Currency-Converter Public
This converter allows users to input an amount in one currency and select another currency to see the converted amount.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 26, 2023 -
StonePaperScissors Public
This is a basic Stone-Paper-Scissors game where the user can click on buttons to make a choice, and the computer randomly selects its choice. The winner is determined based on the rules of the gameβ¦
JavaScript UpdatedDec 26, 2023 -
Tic-Tac-Toe Public
This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game with an HTML structure, styling with CSS, and game logic with JavaScript. The game allows two players to take turns, displays the winner or a tie, and provides a bβ¦
JavaScript UpdatedDec 26, 2023 -
Login-And-Register-page Public
The login and register system allows users to securely access a web application by providing their credentials. The system includes separate forms for login and registration, enhancing the user expβ¦
CSS UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -
3D-navbar Public
The 3D navbar is designed to enhance the user experience by incorporating three-dimensional effects into the navigation bar. This interactive and visually appealing navbar provides a modern touch tβ¦
CSS UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -
logo-quize Public
The Logo Quiz is a game where players are presented with a series of logos, and they have to guess the brand or company associated with each logo.
Python UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -