Hi there! I'm Ankur Nagila, a Member of the Technical Staff with a passion for Android and Java backend. I love working on projects that involve new things to learn , and I'm always eager to learn new things and tackle interesting challenges.
- Programming Languages: Python, C++ , Java
- Frameworks & Libraries: Flutter , Jetpack Compose , Firebase
- Tools & Platforms: Git, Docker, AWS
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL
- [Achievement or Contribution]: Participated in Plenty of coding events including Code Chef Long, Google KickStart, IEEE Xtreme, etc with a good score.
- [Publication or Talk]: I wrote some articles for my Organization for topics C++ , Java and Android.
- [Open Source Contribution]: Hacktober Fest Contribution 2020 - 2022
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankur-nagila-3bbb91185/
- Email: [email protected]
I'm currently focused on learning more about Android or Java Backend and am exploring Docker, Kubernetics and etc. Feel free to check out my repositories and get in touch if you'd like to collaborate on something exciting!
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. I look forward to connecting with you and exploring new opportunities!