Capture the Flag Club (the "Club") represents the University of Adelaide’s cyber-security talent in the form of a centralised platform, providing resources and managing a student-led collaborative environment to individuals of the Club ("Members"). Additionally, the Club serves as an outlet for applying the cyber-security skills taught in courses offered by the University of Adelaide through Capture the Flag competitions ("CTFs"). The Club's governing body (the "Committee") and individuals who serve on it ("Office Bearers"), manage and provide support to our competitive Capture the Flag team (the "Team") and all members of the Club, in addition to their responsibilities. The primary objective of the Club is to educate Members, oversee competitive CTF events, and to satisfy the demand for a competitive CTF team representing South Australian tertiary students.
The above services provided by the Club to Members are collectively referred to as "Membership".
Any participating Member of the Club is considered a part of the Team, and are subject to the same conditions of participation. The Committee reserves the right to revoke Membership at any time.
"AdelaideB9" is the name of the Team. While the Team is managed by the Club, it is not formally affiliated with YouX.
In the future, the Club may manage multiple teams, or change the official names of existing teams. These changes must be made with the oversight of the Office Bearers.
The Club exists to support the Team. The Team competes primarily in CTFs and other cyber-security activities that are external to the University of Adelaide.
Events hosted by the Team may be done in conjunction with the Club, For example, practice CTFs that may be held on university grounds.
- References to 'The Union' refer to YouX
- 'Committee Member' means a Member who holds a position on the Committee
- 'General Meeting' means a general meeting of all Members of the Club convened in accordance with this Constitution
- 'AGM' means the Annual General Meeting
- 'SGM' means a Special General Meeting
- 'Authorised Officer' means a staff member with responsibility for the Clubs (or equivalent) area
- 'Net Assets', in the case that the Club dissolves or winds up, means the residual amount remaining after all outstanding expenses are paid
The Club will be registered with YouXf, and will renew registration as required.
- The Club shall operate on a not-for-profit basis.
- Funds raised by the Club shall be applied exclusively to the promotion of its objects and no portion shall be paid or distributed directly or indirectly to Members or their associates except as genuine remuneration of a Member for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.
Membership shall be open to all interested students of the University of Adelaide, and other Members as determined by the Club.
A minimum of 50% of the total number of Members must be students from the University of Adelaide.
Members may freely join the Club, provided they meet the requirements regarding Membership and have paid a membership fee as determined at the beginning of the academic year by the Committee.
A Member may resign from Membership of the Club by giving written notice to the Committee or by using the Club's digital platform.
Subject to allowing a Member to be heard or to make a written submission, the Committee may expel a Member upon a charge of misconduct detrimental to the interests of the Club, the University of Adelaide, or the Union and its affiliates.
The Secretary will maintain a register of members, including name, contact details, and student number where relevant.
The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Club between General Meetings.
The Committee has the management and control of the assets of the Club.
The authority to interpret the meaning of the Constitution, and any matter on which the Constitution is silent, shall be vested in the Committee, subject to ratification at a General Meeting of the Club. Any interpretations must be made on majority agreement amongst committee members.
The Committee shall meet at least once per each academic term, either online or in-person, and outcomes must be minuted.
The Committee shall be comprised of the eight Office Bearers: the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Events Manager, the Social Media Manager, the Team Manager, and two General Committee members.
The Office Bearers of the Club consist of:
The President, who shall:
- Be responsible for chairing all meetings of the Club and the Committee.
- Be the spokesperson for the Club.
- Oversee the activities of the Club.
- Be a student at the University of Adelaide.
The Secretary, who shall:
- Be responsible for calling and minuting all meetings of the Club.
- Perform the roles of the President if they are not present.
- Maintaining the membership register.
The Treasurer, who shall:
- Be responsible for maintaining the Club's financial accounts.
- Be a student at the University of Adelaide.
The Events Manager, who shall:
- Be responsible for scheduling events.
- Be responsible for coordinating reservations.
- Delegate work for events among committee members and volunteers.
- Inform the Social Media Manager of upcoming events.
The Social Media Manager, who shall:
- Be responsible for maintaining all social media accounts.
- Advertise upcoming club events on all applicable social media (including the AdelaideB9 website and Discord).
- Overseeing photography at in-person events.
The Team Manager, who shall:
- Manage the "HackTheBox" team and the "CTFTime" team.
- Enrol the AdelaideB9 team(s) into specific CTFs, advertising this on the AdelaideB9 Discord and website, and admitting interested members to these teams.
