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Last Updated: 06/21/2024


This repo contains files for a data frames benchmark. Currently, the data frame pacakges tested include R data.table, Python Polars, R DuckDB, Python Pandas, and R Collapse.

All of the packages are installed as recommended. I'm using Windows 10 OS. If anyone wants to run these on MAC or Linux, please share your results and I will display them. Lastly, I'm running this locally, not on cloud.

The datasets utilized replicates a real world example of a beverage company's data, for 1M, 10M, 100M, and 1B records. The datasets include a date variable, four group variables, and four numeric variables. The benchmark tests each dataset, using the Date variables, then adds additional group variables, and then repeats that with additional numeric variables, for each of the datasets.

Last, but not least, I run the R scripts in RStudio and the Python scripts in vscode.

Current Frameworks Tested

  • R data.table: v1.15.99
  • R Collapse: v.2.0.15
  • R DuckDB: v1.0.0
  • Python Polars: v1.0.0
  • Python Pandas: v2.2.2

Current Operations

  • Aggregation
  • Melt
  • Cast
  • Windowing (lags)
  • Union
  • Left Join
  • Inner Join
  • Filter

Dataset Attributes

Common attributes across datasets:

  • Brand: 13 levels
  • Category: 6 levels
  • Beverage Flavor: 21 levels
  • Four numeric variables
  • One Date Variable

1M Rows Data

  • Customer: 99 levels

10M Rows Data

  • Customer: 1071 levels

100M Rows Data

  • Customer: 10793 levels

1Bn Rows Data

  • Customer: 108017 levels

Machine Specs

  • Windows 10 OS
  • Memory: 256GB
  • CPU: 32 cores / 64 threads
  • AMD Ryzen CPU

Replicate Benchmarks

Aggregation Sum

Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run AggSum_datatable.R
  • Run AggSum_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_AggSum
  • Done!


Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run Melt_datatable.R
  • Run Melt_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_Melt
  • Done!


Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run Cast_datatable.R
  • Run Cast_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_Cast
  • Done!

Windowing (lags)

Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run Lags_datatable.R
  • Run Lags_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_Lags
  • Done!


Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run Union_datatable.R
  • Run Union_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_Union
  • Done!

Left Join

Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run LeftJoin_datatable.R
  • Run LeftJoin_collapse.R
  • Run LeftJoin_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_LeftJoin
  • Done!

Inner Join

Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run InnerJoin_datatable.R
  • Run InnerJoin_collapse.R
  • Run InnerJoin_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_InnerJoin
  • Done!


Click here to see steps
  • Fork the repo and clone it to your local machine
  • Modify the Path variable at the top of each script to reflect your file location
  • Run FakeBevDataBuilds.R to generate the benchmarking datasets
  • Run Filter_datatable.R
  • Run Filter_collapse.R
  • Run Filter_DuckDB.R
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run CombineResults_Filter
  • Done!

Benmark Results

In the plots below the x-axis "Experiments" shows four letters with numbers in front of them. This is what they mean:

  • M: millions of rows
  • N: number of numeric variables
  • D: number of date variables
  • G: number of additional group variables

Sum Aggregation

Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results


Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results

With DuckDB

Without DuckDB


Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results

Windowing (lags)

Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results

With DuckDB

Without DuckDB

With DuckDB

Without DuckDB


Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results

Left Join

Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results

Inner Join

Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results


Total Run Time

Click here to see detailed results


Compare run times for various data frame packages







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