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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
  • Configuration
  • Dependencies
  • Database configuration
  • How to run tests
  • Deployment instructions

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact

Scroll Lab

Influencer + Brand + Admin

************** Registration and Login System **************

Influencer + Brand --++ Registration + Login

Admin --++ Login

************** Login System **************

** Radio Button to control login System + Influencer + Brand + Admin ++ User Name Input ++ Password

************** #Login System **************

************** #Registration and Login System **************

************** #Influencer Registration ************** Influencer Registration + Registration form ++ Step 1 +++ First Name +++ Last Name +++ Email Address +++ Password +++ Re - Password +++ Mobile Number +++ Privacy Policy ++ Step 2 +++ Grnder { Male Female Lgbt+ } +++ Address +++ Pin Code +++ City +++ State +++ Country +++ Addhar Card +++ Pan Card ++ Step 3 +++ Select catagory { Currently 14 catagory presernt } ++ Step 4 +++ Select Social Media (Instagram Required) { Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube Liknend Tik Tok (.ect) } ++ Final submit {message display: WelCome Scroll Lab Influencer Plz wait for Admin Approval} + Login ++ Dashboard -- ++ User Profile -- Details Influencer ++ Campaing - New Campaing Request - List of Campaing ++ Report - Create Report *- 1. Url link 2. Manual Data also - List of Previous Report

************** #Brand Registration ************** Brand Registration + Registration form ++ Step 1 +++ First Name +++ Last Name +++ Email Address +++ Password +++ Re Password +++ Mobile Number ++ Step 2 +++ Company Name +++ Address +++ Pin Code +++ City +++ State +++ Country +++ Addhar Card +++ Pan Card (Required) +++ GST Number ++ Step 3 +++ Select catagory { Currently 14 catagory presernt } ++ Step 4 +++ Select Social Media (Instagram Required) ++ Final submit {message display: WelCome Scroll Lab Influencer Plz wait for Admin Approval} + Login ++ Dashboard ++ User Profile ++ Campaing - Create Campaing - List of Campaing

************** #Admin ************** Admin System + Login ++ Dashboard - + Approval List -- Influencer --- Number of Influencer - Number of New Influencer (Number/Graph) - Total Number Of Influencer (Number/Graph) --- New Influencer List ( waiting for Approval) ---- Accpect or Remove (Action) -- Brand --- Number of Brand - Number of New Brand (Number/Graph) - Number of Total Brand (number/Graph) --- New Brand List ( waiting for Approval) ---- Accpect or Remove (Action) +++ Influencer - Create Influencer Account - List Influencer --** View User Details -- List of Report --- All list of Campaing Report --- Active Campaing Report --- Edit Report (Only active Campaing) --- Stop Campaing Report - Regected/Remove List Influencer +++ Brand - Create Brand Account - List Brand - Regected/Remove List Brand +++ Campaing ( Campaing Create by Brand) - New Campaing (For Approval) - List of Campaing - List of running/active Campaing - List of Regected Campaing +++ Reporting - List of Influencer submit Report -- View or edit this Report ( by brand and send this Report brand) +++ Catagory - Create Catagory - View all Catagory - Approval Catagory (**if any Influencer or Brand active new catagory) -- List of Influencer -- List of Brand - Remove/Del Catagory


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