A minimal programming example for a chat server
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beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
💻 🇨🇳Roadmap to becoming a Internet software developer,校招技术岗学习路线图与资源推荐,成为一名研发工程师求职所需要的最少技能中文版,包括Java、C++、Golang、前端、Python等学习大纲、路线以及资源推荐。
Code from the Kubernetes in Action book
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Automatically Generated Notebook Slides
🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
☁️ Build multimodal AI applications with cloud-native stack
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