One-KVM 是基于廉价计算机硬件和 PiKVM 软件二次开发的 BIOS 级远程控制项目。
Hacking RTL960x based xPON ONU Stick to suite your Universal OLT
【一个 KSP 社区 Mod 的中文翻译补丁合集】A collection of Module Manager patches for translating KSP Mods (Part mods only) to Chinese.
Synology LRC Plugin. 群晖 Audio Station 歌词插件,歌词来自QQ音乐。
百度贴吧云签到,在服务器上配置好就无需进行任何操作便可以实现贴吧的全自动签到。配合插件使用还可实现云灌水、点赞、封禁、删帖、审查等功能。注意:Gitee (原Git@osc) 仓库将不再维护,目前唯一指定的仓库为 Github。本项目没有官方交流群,如需交流可以直接使用Github的Discussions。没有商业版本,目前贴吧云签到由社区共同维护,不会停止更新(PR 通常在一天内处理)。
Enables sequential I/O for your SSD caches
A script to permanently set Microsoft Pinyin to Chinese
Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
A cross-platform manga app made for e-hentai & exhentai by Flutter
EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3, Jetpack Compose and more
Degrees of Lewdity 游戏的授权中文社区本地化版本
Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding
FirstPersonKSP / Kerbal-VR
Forked from 89Mods/Kerbal-VRAn add-on for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) to enable virtual reality.
QQ聊天记录备份导出,支持无密钥导出,图片导出。无需编译有GUI界面。Backup Chating History of Instant Messaging QQ.
A CoreDNS plugin that provides WireGuard peer information via DNS-SD semantics