This repository hosts the mathematical modelling, functional model, documentation for automating engineering drawing made as part of the course COP290: Design Practices in CS
The package has the following functionalities:
- Given the 3D model description it can generate projections on to any cross section or cutting plane.
- Given appropriate projections is able to interactively recover the 3D description and produce an isometric drawing from any view direction.
Run the following in the terminal
> qmake
> make
> cd bin
> ./autoed
- For 3D to 2D
- First line has V, the number of vertices.
- Next V lines should contain 3 doubles, x, y and z co-ordinates.
- Next line gives E, the number of edges.
- Next E lines should contain 2 integers, i, j denoting an edge between vertex i and vertex j as per the order of input of the vertices.
- For 2D to 3D
- First line has number of vertices V
- Next V lines contains coordinates of those V vertices in XY plane.
- Next V lines contains coordinates of those V vertices in YZ plane.
- Next V lines contains coordinates of those V vertices in ZX plane.
- Next it has number of edges in XY, YZ, ZY planes each with 2 integers, i, j denoting an edge between vertex i and vertex j as per the order of input of the vertices.