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update evaluation code for computing four evaluation criteria
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LittleWat committed Apr 12, 2018
1 parent 3af32c4 commit e99cc8e
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 133 deletions.
301 changes: 168 additions & 133 deletions segmentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import json
import os
from os.path import join

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from tqdm import tqdm

import collections
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import glob

def fast_hist(a, b, n):
Expand All @@ -27,6 +27,25 @@ def per_class_iu(hist):
return np.diag(hist) / (hist.sum(1) + hist.sum(0) - np.diag(hist))

def calc_fw_iu(hist):
pred_per_class = hist.sum(0)
gt_per_class = hist.sum(1)

return np.nansum(
(gt_per_class * np.diag(hist)) / (pred_per_class + gt_per_class - np.diag(hist))) / gt_per_class.sum()

def calc_pixel_accuracy(hist):
gt_per_class = hist.sum(1)
return np.diag(hist).sum() / gt_per_class.sum()

def calc_mean_accuracy(hist):
gt_per_class = hist.sum(1)
acc_per_class = np.diag(hist) / gt_per_class
return np.nanmean(acc_per_class)

def save_colorful_images(prediction, filename, palette, postfix='_color.png'):
im = Image.fromarray(palette[prediction.squeeze()])[:-4] + postfix)
Expand All @@ -39,21 +58,6 @@ def label_mapping(input, mapping):
return np.array(output, dtype=np.int64)

def save_result(outfn, name_classes, mIoUs):
result_df = pd.DataFrame({
'class': name_classes,
'IoU': mIoUs
ave_df = pd.DataFrame({
'class': "mIoU",
'IoU': result_df.IoU.mean(),
}, index=[result_df.shape[0]])
result_df = result_df.append(ave_df)
result_df.set_index("class", inplace=True)
print('The result is saved at %s !' % outfn)

def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,
title='Confusion matrix',
Expand All @@ -66,15 +70,13 @@ def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,
cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
print("Normalized confusion matrix")
print('Confusion matrix, without normalization')

print('Confusion matrix will be computed without normalization')

plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
# plt.title(title)
tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=45)
plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=90)
plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)

fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
Expand All @@ -85,163 +87,196 @@ def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,
# color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.ylabel('Ground truth')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

def compute_mIoU(gt_dir, pred_dir, devkit_dir='', dset='cityscapes', calc_confmat=False, get_label_dist=False,
add_bg_loss=False, is_label16=False, split='val'):
Compute IoU given the predicted colorized images and
if is_label16:
with open("./dataset/synthia2cityscapes_info.json", 'r') as fp:
info = json.load(fp)
with open(join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'info.json'), 'r') as fp:
info = json.load(fp)
num_classes =['classes'])

if is_label16:
name_classes = np.array(info['common_label'], dtype=np.str)
mapping = np.array(info['city2common'],
name_classes = np.array(info['label'], dtype=np.str)
mapping = np.array(info['label2train'],

if add_bg_loss:
num_classes =['classes']) + 1
name_classes = np.array(info['label'] + ["background"], dtype=np.str)
def calc_all_metrics(class_list, pred_fullpath_list, gt_fullpath_list, consider_background_loss=False,
gt2common_mat=None, pred2common_mat=None, background_id=255, out_filename_prefix=""):
pred_dir, _ = os.path.split(pred_fullpath_list[0])
gt_dir, _ = os.path.split(gt_fullpath_list[0])
out_dir = os.path.split(pred_dir)[0].replace("label", "")

print("pred path: %s" % os.path.abspath(pred_dir))

palette = np.array(info['palette'], dtype=np.uint8)
hist = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes))
image_path_list = join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'image.txt')
label_path_list = join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'label.txt')
if split == 'test':
label_path_list = '/data/ugui0/ksaito/D_A/image_citiscape/'
image_path_list = '/data/ugui0/ksaito/D_A/image_citiscape/'
gt_imgs = open(label_path_list, 'rb').read().splitlines()
n_ignore_pic = 0
n_class = len(class_list)
hist = np.zeros((n_class, n_class))

pred_imgs = open(image_path_list, 'rb').read().splitlines()
bg_mapping = np.array([
[background_id, n_class - 1]

labels_list = []
preds_list = []

n_total_pixel = 0
total_acc = 0
for ind, gt_fn in tqdm(enumerate(gt_imgs)):
pred_fn = join(pred_dir,
pred_imgs[ind].split('/')[-1].replace('gtFine_labelIds', 'leftImg8bit').replace('label', ""))
pred =

if is_label16:
label =, gt_imgs[ind].replace('labelIds', 'label16IDs')))
gt_fn = join(gt_dir, gt_imgs[ind].replace('labelIds', 'gtlabels'))
if split == 'test':
gt_fn = join(gt_dir, gt_imgs[ind])
# print(gt_fn)
label =
for ind, (pred_fullpath, gt_fullpath) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(pred_fullpath_list, gt_fullpath_list))):
pred =
label =

pred = pred.resize(label.size)
pred = np.array(pred)
label = np.array(label)

if add_bg_loss:
bk = np.where(label == 255)
if gt2common_mat is not None:
label = label_mapping(label, gt2common_mat)
if pred2common_mat is not None:
pred = label_mapping(pred, pred2common_mat)
pred = label_mapping(pred, bg_mapping)

