A C#/.NET library to run LLM (🦙LLaMA/LLaVA) on your local device efficiently.
Windows Input Simulator (C# SendInput Wrapper - Simulate Keyboard and Mouse)
A cross-platform C# editor and playground.
A Designer for HTML Components or Pages in a WebComponent
MirrorSharp is a code editor <textarea> built on Roslyn and CodeMirror
Provides C# Code Completion for a Monaco Editor Component
Low code front-end project for amis and easyoc integration
This is a code assistance tool that provides code generation functions for ASP.NET Core projects and Typescript front-end projects, and supports command line and graphical interface operations. It …
可视化生成CRUD代码、内置WEB终端,技术栈为Vue3.x(setup)+ThinkPHP8+TypeScript+Vite+Pinia+Element Plus,自适应多端,同时提供Web和Server端、自动注册路由、无限级菜单权限节点、全局数据回收站、字段级修改保护等等,是集颜值、实用、敏捷于一身的管理系统。
🦄 .NET aot orm, C# orm, VB.NET orm, Mysql orm, Postgresql orm, SqlServer orm, Oracle orm, Sqlite orm, Firebird orm, 达梦 orm, 人大金仓 orm, 神通 orm, 翰高 orm, 南大通用 orm, 虚谷 orm, 国产 orm, Clickhouse orm, DuckD…
Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.
Compile-time AOP component. Works with any method, whether it is async or sync, instance or static. Uses an aspectj-like pattern to match methods.
🦄 FreeRedis is .NET40+ redis client. supports cluster, sentinel, master-slave, pub-sub, lua, pipeline, transaction, streams, redisearch, client-side-caching, and pooling.
基于.NET Core开发的轻量级分布式配置中心 / .NET Core lightweight configuration server
about learning DotNetCore via examples. DotNetCore 教程、技术栈示例代码,快速简单上手教程。
😃A simple and practical CMS implemented by .NET + FreeSql;前后端分离、Docker部署、OAtuh2授权登录、自动化部署DevOps、自动同步至Gitee、代码生成器、仿掘金专栏
中台Admin基于 .Net8 和 Vue3 + Element Plus、uniapp + uviewui 开发的前后端分离的权限管理系统。支持多租户、数据权限、动态Api、任务调度、OSS文件上传、滑块拼图验证、国内外主流数据库自由切换和动态高级查询。集成统一认证授权、事件总线、数据验证、分布式缓存、分布式事务、Ip限流、全Api鉴权、集成测试、性能分析、健康检查、接口文档等。
🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
A simple, cross platform, modulith ecommerce system built on .NET