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Created December 17, 2018 22:09
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node js project that builds static data files for my Godot project
/* Parsely v.0.1
Developed for Guild Leader project (December 2018)
To use: place .json files in parsely/names, parsely/staticData, parsely/timedNodeData, etc.
In Terminal:
node parsely.js
Exported .gd files are placed directly in gameData folder.
-reduce the number of steps involved with saving files from Google Sheets into the project and exporting
- verify that it's okay to have parsely sitting inside the godot project folder
- json file to process must be an array of objects
console.log("\n STARTING GODOT JSON PARSELY - Guild Leader edition 12/17/2018 \n");
var fs = require("fs");
var oneHugeString = "extends Node\n";
var filenameRegEx = '^([a-zA-Z]+)';
//these get fed into dynamic vars but they are built here
var playerTradeskillItems = {};
var playerQuestItems = {};
//STATIC DATA - same across all players/all saves
const staticDataFolder = './staticData/'
fs.readdir(staticDataFolder, (err, files) => {
oneHugeString = "extends Node\n";
console.log("Looking in..." + staticDataFolder);
files.forEach(file => {
var arr = [];
if ((/\.(json)$/i).test(file)) { //if it's json
console.log("Processing " + file);
var formatted = {};
var fromJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(staticDataFolder + file, 'utf8'));
for (var value of fromJSON) {
var key = "";
if (file == "items.json") {
key = value["name"];
value["itemID"] = -1;
value["improved"] = false;
value["improvement"] = "";
formatted[key] = value;
if (value["itemType"] == "tradeskill") {
playerTradeskillItems[key] = {
"count": 0,
} else if (value["itemType"] == "quest") { //or put it in the quest items dictionary
playerQuestItems[key] = {
} else {
//it only has class restrictions if it's NOT a tradeskill or quest item
var classRestrictionsArray = []
if (formatted[key].classRestriction2 != "") {
if (formatted[key].classRestriction3 != "") {
if (formatted[key].classRestriction4 != "") {
if (formatted[key].classRestriction5 != "") {
formatted[key].classRestrictions = classRestrictionsArray;
} else if (file == "mobs.json") {
key = value["mobName"];
value.hpCurrent = value.hp;
value.manaCurrent = value.mana;
value.dead = false;
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "spawnTables.json") {
key = value["tableName"];
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "lootTables.json") {
key = value["lootTableName"];
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "quests.json") {
key = value["questId"]; //a string, ie: "forest01"
value.timesRun = 0;
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "recipes.json") {
formatted = arr;
} else if (file == "levelXpData.json") {
key = value["level"];
formatted[key] =;
} else if (file == "heroStats.json") {
key = value["heroClass"];
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "roomTypes.json") {
//these are just supposed to be arrays of objects or strings, ie: var heroStats = ["{warrior:{hp:123,mana:0}...","",""]
formatted = arr;
} else if (file == "loadouts.json") {
key = value["loadoutId"];
formatted[key] = value;
} else {
console.log("Found but did not process this .json file: " + file);
var justFilename = file.match(filenameRegEx); //returns an array of potential matches [ 'items', 'items', index: 0, input: 'items.json' ]
oneHugeString += "var "+justFilename[0]+"="+JSON.stringify(formatted)+"\n"; //the match we need is always at index 0 though
} else {
console.log("Skipping " + file);
//write the static data file
fs.writeFileSync("../gameData/", oneHugeString);
console.log("Done (static data)\n");
//now write the dynamic data file
//add on these two other objects we built earlier
var dynamicDataString = "extends Node\n";
dynamicDataString+="var playerTradeskillItems="+JSON.stringify(playerTradeskillItems)+"\n";
dynamicDataString+="var playerQuestItems="+JSON.stringify(playerQuestItems)+"\n";
fs.writeFileSync("../gameData/", dynamicDataString);
console.log("Done (dynamic data)\n");
//name files are already exported as arrays, so we just need this tool to turn them into a gd file with vars
const namesFolder = './names/';
fs.readdir(namesFolder, (err, files) => {
oneHugeString = "extends Node\n";
console.log("Looking in..." + namesFolder);
files.forEach(file => {
if ((/\.(json)$/i).test(file)) { //if it's json
console.log("Processing " + file);
var namesArr = fs.readFileSync(namesFolder + file, 'utf8');
var justFilename = file.match(filenameRegEx); //returns an array of potential matches [ 'items', 'items', index: 0, input: 'items.json' ]
oneHugeString += "var "+justFilename[0]+"="+namesArr+"\n";
fs.writeFileSync("../gameData/", oneHugeString);
console.log("Done (names data)\n");
//TIMED NODE DATA - these vary by save
const timedNodeDataFolder = './timedNodeData/';
fs.readdir(timedNodeDataFolder, (err, files) => {
oneHugeString = "extends Node\n";
console.log("Looking in..." + timedNodeDataFolder);
files.forEach(file => {
if ((/\.(json)$/i).test(file)) { //if it's json
console.log("Processing " + file);
var formatted = {};
var fromJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(timedNodeDataFolder + file, 'utf8'));
for (var value of fromJSON) {
var key = "";
if (file == "tradeskills.json") {
key = value["tradeskill"];
value.hero = null;
value.inProgress = false;
value.readyToCollect = false;
value.wildcardItemOnDeck = null; = [];
value.selectedRecipe = null;
value.currentlyCrafting = {
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "harvesting.json") {
key = value["harvestingId"];
value.hero = null;
value.endTime = -1;
value.inProgress = false;
value.readyToCollect = false;
value.timesRun = 0;
value.lootWon = {
formatted[key] = value;
} else if (file == "camps.json") {
key = value["campId"];
//breaks manual selection if done in
value.heroes = []
for (var i in value.groupSize) {
value.spawnPointData = {
//we now have an array of spawn point table names
value.endTime = -1;
value.inProgress = false;
value.readyToCollect = false;
value.timesRun = 0;
value.campHeroesSelected = 0;
value.selectedDuration = 0;
value.enableButton = "";
value.campOutcome = {};
formatted[key] = value;
//to set a camp: global.currentCamp = global.campData["camp_forest01"]
} else {
console.log("Found but did not process this .json file: " + file);
var justFilename = file.match(filenameRegEx); //returns an array of potential matches [ 'items', 'items', index: 0, input: 'items.json' ]
oneHugeString += "var "+justFilename[0]+"="+JSON.stringify(formatted)+"\n"; //the match we need is always at index 0 though
} else {
console.log("Skipping " + file);
fs.writeFileSync("../gameData/", oneHugeString);
console.log("Done (timed node data assembly)\n");
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