# print (np.unique(label))
# print (np.unique(pred))

if not consider_background_loss:
not_background_idxes = np.where(label != background_id)
pred = pred[not_background_idxes]
label = label[not_background_idxes]
if len(label) == 0:
n_ignore_pic += 1

hist += fast_hist(label.flatten(), pred.flatten(), n_class)

label[bk] = 19
print("*** %s *** images were ignored because it has no label" % n_ignore_pic)

not_background_idxes = np.where(label != 255)
# print(not_background_idxes)
label = label[not_background_idxes]
pred = pred[not_background_idxes]
# Get label distribution
pred_per_class = hist.sum(0)
gt_per_class = hist.sum(1)

hist += fast_hist(label.flatten(), pred.flatten(), num_classes)
n_pixel = len(label)
one_acc = accuracy_score(label, pred) * n_pixel
total_acc += one_acc
n_total_pixel += n_pixel
used_class_id_list = np.where(gt_per_class != 0)[0]
hist = hist[used_class_id_list][:, used_class_id_list] # Extract only GT existing (more than 1) classes

if get_label_dist or calc_confmat:
class_list = np.array(class_list)[used_class_id_list]

# if ind > 0 and ind % 100 == 0:
# print('{:d} / {:d}: {:0.2f}'.format(ind, len(gt_imgs), 100 * np.mean(per_class_iu(hist))))
iou_list = per_class_iu(hist)
fwIoU = calc_fw_iu(hist)
pixAcc = calc_pixel_accuracy(hist)
mAcc = calc_mean_accuracy(hist)

labels_list = np.array(labels_list).flatten()
preds_list = np.array(preds_list).flatten()
result_df = pd.DataFrame({
'class': class_list,
'IoU': iou_list,
"pred_distribution": pred_per_class[used_class_id_list],
"gt_distribution": gt_per_class[used_class_id_list],
result_df["IoU"] = result_df["IoU"] * 100 # change to percent ratio

result_df.set_index("class", inplace=True)
print("---- info per class -----")

result_ser = pd.Series({
"pixAcc": pixAcc,
"mAcc": mAcc,
"fwIoU": fwIoU,
"mIoU": iou_list.mean()
result_ser = result_ser[["pixAcc", "mAcc", "fwIoU", "mIoU"]]
result_ser *= 100 # change to percent ratio

if get_label_dist:
label_cnt_ser = pd.Series(dict(collections.Counter(labels_list)))
pred_cnt_ser = pd.Series(dict(collections.Counter(preds_list)))
label_distribution_df = pd.concat([label_cnt_ser, pred_cnt_ser], axis=1)
label_distribution_df.columns = ["true", "pred"]
print("---- total result -----")

outfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(pred_dir)[0].replace("label", ""), "label_distribution.csv")
print("label distribution file was saved to %s" % outfn)
sep_dir_list = os.path.abspath(pred_dir).split(os.path.sep)
kind = sep_dir_list[-3]
model_name = sep_dir_list[-2]

if calc_confmat:
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(labels_list, preds_list)
print("---- For copy and paste -----")
result_str = "%s, %s, " % (kind, model_name.replace(".tar", ""))

for val in result_ser.values:
result_str += str(val) + ", "
for iou in iou_list:
result_str += str(iou * 100) + ", "

result_str += os.path.abspath(pred_dir)

# Save confusion matrix
fig = plt.figure()
plot_confusion_matrix(conf_mat, classes=name_classes, title='Confusion matrix')
outfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(pred_dir)[0].replace("label", ""), "conf_mat.pdf")
fig.savefig(outfn, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=300)
outfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(pred_dir)[0].replace("label", ""), "conf_mat.png")
fig.savefig(outfn, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=300)
normalized_hist = hist.astype("float") / hist.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

plot_confusion_matrix(normalized_hist, classes=class_list, title='Confusion matrix')
outfigfn = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s_conf_mat.pdf" % out_filename_prefix)
fig.savefig(outfigfn, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=300)
print("Confusion matrix was waved to %s" % outfigfn)

outdffn = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s_eval_result_df.csv" % out_filename_prefix)
print('Info per class was saved at %s !' % outdffn)
outserfn = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s_eval_result_ser.csv" % out_filename_prefix)
print('Total result is saved at %s !' % outserfn)

