Marc Bouzas Sabater
Holds a PhD in History (Archaeology), Master in Research in Humanities and BA in History, by Universitat de Girona.
Director of the Càtedra Roses d'Arqueologia i Patrimoni Arqueològic (UdG -CRAPA). Postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat de Girona. Managing editor of the monographic series: Studies on the rural world in the Roman Period (
Managing editor of the academic journal Fundus. International Journal
on the Rural World in the Roman Period
Managing editor of the academic journal Rodis. Journal of Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology
He has extensively collaborated in research projects held by Universitat de Girona and MAC-Empúries, and he is currently directing archaeological excavations in several sites from Girona, such as the Roman Villa of Collet de Sant Antoni, the Greek site of Emporion and Late Roman episcopal complex of Santa Margarita
Director of the Càtedra Roses d'Arqueologia i Patrimoni Arqueològic (UdG -CRAPA). Postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat de Girona. Managing editor of the monographic series: Studies on the rural world in the Roman Period (
Managing editor of the academic journal Fundus. International Journal
on the Rural World in the Roman Period
Managing editor of the academic journal Rodis. Journal of Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology
He has extensively collaborated in research projects held by Universitat de Girona and MAC-Empúries, and he is currently directing archaeological excavations in several sites from Girona, such as the Roman Villa of Collet de Sant Antoni, the Greek site of Emporion and Late Roman episcopal complex of Santa Margarita
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Papers by Marc Bouzas Sabater
The space constitutes nowadays one of the main cultural areas of the town, a park where a large number of cultural activities are developed, from music festivals to open-air cinema sessions and others such as an Archaeology course and guided didactic tours.
Currently, an archaeological project is being developed in the Ciutadella. The main objective is the recovery and study of the entire medieval town, and, at the same time, its recovery and integration into the heritage of the Ciutadella. The recovery of urban ancient spaces, such as the streets, is of great importance for research, but it is also important because it must facilitate the visitor's understanding of the space, with an immersive experience that will be developed by creating visit circuits that will follow the old medieval streets.
The double aspect as an archaeological park and cultural center of the Ciutadella makes it a model experience of socialization of archaeological and cultural heritage.
La vil·la romana del Collet està situada al litoral de l’extrem nord‑est de la península Ibèrica. Les seves primeres fases de la vil·la, des de finals del segle II aC fins els anys 60‑70 dC, estan molt vinculades a l’explotació vitivinícola. En aquells darrers anys va ser objecte d’una intensa reforma que es va perllongar fins al seu abandonament en el segle V. Tot i que des d’inicis del segle IV, el sector de la vil·la més pròxim al mar devia estar abandonat. En aquest article s’estudien les 27 monedes localitzades fins l’actualitat en aquesta vil·la amb l’objectiu de complementar la identificació de les seves fases.
This article aims to show the transformation of the coast in the extreme northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. It is focused on the Ciutadella de Roses. Data were integrated from the digital elevation model (LIDAR), a geomorphological analysis, and lithostratigraphic and chronological correlations based on eight geological boreholes and twelve radiocarbon datings, along with historical data and archaeological remains found in the surroundings of the Ciutadella. This enabled a hypothesis to be established on the palaeolandscape around the site. The evolution of the shoreline from Ancient Greek times to the modern period is detailed, and evidence of its form at different chronological moments is presented. To sum up, the article defines the evolution of the palaeolandscape in the territory and links it to the historical evolution of the site. In addition, the evolution of the relationship between river courses, the sea and the sea level is explained.
En el presente artículo se describe el hallazgo de un tesorillo de moneda de bronce bajoimperial que se puede fechar arqueológicamente en el siglo VI. Se trata de un hallazgo relevante dada su cronología, su situación y el hecho de que iba acompañado de una pequeña pieza de collar de oro. Del mismo modo se contextualiza el hallazgo arqueológicamente y también se apunta su relación con los tipos de ocultaciones monetarias documentadas en el territorio, así como su inserción en la circulación.
Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas durante estos últimos anos en el sector de Santa Margarida (L’Escala) forman parte del actual proyecto de investigación impulsado por la sede de Empuréis del Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, que tiene por objetivo el estudio de las antiguas áreas portuarias de la ciudad griega de Emporion y la ciudad romana de Emporiae. Los resultados de estos trabajos aportan nuevos argumentos sobre la localización del conjunto episcopal tardoantiguo de Empuréis en esta zona, así como también en relación a algunos de los edificios que lo conformaban, como el baptisterio y la basílica o iglesia funeraria. En torno a este conjunto episcopal se desarrollo un nuevo nucleo de habitat que, segun los estudios recientes de paleopaisaje, se emplazaba junto al estuario del rio Ter, que entonces desembocaba inmediatamente al norte de Sant Marti d’Empuries, el otro núcleo de población mas importante en este periodo histórico.
El present treball pretén aglutinar, sintetitzar i posar al dia el coneixement que es té fins al moment sobre les muralles d’època medieval i moderna de Sant Martí d’Empúries. A aquest efecte es recullen les fonts escrites així com orals i fotogràfiques que ja eren conegudes i publicades i, com no podia ser d’altra manera, les dades arqueològiques. Les dades arqueològiques procedeixen principalment de tres etapes de la recerca: les informacions recollides per Emili Gandia a principis del segle xx, les excavacions de Martín Almagro al 1962 i la recent excavació de l’hivern del 2021, que ha permès datar el pany nord de la muralla de finals del segle xv.
