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This project showcases the cleaning of Nashville Housing data using SQL.
FROM NashvilleHousing
--This only displays the date datatype as date but originally still exists as datetime in the db.
SELECT Convert(date, SaleDate)
FROM NashvilleHousing
--Alter in the db the table column SaleDate datatype from datetime to date
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing ALTER COLUMN SaleDate Date;
SELECT SaleDate FROM NashvilleHousing
SELECT * FROM NashvilleHousing
-- WHERE PropertyAddress is NULL
order BY ParcelID
--If you look at the result of the last query before this statement,
--you will see that there are some property address that are NULL
--If you observe line 45 & 46 of the resultant table you will notice an observation on the data
--Sometimes 2 properties can have Unique ID but have similar ParceID and resultantly similar PropertyAddress
--this mean we have infer that for areas where Property Address is NULL its having identical ParceID
--with another row having a Property Addresss. We can add that Property address to the NUll side of of the other row
--To Solve this, we will have to do a Self-Join of the table to its self.
SELECT a.ParcelID, a.PropertyAddress, b.ParcelID, b.PropertyAddress, ISNULL(a.PropertyAddress, b.PropertyAddress)
FROM NashvilleHousing a JOIN NashvilleHousing b
ON a.ParcelID = b.ParcelID AND a.[UniqueID ] <> b.[UniqueID ]
WHERE a.PropertyAddress IS NULL
SET PropertyAddress = ISNULL(a.PropertyAddress, b.PropertyAddress)
FROM NashvilleHousing a JOIN NashvilleHousing b
ON a.ParcelID = b.ParcelID AND a.[UniqueID ] <> b.[UniqueID ]
WHERE a.PropertyAddress is null
--Breaking out OwnerAddress into individual columns (address, city, state)
-- SELECT OwnerAddress
-- From NashvilleHousing
-- -- WHERE PropertyAddress is NULL
-- ORDER BY ParcelID
-- SELECT OwnerAddress, CHARINDEX( ',', OwnerAddress)
-- FROM NashvilleHousing
-- SELECT SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, 1, CHARINDEX( ',', OwnerAddress) -1) as Address,
-- SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, CHARINDEX( ',', OwnerAddress) +1, LEN(OwnerAddress)) as City,
-- PropertyAddress, OwnerAddress
-- FROM NashvilleHousing
--To add and update this to the db, code below.
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
ADD OnwerAdd01 NVARCHAR(255)
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
ADD OnwerAdd02 NVARCHAR(255)
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET OnwerAdd01 = SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, 1, CHARINDEX( ',', OwnerAddress) -1)
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET OnwerAdd02 = SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, CHARINDEX( ',', OwnerAddress) +1, LEN(OwnerAddress))
--but we couldnt totally achieve what we aimed to do initially.
--we will use another SQL function called PARSE to split column by all occurences of each delimeter ','
-- SELECT OwnerAddress,
-- PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 3) as Address,
-- PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 2) as city,
-- PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 1) as State
-- FROM NashvilleHousing
--Update this into a newly created column in the db table.
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
ADD OwnerAddressSplitAddress NVARCHAR(300)
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
ADD OwnerAddressSplitCity NVARCHAR(255)
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
ADD OwnerAddressSplitState NVARCHAR(255)
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET OwnerAddressSplitAddress = PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 3)
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET OwnerAddressSplitCity= PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 2)
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET OwnerAddressSplitState = PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress, ',', '.'), 1)
SELECT OwnerAddressSplitAddress, OwnerAddressSplitCity, OwnerAddressSplitState
FROM NashvilleHousing
-- WHERE PropertyAddress is NULL
order BY ParcelID
--Change Y and N to YES AND No in "SoldAsVacant" field.
SELECT Distinct(SoldAsVacant), COUNT(SoldAsVacant)
From NashvilleHousing
Group By SoldAsVacant
Order By 2
-- CASE WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'Y' THEN 'Yes'
-- WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'N' THEN 'No'
-- ELSE SoldAsVacant
-- END AS CasedSoldAsVacant,
-- COUNT( CASE WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'Y' THEN 'Yes'
-- WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'N' THEN 'No'
-- ELSE SoldAsVacant
-- END) as CasedCount
-- From NashvilleHousing
-- Group BY
-- CASE WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'Y' THEN 'Yes'
-- WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'N' THEN 'No'
-- ELSE SoldAsVacant
-- END
UPDATE NashvilleHousing
SET SoldAsVacant = CASE WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'Y' THEN 'Yes'
WHEN SoldAsVacant = 'N' THEN 'No'
ELSE SoldAsVacant
SELECT SoldAsVacant, COUNT(SoldAsVacant)
From NashvilleHousing
Group BY SoldAsVacant
--Remove Duplicates
--Reference Research site
WITH RowNum AS (
UniqueID) row_num_01
FROM NashvilleHousing
WHERE row_num_01 > 1
-- ORDER BY PropertyAddress
--- Deleting Unused columns
ALTER TABLE NashvilleHousing
DROP COLUMN PropertyAddress, OwnerAddress, TaxDistrict, SaleDate
Select *
From NashvilleHousing
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