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Haskell graph algorithms using semiring linear algebra
-- reference paper:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
import Data.List
infixl 9 |*|
infixl 8 |+|
-- closed semiring = ring with the usual rules, but w/o additive inverse, and w/ a closure operator
-- a' is the closure operator such that a' = 1 + a*a'
-- for semirings w/ infinite sums, a' = 1 + a + a^2 + ...
-- for fields, we have a' = 1/(1-a) and 1' = \infty (gotta add an infinity element to your field)
-- for regex, multiplication = concat, addition = union, closure = regex kleene star
class ClosedSemiring r where
zero, one :: r
(|+|), (|*|) :: r -> r -> r
closure :: r -> r
-- trivial closed semiring w/ two elements
instance ClosedSemiring Bool where
zero = False
one = True
closure x = True
(|+|) = (||)
(|*|) = (&&)
-- | Definition of matrices
-- by having a dedicated scalar constructor, we can include 0 matrix and scaling matrices without needing size info
data Matrix a = Scalar a | Matrix {matrix :: [[a]]} deriving (Show)
type BlockMatrix a = (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a) -- block decomposition to make calculations easier
-- | Blockmatrix and Matrix are isomorphic
mjoin :: BlockMatrix a -> Matrix a
msplit :: Matrix a -> BlockMatrix a
mjoin (Matrix a, Matrix b, Matrix c, Matrix d) = Matrix (hcat a b ++ hcat c d) where hcat = zipWith (++)
msplit (Matrix (row : rs)) =
( Matrix [[first]],
Matrix [top],
Matrix left,
Matrix rest
(first : top) = row
(left, rest) = unzip (map (\(x : xs) -> ([x], xs)) rs)
-- | A matrix whose elements are elements of a closed semiring is itself an
-- element of a closed semiring
-- Similar in principle to the usual matrices resulting from taking a vector
-- space over a field or a module over a ring
instance ClosedSemiring a => ClosedSemiring (Matrix a) where
zero = Scalar zero
one = Scalar one
(Scalar a) |+| (Scalar b) = Scalar (a |+| b)
(Matrix a) |+| (Matrix b) = Matrix (zipWith (zipWith (|+|)) a b)
s@(Scalar a) |+| m = m |+| s
(Matrix [[a]]) |+| (Scalar b) = Matrix [[a |+| b]]
m |+| s =
let (first, top, left, rest) = msplit m
in mjoin
( first |+| s,
rest |+| s
(Scalar a) |*| (Scalar b) = Scalar (a |*| b)
(Scalar a) |*| (Matrix b) = Matrix (map (map (a |*|)) b)
(Matrix a) |*| (Scalar b) = Matrix (map (map (|*| b)) a)
(Matrix a) |*| (Matrix b) =
let columns = transpose b
in Matrix [[foldl1 (|+|) (zipWith (|*|) row col) | col <- columns] | row <- a]
-- algorithm from the paper
closure (Matrix [[x]]) = Matrix [[closure x]]
closure m =
( first |+| top |*| rest |*| left,
top |*| rest,
rest |*| left,
(f, t, l, r) = msplit m
first = closure f
top = first |*| t
left = l |*| first
rest = closure (r |+| left |*| t)
-- | We can now start constructing some more useful closed semirings
-- If we take Z, insert an infinity element, and use `min` as the addition
-- operator and the usual integer addition as the multiplication operator,
-- we have a closed semiring which is very useful for graph distance algorithms
-- Also known as a tropical semiring
data ShortestDistance = Distance Int | Unreachable deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ClosedSemiring ShortestDistance where
zero = Unreachable -- additive identity is infinity
one = Distance 0 -- multiplicative identity is Z's usual additive identity
closure x = one -- 0 = min(0, a+0) for all a, so satisfies definition
(|+|) = min
x |*| Unreachable = Unreachable
Unreachable |*| x = Unreachable
(Distance a) |*| (Distance b) = Distance (a + b)
-- | We can also define a variant of the above that keeps track of a path taken
-- The second argument of `Path` is a list of directed edges (v, v') starting from vertex v and ending at v'
data ShortestPath n = Path Int [(n, n)] | NoPath deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Ord n => ClosedSemiring (ShortestPath n) where
zero = NoPath
one = Path 0 []
closure x = one
(|+|) = min
x |*| NoPath = NoPath
NoPath |*| x = NoPath
(Path w ps) |*| (Path w' ps') = Path (w + w') (ps ++ ps')
-- | We can also model flow problems as a closed semiring!
-- This time, we need a negative infinity as well as an infinity,
-- and we use max/min as +/*
data MaxFlow = Unflowable | Width Int | Infinity deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ClosedSemiring MaxFlow where
zero = Unflowable
one = Infinity
closure x = one
(|+|) = max
(|*|) = min
-- | Similar augmentation as in the shortest path case
data MaxFlowPath n = NoPipe | Pipe Int [(n, n)] | Infinite deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Ord n => ClosedSemiring (MaxFlowPath n) where
zero = NoPipe
one = Infinite
closure x = one
(|+|) = max
(Pipe w ps) |*| (Pipe w' ps') = Pipe (min w w') (ps ++ ps')
a |*| b = min a b
edgedToPaths :: Matrix ShortestDistance -> Matrix (ShortestPath Int)
edgedToPaths (Matrix x) = Matrix . zipWith (curry convert_row) [0 ..] . map (zip [0 ..]) $ x
convert_row (i, row) = [path w i j | (j, w) <- row]
path Unreachable _ _ = NoPath
path (Distance w) i j = Path w [(i, j)]
edgesToFlow :: Matrix ShortestDistance -> Matrix MaxFlow
edgesToFlow (Matrix x) = Matrix $ map (map flow) x
flow Unreachable = Unflowable
flow (Distance w) = Width w
edgesToFlowPaths :: Matrix ShortestDistance -> Matrix (MaxFlowPath Int)
edgesToFlowPaths (Matrix x) = Matrix . zipWith (curry convert_row) [0 ..] . map (zip [0 ..]) $ x
convert_row (i, row) = [pipe w i j | (j, w) <- row]
pipe Unreachable _ _ = NoPipe
pipe (Distance w) i j = Pipe w [(i, j)]
-- graph from dijkstra wiki page, but with vertices indexed from 0 instead of 1
dijkstraSample :: Matrix ShortestDistance
dijkstraSample =
[ [Distance 0, Distance 7, Distance 9, Unreachable, Unreachable, Distance 14],
[Distance 7, Distance 0, Distance 10, Distance 15, Unreachable, Unreachable],
[Distance 9, Distance 10, Distance 0, Distance 11, Unreachable, Distance 2],
[Unreachable, Distance 15, Distance 11, Distance 0, Distance 6, Unreachable],
[Unreachable, Unreachable, Unreachable, Distance 6, Distance 0, Distance 9],
[Distance 14, Unreachable, Distance 2, Unreachable, Distance 9, Distance 0]
-- tested in ghci 9.0.2
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Paths from 0 to 4: "
putStr "Shortest: "
print . (!! 4) . (!! 0) . matrix . closure $ edgedToPaths dijkstraSample
putStr "Widest: "
print . (!! 4) . (!! 0) . matrix . closure $ edgesToFlowPaths dijkstraSample
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