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Problem Statement:

For an Aim to seek to manage a repository of quotes contributed by various individuals. Wisewords system aims to facilitate the collection, organization, and retrieval of these quotes and contributor details.

The system aims to inspire and create awareness as well as a smile to those viewing by even starting the day with a Quote

The Contributor explores to come up with more Quotes, and bring to lime light the quotes which Can be placed in Categories such as :

  • Funny quotes
  • friendship quotes
  • Motivational quotes
  • leadership quotes

To get started, you might want to explore the project directory structure and the default configuration file. Working with this project in your development environment will not affect any production deployment or identity tokens.


The code includes structures and methods to manage contributors and quotes within a system. It utilizes the Internet Computer's APIs and libraries for memory management, CRUD operations, and error handling.

External Dependencies

  • Serde: External crate for serialization and deserialization.
  • Candid: Used for encoding and decoding types.
  • ic_cdk: Provides access to Internet Computer APIs.
  • ic_stable_structures: Includes memory management functionalities.
  • std: Standard Rust library components.



  • Represents a contributor with the fields for id, username, email, age, created_at and updated_at


  • Represents a quote with fields for id,contributor_id,author, text, category, created_at and updated_at

Storable Traits

Both Contributor and Quote implement the Storable and BoundedStorable traits to manage serialization and storage size limits.

Local Variables

  • Memory Manager : Handles memory management.
  • QUOTE_ID_COUNTER: Manages unique IDs for quotes.
  • CONTRIBUTOR_ID_COUNTER: Manages unique IDs for contributors.
  • CONTRIBUTOR_STORAGE: Stores contributors.
  • QUOTE_STORAGE: Stores quotes.

Payload Structures

  • ContributorPayload: Struct to hold contributor information for CRUD operations.
  • QuotePayload: Struct to hold quote information for CRUD operations.

Contributor Operations

  • get_all_contributors(): Retrieves all contributors.
  • get_contributor(id: u64): Retrieves a specific contributor by ID.
  • add_contributor(contrib: ContributorPayload): Adds a new contributor.
  • update_contributor(id: u64, payload: ContributorPayload): - Updates contributor information.
  • delete_contributor(id: u64): Deletes a contributor by ID.

Quote Operations

  • get_all_quotes(): Retrieves all quotes.
  • get_quote(id: u64): Retrieves a specific quote by ID.
  • get_recent_quotes(): Retrieves the most recent quotes.
  • get_quotes_by_category(category: String): Retrieves quotes by a specified category.
  • add_quote(quotepayload: QuotePayload): Adds a new quote.
  • update_quote(id: u64, payload: QuotePayload): Updates quote information.
  • delete_quote(id: u64): Deletes a quote by ID.

Error Handling

  • Defines an Error enum to handle 'Not Found' cases for cleaner error messages.

Candid Inergration

  • Exports the code to generate Candid interface.

To learn more before you start working with Wisewords, see the following documentation available online:

If you want to start working on your project right away, you might want to try the following commands:

cd Wisewords/
dfx help
dfx canister --help

Running the project locally

When run dfx deploy or npm run gen-deploy and encounter error as below

[webpack-cli] Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv'

  # solution run:

npm install

If you want to test your project locally, you can use the following commands:

# Starts the replica, running in the background
dfx start --background
dfx start --background --clean

# Deploys your canisters to the replica and generates your candid interface
dfx deploy
npm run gen-deploy

Once the job completes, your application will be available at http:https://localhost:4943?canisterId={asset_canister_id}.

If you have made changes to your backend canister, you can generate a new candid interface with

npm run generate

at any time. This is recommended before starting the frontend development server, and will be run automatically any time you run dfx deploy.

If you are making frontend changes, you can start a development server with

npm start

Which will start a server at http:https://localhost:8080, proxying API requests to the replica at port 4943.

Note on frontend environment variables

If you are hosting frontend code somewhere without using DFX, you may need to make one of the following adjustments to ensure your project does not fetch the root key in production:

  • setDFX_NETWORK to ic if you are using Webpack
  • use your own preferred method to replace process.env.DFX_NETWORK in the autogenerated declarations
    • Setting canisters -> {asset_canister_id} -> declarations -> env_override to a string in dfx.json will replace process.env.DFX_NETWORK with the string in the autogenerated declarations
  • Write your own createActor constructor


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