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Blaze 🚀

Use Blaze

Blaze, is a tool built to automate development, with blaze, you can open multiple softwares at once, terminals (powershell, cmd), you can also open multiple chrome tabs also. With blaze, you can open multiple softwares with a single click by launching the software. Blaze was and will be one of my favourite app on the windows OS.

About Blaze 🤔

I built Blaze about 2 years ago when I was still using my Elder sis PC to write codes, then my primary language was PHP. It was quite fustrating to open VsCode, Chrome tabs, Xampp or Wampp Server and other softwares I use for development. So I thought of a way to automate the process of opening all these softwares at once, then I came up with Blaze. Blaze was built with PHP and Batch Script. Blaze was built to help developers and non developers to open multiple softwares at once.

Technologies 🖥️

  1. PHP (Frontend & Backend)
  2. Bootstrap & CSS
  3. Batch Script
  4. Jquery
  5. SweetAlert2
  6. ThreeDots Loader
  7. Animate CSS
  8. Ajax (For form submission and API Request)

How It Works 🧠

Although, if I were to build something like this now, I wouldn't use this approach because I've learned a lot between when I build Blaze and now. Blaze works by collecting the user preference though a form, then the form data is sent to the server, the server then process the data and save it to a Batch File. The batch file is downloaded with a Blaze.exe together in a .zip file, after unzipping there is a Blaze.exe that once executed, it will run the Blaze.bat script, which will open the softwares and open the chrome tabs as specified by the user or any other configurations the user entered when filling the form.

Contribution 🤝

Every form of contrubition is welcome, although I'm not making updates to this project any time soon, but if you have any idea on how to improve this project, you can fork the project and make the changes, then create a pull request. I'll be happy to merge the changes.

Special Thanks 🙏

Special thanks to Robinson Honour for his hosting platform. PXXl Space. Pxxl space is a platform that provides 100% free web hosting services. You should totally check them out, they are shipping some cool stuffs. PXXl Space. You can also check blaze here Blaze Website

Authors 🧑‍🦰

  1. Adedoyin Emmanuel Adeniyi That's Me 😄

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