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A breadth-first search path finder.

Ported from Kotlin:

Installing (Consuming)

npm i @2004scape/rsmod-pathfinder

Publishing (Local Development)

npm run asbuild:debug # Builds the wasm bundle.
yalc publish --push # Publishes to the local repo and pushes to all projects it has been added to.
yalc add @2004scape/rsmod-pathfinder # Adds the published library to your project. 

Publishing (Release)

npm run asbuild:release # Builds the wasm bundle.
# update package.json version
# commit and push to main
npm publish --access public # Publishes the version of this to npm.

First Time Cloning (Local Development)

npm run prepare

If you are on a Mac:

chmod ug+x .husky/*
chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*