General Committee, who shall:
- Be assigned to jobs by either the committee or themselves as required.
Any change in hands for the positions of President or Treasurer must be registered with YouX within ten (10) working days.
The office of a Committee Member shall become vacant when:
- A letter of resignation, stating the effective date of such resignation, is forwarded to the Club's Secretary.
- The Committee Member fails to attend three (3) Committee meetings without a leave of absence being granted.
- A vote for the removal of the Committee Member is supported by a two-thirds majority of Members at a Special General Meeting. The Committee Member(s) concerned shall be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to present their case in person or in writing at any meeting in which such a vote will take place.
In the event of a committee role becoming vacant, an SGM must be held within the three months following to elect a replacement (I made that time-limit up arbitrarily)
Any Member who does not abide by these conditions, at the discretion of the Club, will result in instant disqualification of membership. This includes:
- Breaching the allowed scope of engagement (digital and/or physical) for any CTF.
- Derogatory or disuniting remarks towards an entity, body, or individual.
- Using the name or logo of the Club, the Team or the University of Adelaide without permission from an Office Bearer.
Suspicion of election tampering can be raised by any member within the fortnight following an election.
Disqualification of a member includes disqualification from acting as a committee member, voting in committee elections, and participating in Club events and activities.
Reason for termination must be documented upon disqualification by the Committee.
General Meetings are conducted whenever a decision is to be made by all Club Memebers, and is dedicated for important decisions that concern the entire Club.
Annual, Special and General Meetings, open to all Members, are to be the primary decision making bodies of the Club.
Decisions of a General Meeting of the club shall be binding on the Committee.
A quorum for a General Meeting of the Club shall be ten members of the Club.
If a quorum is not present within half an hour of the scheduled time of commencement of a General Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later time and notice duly given.
Seven (7) days notice shall be given to Members for an AGM or SGM. The notice shall set out where and when the meeting will be held, and particulars of the nature and order of the business to be transacted at the meeting.
Seven (7) days notice of an AGM or SGM must be given to the YouX Clubs Administrator.
Notice of General Meetings must be given to all Members in writing.
The minutes and all details from an AGM or SGM need to be registered with YouX Clubs within ten (10) working days.
The AGM of the Club must be held within 18 months after the formation of the Club, and thereafter by October each year.
The following business is to be considered at the AGM:
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM and any SGMs held in the intervening time
- President’s report, Treasurer’s report, and reports from other Office Bearers if required
- Presentation of the financial statement for the previous financial year
- Election of the Committee
- Determination of the annual membership fees for the following academic year
- General business
SGMs may be called by the Committee or a petition of one-third of the total membership of the Club for the resolution of specific business.
Such a petition or decision shall specify the reasons for the SGM, and these reasons shall be advised to members in their meeting notification.
Business at the SGM shall be restricted to the business specified in the notification.
Club funds exist to support the activities of the Team and the success of its members.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain proper books and accounts accurately showing the financial affairs of the Club.
All payments and reimbursements shall be firstly approved and authorised by the Committee or at a General Meeting of the Club.
Upon request by an Authorised Officer of YouX, the Treasurer shall provide a report on the finances and transactions of the Club.
Through majority rule, a clear agreement is to be made by all participants prior to any events pertaining to the distribution of event prizes. In all other situations, prizes will become the property of the Team, and may be held by the Club.
If the Club at any point ceases to operate, the Team is to dissociate from the Club and the University of Adelaide at the discretion of the remaining active members. In this event, the assets that were accumulated independently from YouX and/or The University of Adelaide (such as grants or monetary aid) will be given to the team and removed from the Net Assets.
Following the dissolution of the Club, Net Assets are transferred to YouX. This is the role of the Treasurer in communication with the Executive Committee.
Alterations or amendments to this Constitution shall be made only at an AGM or SGM, duly called in accordance with the procedures of the Constitution, and must be carried by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the Members present at the meeting.
Notices of intention to alter or amend the Constitution must be sent to all Members at least seven (7) days prior to the date at which the meeting will be held to consider such alterations.
Any changes to this Constitution shall be registered with YouX within ten (10) working days, including:
- The updated Constitution
- An outline of the changes
I certify that this is a true and correct copy of the Constitution of the Capture the Flag Club as adopted at the AGM of the club held on the 9 of Feb, 2024.
President Sidney Bruneder
Secretary Kei Li
Treasurer Rowan Fimmano
Events Manager Carlos Garcia
Social Media Manager Jacob Penglis
Team Manager William Johnston
General Committee James Hutchins, Gautam Das