total_acc /= n_total_pixel
total_acc *= 100
except IOError:
print("Ooops :(, Saving Process Failed...")
print("Maybe you have to change the Permission of the output directory: %s"
% out_dir)

print("pixel acc(without background): %s" % total_acc)

mIoUs = per_class_iu(hist)
for ind_class in range(num_classes):
print('===>' + name_classes[ind_class] + ':\t' + str(round(mIoUs[ind_class] * 100, 2)))
print('===> mIoU: ' + str(round(np.nanmean(mIoUs) * 100, 2)))
def eval_city(gt_dir, pred_dir, devkit_dir='', dset='cityscapes', add_bg_loss=False, is_label16=False):
if is_label16:
with open("./dataset/synthia2cityscapes_info.json", 'r') as fp:
info = json.load(fp)
with open(join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'info.json'), 'r') as fp:
info = json.load(fp)

if is_label16:
name_classes = np.array(info['common_label'], dtype=np.str)
mapping = np.array(info['city2common'],
name_classes = np.array(info['label'], dtype=np.str)
mapping = np.array(info['label2train'], # Not use

if add_bg_loss:
print('===> mIoU without background: ' + str(round(np.nanmean(mIoUs[:19]) * 100, 2)))
num_classes =['classes']) + 1
name_classes = np.array(info['label'] + ["background"], dtype=np.str)

iou_str = ""
for iou in mIoUs:
iou_str += str(iou * 100) + ", "
print("pred path: %s" % os.path.abspath(pred_dir))

outfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(pred_dir)[0].replace("label", ""), "eval_result.csv")
save_result(outfn, name_classes, mIoUs)
image_path_list = join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'image.txt')
label_path_list = join(devkit_dir, 'data', dset, 'label.txt')

return mIoUs
gt_imgs = open(label_path_list, 'rb').read().splitlines()
pred_imgs = open(image_path_list, 'rb').read().splitlines()
pred_imgs = [os.path.split(x)[-1] for x in pred_imgs] # frankfurt/frank***.png -> frank***.png

if is_label16:
gt_fullpath_list = [os.path.join(gt_dir, fn).replace('labelIds', 'label16IDs') for fn in gt_imgs]
gt_fullpath_list = [os.path.join(gt_dir, fn).replace('labelIds', 'gtlabels') for fn in gt_imgs]

pred_fullpath_list = [os.path.join(pred_dir, fn).replace('gtFine_labelIds', 'leftImg8bit') for fn in pred_imgs]

calc_all_metrics(name_classes, pred_fullpath_list, gt_fullpath_list, consider_background_loss=add_bg_loss)

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('dset', default='city', help='For the challenge use the validation set of cityscapes.',
choices=['city', "city16", 'gta'])
parser.add_argument('pred_dir', type=str, help='directory which stores CityScapes val pred images')
parser.add_argument('--time', type=str, choices=["day", "night", "all"], default="all",
help="only available for ir dataset")
parser.add_argument('--devkit_dir', default='/data/ugui0/dataset/adaptation/taskcv-2017-public/segmentation',
help='base directory of taskcv2017/segmentation')
parser.add_argument('--split', type=str, default='test', help="this only supported in IR dataset")
parser.add_argument('--calc_confmat', action="store_true",
help='whether you calculate confusion matrix or not')
parser.add_argument('--get_label_dist', action="store_true",
help='whether you calculate confusion matrix or not')
parser.add_argument('--add_bg_loss', action="store_true",
help='whether you calculate confusion matrix or not')
help='whether you considered background loss when training')

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.dset in ["city", "city16"]:
gt_dir = "/data/ugui0/ksaito/D_A/image_citiscape/" # +args.split
gt_dir = "/data/ugui0/ksaito/D_A/image_citiscape/"
is_label16 = True if args.dset == "city16" else False
compute_mIoU(gt_dir, args.pred_dir, args.devkit_dir, "cityscapes", args.calc_confmat, args.get_label_dist,
args.add_bg_loss, is_label16, split=args.split)
eval_city(gt_dir, args.pred_dir, args.devkit_dir, "cityscapes", add_bg_loss=args.add_bg_loss,

elif args.dset == "gta":
gt_dir = "/data/ugui0/dataset/adaptation/taskcv-2017-public/segmentation/data/"
eval_city(gt_dir, args.pred_dir, args.devkit_dir, "gta", add_bg_loss=args.add_bg_loss)

compute_mIoU(gt_dir, args.pred_dir, args.devkit_dir, "gta", args.calc_confmat, args.get_label_dist,
NotImplementedError("Sorry... Only Cityscapes dataset is supported.")

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