome/chromedriver.exe
Git personal token can be generated at -
Chrome driver exes are available at -


To run the tests in ./src/test/resources/features:

PART 1 : File Test(@FileTest) If you have added new files please replace "Invalid.txt"(file name) in the feature file "FileTest.feature" with your file name.

  Scenario: TC01 verify each value for given range
    Given user has a file as "Invalid.txt"
    When value for each line is in between upper limit "500" and lower limit "100" inclusive
    Then the file is "valid"

PART 2 : UI Test(@Test1_VerifySearchByCityName) You can add city of your choice, similar to other cities as shown below in "UITest.Feature" and enjoy the test

Scenario Outline: Home page navigation to "<city name>" hostels
    Given user is on hostelworld homepage
    When user enters city name as "<city name>"
    And selects the same from list
    And clicks on search button
    Then the hostels loaded are for same "<city name>" city

      | city name |
      | Mumbai    |
      | Cork      |
      | Mumbai    |
      | New Delhi |
      | New York  |
      | London    |

PART 3 : API Test(@API_Test) As per prerequisites check you have added your personal token. Also check access to url :

PART 4 : Integration of PART 1 with Travis CI is completed and build status is shown at top of this page.

Running the tests

  1. Everything at once:

You can run ./src/test/java/cucumberRunner/ as JUnit test - (as the tags line is commented it will take all feature files and will execute it) OR In terminal run : mvn clean test -Dorg.freemarker.loggerLibrary=none

  1. Tag wise:

Use appropriate tag as mentioned in above section to run it one by one. OR In terminal run : mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @FileTest" -Dorg.freemarker.loggerLibrary=none

Reports and logs

Results of test cases :

  • PART 1 : File Test(@FileTest) - File wise log file at ./target/reports/logs
  • PART 2 : UI Test(@Test1_VerifySearchByCityName) - City wise html report with screenshot at ./target/reports
  • PART 3 : API Test(@API_Test) - Log file detailing steps and API calls at ./target/reports/logs

Built With


  • Priyanka Adsul - Assignment work - AdsulPri

Contributors list here is misleading and purely a result of using same .gitconfig without change, this project owned and developed by author alone!


  • Regards : Google
  • Inspiration and thanks : HostelWorld QA assignment