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oai-gnodeb in a docker


The target Architectural diagram has two parts. (a) Virtualized 5G Core1 and (b) gNB docker. This tutorial is about how to create gNB docker. We have used Intel Core i7 systems along with Ettus B210 with Ubuntu 20.04.LTS and we suggest use of same OS.

Docker installation

We have used the following Tutorial to install docker engine. Interested readers may go through the given tutorial to avoid sudo while using docker along with multiple other useful things. ```

sudo apt update

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable"

apt-cache policy docker-ce

sudo apt install docker-ce

sudo systemctl status docker

Git clone

git clone

Import oai-gnb

cd oai-gnb-docker_ubuntu20 
cat oai-gnb_20.tar.a? > oai-gnb_20.tar
sudo docker load --input oai-gnb_20.tar
sudo docker tag <Image-ID> oai-gnb:latest

Routing table adjustments

  1. ping test from GNB to AMF and AMF to GNB. If ping is not successfull, then try to debug
    1. Commands to be executed in gNB to enable packet forwarding from Core to the external network via the Core VM
      sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
      sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
      sudo ip route add via <Bridge IP of Core VM>
    2. Check routing tables of GNB Docker, GNB Baremetal, Core VM, Core Baremetal
    3. For ease of operations use the Google sheet tool

Run with docker run

sudo docker run -it \
        -v /dev:/dev \
        --privileged \
        -e USE_SA_TDD_MONO_B2XX='yes' \
        -e USE_B2XX='yes' \
        -e GNB_NAME='gNB-in-docker' \
        -e MCC='001' \
        -e MNC='01' \
        -e MNC_LENGTH=2 \
        -e TAC=1 \
        -e NSSAI_SST=1 \
        -e NSSAI_SD0=1 \
        -e AMF_IP_ADDRESS='' \
        -e GNB_NGA_IF_NAME='eth0' \
        -e GNB_NGA_IP_ADDRESS='' \
        -e GNB_NGU_IF_NAME='eth0' \
        -e GNB_NGU_IP_ADDRESS='' \
        -e USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS='--sa --continuous-tx --log_config.global_log_options level,nocolor,time,line_num,function' \
        --entrypoint "/bin/bash" \
        oai-gnb:latest \
        --name sa-b210-gnb \

Execute with docker compose

Edit ci-scripts/yaml_files/sa_b200_gnb/docker-compose.yml and modify the following variables as per the core specification:

  5. MCC
  6. MNC

Start service

  1. cd ci-scripts/yaml_files/sa_b200_gnb/; sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  2. Now Execute NR inside the container
    1. sudo docker attach sa-b210-gnb # Enter into the oai-gnb docker
    2. Inside docker
      1. bash bin/
      2. /opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem -O /opt/oai-gnb/etc/gnb.conf $USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS
    3. sudo docker compose -f ci-scripts/yaml_files/sa_b200_gnb/docker-compose.yml down files.

Test and debug

  1. uhd_find_devices
  2. ping test from GNB to AMF and AMF to GNB. If ping is not successfull, then try to debug
    1. Commands to be executed in Core-VM
      sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
      sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
      sudo ip route add via <GNB IP>
    2. Check routing tables of GNB Docker, GNB Baremetal, Core VM, Core Baremetal
    3. To test/debug/understand the nr-softmodem configurations use /custom folder version of script and /custom/conf configuration

Test with Oai-Core-RTMP service

  1. Install Astra streaming studio in the UE
  2. Create a RTMP streaming service with it by tapping on the globe icon in right side pane. Use service name as RTMP and Profile name as oai-core
    • Server IP:
    • Stream ID: test
    • Save it and start the service using the play button


  1. For Virtualized 5G Core use this repository.


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