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Catppuccin - The theme used througout the rice.

Qeatrix - Wallpaper

Various dotfiles for snippets of code and ideas


Install script(recomended)

Firstly, go to releases and download the release

Open a terminal in your download location, run these two commands:

sudo chmod +x

Do as the script tells you until it has finished

Next open kitty with Super + Enter and run:

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

Select "Catppuccin-Macchiato-Standard-Blue-Dark" then press "apply". Next switch tabs to Icon Theme by pressing the buttion of the same name at the top, select Paprus-Dark, then hit apply again. you can now close all windows with Super + Q

Afterward run:

cd ~/Downloads/1882-dots && cp -r .zshrc ~/

Lastly you will need to reboot your device. When you reach the sddm screen, select hyprland and login to your account

If your monitors arent cooperating, check out

If you have any issuses make an issue on github, dont message me.


These hyprland dotfiles can only be installed on arch linux or any arch based distrobution. It is posible to install them on other distros, such as openSUSE Tumbleweed, but issues will be prominent.

These instruction have NOT been tested, please use the install script, thank you!

First of all, you need to install some packages. Run these command in a terminal of your choice:

sudo pacman -S neofetch thunar dunst kvantum rofi swaylock waybar wofi ccache qt6ct qt6-wayland qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-svg qt5-quickcontrols2 zsh firefox kitty swaybg brightnessctl pamixer pacman-contrib
yay -S hyprland-git nwg-look wlogout picom ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato papirus-folders sddm-git noto-fonts

Next, git clone this repo and move all folders apart from Screenshots to ~/.config and home.jpg to ~/Pictures

Restart your device then select hyprland from the sddm login, you should boot into hyprland

Now your in hyprland you should get used to the important keybinds:

  • Super + Enter = Kitty Terminal
  • Super + W = Firefox
  • Super + E = Thunar File Manager
  • Super + Space = Wofi Program Launcher
  • Super + Q = Close Current Program
  • Super + F = Toggle Floating
  • Super + 1,2,3 etc = Change Workspacce
  • Super + Shift + 1,2,3 etc = Move Program To Workspace
  • Super + Esc = Shutdown, Logout etc

In most cases, Super is the Windows key

You can look through ~/.config/hypr/keybinds.conf to see the remainder of keybinds

Apply Dotfiles

First, open kitty with Super + Enter and run:


Select "Catppuccin-Macchiato-Standard-Blue-Dark" then press "apply". Next switch tabs to Icon Theme by pressing the buttion of the same name at the top, select Paprus-Dark, then hit apply again. you can now close all windows with Super + Q

Next, open kitty again and run this snippet of code:

git clone

You can then open kvantum by pressing Super + Space to open the program launcher search for kvantum and launch it. With kvantum open press "Select a Kvantum Theme" go to ~/kvantum, the folder just cloned, inside that open src then "catppuccin-macchiato-blue" then press "choose". Afterward press "Install This Theme" then "Chanage/Delete Theme", within this menu search for "catppuccin" and select "catppuccin-macchiato-blue" then press "Use This Theme". You can now clone all windows.

After this, you can yet again open kitty and run:

yay -S papirus-folders-catppuccin-git
papirus-folders -C cat-macchiato-blue

When asked to remove paprus-folders, press y and enter

You may have some issues with waybar, some modules on the right may not be showing. Here is how you fix it:

First, open kitty and run:

sudo chmod +x ~/.config/waybar/

If nothing gets fixed in kitty run:

sudo nano ~/.config/warbar/config.jsonc

Go to line 12, scroll across and remove:

"custom/temp", "custom/divider",

If there is another missing module, click on it and it should load up. This issue should eventualy resolve itself.

To install the sddm theme open kitty and run:

git clone
cd sddm/src
cp -r catppuccin-macchiato /usr/share/sddm/themes/

Then run:

sudo nano /etc/sddm.conf

Within this file add:


For kitty custiomization, run this to install oh my zsh:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

When asked the change default kernal to zsh, press y and enter

Next install Powerlevel10k by running:

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

After the install is finished run:

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

In this file find "ZSH_THEME" and change robbyrussell to:


Save and exit nano.

Once this is done Close and reopen kitty and you should be greeted by the powerlevel10k configuration screen. If you dont, run:

p10k configure

You will need to answer a few questions to configure powerlevel10k. Answer them up to "Prompt Style" then press:

3 1 1 4 4 5 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 n 1 y

Afterwords run:

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

And make the first line:


For firefox customization, you can follow these guides:

Select macchiato and blue for both guides.

You can also have a look at firefox css to customize firefox more. Note not all designs work on linux

Visit the Catppuccin github page for lots more app designs!