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Adamo Orsini edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Welcome Bot Docs! ✨

This page outlines the documentation sections and gives an introduction to the bot if you're new here.

The Welcome bot plays a unique theme song for each user when they enter a voice channel!

Table of Contents

Quick Setup

  1. Add the bot to your Discord server using this link.
  2. Use the slash command / in any text channel to see what commands are available.
  3. Enjoy! ✌️

Visit Setup for complete setup instructions.

What does this bot even do?

After setting your theme song, the bot will welcome you with the theme song you gave it, with the duration you choose!

Theme Song Bot Demo

How do I use it?

  • Use /set <theme-song> <duration> to set a theme song that will play when you join a voice channel.
    • <theme-song> should be a public or unlisted YouTube link. It may also be a YouTube search query, but it's less accurate.
    • <duration> is optional. Choose any whole or decimal number between 1 and 20. The theme song will play for that many seconds!

Visit the Usage section for full usage.

Thanks for the support and enjoy! ❤️

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