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Cross-Platform C# Framework to automate tests using Selenium WebDriver

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Test Framework was designed in Objectivity to propose a common way how people should create Selenium WebDriver tests.

Project API documentation can be found here:

It provides the following features:

  • .NET Frameworks 4.7.2 and .NET 6.0 supported
  • Cross-Platform Windows, Linux and macOS systems supported
  • Supports continuous integration tools like Azure DevOps, Teamcity, Jenkins and others.
  • Ready for parallel tests execution, more details here
  • Possibility to use MSTest, NUnit or xUNIT framework
  • Specflow ready
  • Written entirely in C#
  • Contains example projects how to use it
  • Allows using Chrome, Firefox, Edge Chromium, Safari or Internet Explorer
  • Overrides browser profile preferences, pass arguments to browsers, installs browser extensions, loading default firefox profile, Headless mode, more details here
  • Extends Webdriver by additional methods like JavaScriptClick, WaitForAjax, WaitForAngular, etc., more details here
  • Automatically waits when locating element for specified time and conditions, GetElement method instead of Selenium FindElement, more details here
  • Page Object Pattern
  • Support for SeleniumGrid, Cross browser parallel test execution with SauceLab, TestingBot and Browserstack more details here, Advanced Browser Capabilities and Options more details here
  • More common locators, e.g: "//*[@title='{0}' and @ms.title='{1}']", more details here
  • Verify - asserts without stop tests, more details here
  • Measures average and 90 Percentile action times, more details here
  • DataDriven tests from Xml, Csv and Excel files for NUnit and Xml, Csv for MSTest with examples, more details NUnit, MsTest
  • Possibility to take full desktop (only .NET Framework), save page source, more details here
  • Visual Testing - browser screenshot of the element, more details here
  • Logging with NLog, EventFiringWebDriver logs, more details here
  • Files downloading (Firefox, Chrome), more details here
  • Possibility to send SQL or MDX queries (only .NET Framework)
  • Possibility of debugging framework installed from nuget package with sourcelink, more details here.
  • AngularJS support, more details here.
  • Possibility to check for JavaScript errors from the browser, more details here.
  • Instruction on how to run Ocaramba tests with Docker container, more details here.
  • ExtentReports support, more details here.

For all documentation, visit the Ocaramba Wiki.

Projects examples of using Test Framework :

  • Ocaramba.Tests.Angular for AngularJS
  • Ocaramba.Tests.Features for Specflow
  • Ocaramba.Tests.MsTest for MsTest
  • Ocaramba.Tests.NUnit for NUnit
  • Ocaramba.Tests.NUnitExtentReports for NUnit featuring test execution HTML report based on ExtentReports framework
  • Ocaramba.Tests.xUnit for xUnit
  • Ocaramba.Tests.PageObjects for Page Object Pattern
  • Ocaramba.Documentation.shfbproj for building API documentation
  • Ocaramba.Tests.CloudProviderCrossBrowser for cross browser parallel test execution with BrowserStack\SauceLabs\TestingBot\SeleniumGrid
  • Ocaramba.UnitTests for unit test of framework

NUnit Example Test:

namespace Ocaramba.Tests.NUnit.Tests
    using global::NUnit.Framework;

    using Ocaramba.Tests.PageObjects.PageObjects.TheInternet;

    public class JavaScriptAlertsTestsNUnit : ProjectTestBase
        public void ClickJsAlertTest()
            var internetPage = new InternetPage(this.DriverContext).OpenHomePage();
            var jsAlertsPage = internetPage.GoToJavaScriptAlerts();
            Assert.AreEqual("You successfuly clicked an alert", jsAlertsPage.ResultText);

NUnit Example Page Object:

namespace Ocaramba.Tests.PageObjects.PageObjects.TheInternet
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;

    using NLog;

    using Ocaramba;
    using Ocaramba.Extensions;
    using Ocaramba.Types;
    using Ocaramba.Tests.PageObjects;

    public class InternetPage : ProjectPageBase
        private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

        /// <summary>
        /// Locators for elements
        /// </summary>
        private readonly ElementLocator
            linkLocator = new ElementLocator(Locator.CssSelector, "a[href='{0}']");

        public InternetPage(DriverContext driverContext) : base(driverContext)

        public JavaScriptAlertsPage GoToJavaScriptAlerts()
            return new JavaScriptAlertsPage(this.DriverContext);

Where to start?

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  • Ocaramba NuGet Badge
  • OcarambaLite NuGet Badge - lighten version without selenium drivers

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