A Discord Bot made for self hosting and customization.
- Simple functions/commands
- If the user inputs a command, the bot sends a fixed response
- !ping => Pong!
- !fun => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZFwMwQdvQM
- !about => @ADarkHero ist schon 1 nicer dude.
- Server admins are able to add simple commands via Discord (!addcommand)
- !addcommand commandNameInOneWord What should the command display?
- If the user inputs a command, the bot sends a fixed response
- Pen&Paper / RPG / DSA
- Flip a coin (!cf)
- Roll a single dice (!d20, !d6, !d12 etc.)
- Roll multiple dice (!2d20, !4d6, !2d12 etc.)
- Roll multiple dice and manipulate them (!2d20+8, !4d8-5, !2d12*2 etc.)
- Roll a dice for a specific talent/spell in "Das Schwarze Auge / The Black Eye" [currently only in Germany] (!dsa Kochen, !dsa Sinnenschärfe etc.)
- There is also the possibility to list all dsa talents.
- Calculate a dsa crit, that multiplies the number by 1,5 (!crit 20, !crit 15, !crit 6 etc.)
- Random loot (!randomloot) with different rarities (!lootrarity) [currently only in German]
- Ideas for interesting characters (!characterIdea)
- League of Legends
- Show meta builds for league champions (!lol Ashe, !lol Lux, !lol Gnar etc.)
- Youtube
- Display a Youtube video, based on user inputs (!yt All Star, !yt asdf etc.)
- Spotify
- Display a Spotify song, based on user inputs (!spotify All Star, !spotify true damage giants etc.)
- Wikipedia
- Searches Wikipedia (!wiki League of Legends, !wiki Penis etc.)
- GitHub
- Display the current changelog, based on the most recent GitHub release
- Reactions
- Reacting to specific keywords in messages
- 69 => 😏
- rip => ☠
- uwu => 🐙
- Reacting to other reactions, for example it also reacts with a ❤, when another person reacts with a ❤
- Reacting to specific keywords in messages
- Other
- Do simple math with two numbers (!2+4, !3*8, !4/2 etc.)
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
- Discord.Net
- HtmlAgilityPack (for League of Legends & DSA)
- Newtonsoft.Json (for GitHub & Youtube)
- SpotifyAPI.WEB (for Spotify)
- Download the most recent Release
- Register at the Discord Developer Portal
- Create a new application
- Go to your applications settings, click on "Bot" and generate a new token
- Create a token.txt file, that contains your generated token, in the applications base directory (the same directory, as the exe file)
- Click on oauth in the Discord Developer Portal, look for the menu point "Scopes" and click on "Bot"
- Set bot permissions (Send Messages, Read Messages, Add Reactions)
- Open the generated oauth link and add the bot to your server (you'll need to be a server admin)
- Start the adhdb.exe - It will run completely in the background. You'll only see it in the task manager.