The Roman villa of El Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà) is located on the coast of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. Specifically, it is perched on a rocky spur that once jutted into the sea. It originally dates to the Republican era, during the first half of the 1st century BC. It was subsequently demolished in the seventh decade of the 1st century AD. The space then underwent a significant levelling to construct a new building. Towards the late 2nd or early 3rd century, the southern body of this sector of the villa was extensively remodelled, creating a vast single area paved with a mosaic. At the same time, the rooms in the southeast corner of the villa were likewise paved with a mosaic, covering the opus signinum floors from the previous phase.
The space constitutes nowadays one of the main cultural areas of the town, a park where a large number of cultural activities are developed, from music festivals to open-air cinema sessions and others such as an Archaeology course and guided didactic tours.
Currently, an archaeological project is being developed in the Ciutadella. The main objective is the recovery and study of the entire medieval town, and, at the same time, its recovery and integration into the heritage of the Ciutadella. The recovery of urban ancient spaces, such as the streets, is of great importance for research, but it is also important because it must facilitate the visitor's understanding of the space, with an immersive experience that will be developed by creating visit circuits that will follow the old medieval streets.
The double aspect as an archaeological park and cultural center of the Ciutadella makes it a model experience of socialization of archaeological and cultural heritage.
La vil·la romana del Collet està situada al litoral de l’extrem nord‑est de la península Ibèrica. Les seves primeres fases de la vil·la, des de finals del segle II aC fins els anys 60‑70 dC, estan molt vinculades a l’explotació vitivinícola. En aquells darrers anys va ser objecte d’una intensa reforma que es va perllongar fins al seu abandonament en el segle V. Tot i que des d’inicis del segle IV, el sector de la vil·la més pròxim al mar devia estar abandonat. En aquest article s’estudien les 27 monedes localitzades fins l’actualitat en aquesta vil·la amb l’objectiu de complementar la identificació de les seves fases.
This article aims to show the transformation of the coast in the extreme northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. It is focused on the Ciutadella de Roses. Data were integrated from the digital elevation model (LIDAR), a geomorphological analysis, and lithostratigraphic and chronological correlations based on eight geological boreholes and twelve radiocarbon datings, along with historical data and archaeological remains found in the surroundings of the Ciutadella. This enabled a hypothesis to be established on the palaeolandscape around the site. The evolution of the shoreline from Ancient Greek times to the modern period is detailed, and evidence of its form at different chronological moments is presented. To sum up, the article defines the evolution of the palaeolandscape in the territory and links it to the historical evolution of the site. In addition, the evolution of the relationship between river courses, the sea and the sea level is explained.
En el presente artículo se describe el hallazgo de un tesorillo de moneda de bronce bajoimperial que se puede fechar arqueológicamente en el siglo VI. Se trata de un hallazgo relevante dada su cronología, su situación y el hecho de que iba acompañado de una pequeña pieza de collar de oro. Del mismo modo se contextualiza el hallazgo arqueológicamente y también se apunta su relación con los tipos de ocultaciones monetarias documentadas en el territorio, así como su inserción en la circulación.
Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas durante estos últimos anos en el sector de Santa Margarida (L’Escala) forman parte del actual proyecto de investigación impulsado por la sede de Empuréis del Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, que tiene por objetivo el estudio de las antiguas áreas portuarias de la ciudad griega de Emporion y la ciudad romana de Emporiae. Los resultados de estos trabajos aportan nuevos argumentos sobre la localización del conjunto episcopal tardoantiguo de Empuréis en esta zona, así como también en relación a algunos de los edificios que lo conformaban, como el baptisterio y la basílica o iglesia funeraria. En torno a este conjunto episcopal se desarrollo un nuevo nucleo de habitat que, segun los estudios recientes de paleopaisaje, se emplazaba junto al estuario del rio Ter, que entonces desembocaba inmediatamente al norte de Sant Marti d’Empuries, el otro núcleo de población mas importante en este periodo histórico.
El present treball pretén aglutinar, sintetitzar i posar al dia el coneixement que es té fins al moment sobre les muralles d’època medieval i moderna de Sant Martí d’Empúries. A aquest efecte es recullen les fonts escrites així com orals i fotogràfiques que ja eren conegudes i publicades i, com no podia ser d’altra manera, les dades arqueològiques. Les dades arqueològiques procedeixen principalment de tres etapes de la recerca: les informacions recollides per Emili Gandia a principis del segle xx, les excavacions de Martín Almagro al 1962 i la recent excavació de l’hivern del 2021, que ha permès datar el pany nord de la muralla de finals del segle xv.
The Roman villa of El Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà) is located on the coast of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. Specifically, it is perched on a rocky spur that once jutted into the sea. It originally dates to the Republican era, during the first half of the 1st century BC. It was subsequently demolished in the seventh decade of the 1st century AD. The space then underwent a significant levelling to construct a new building. Towards the late 2nd or early 3rd century, the southern body of this sector of the villa was extensively remodelled, creating a vast single area paved with a mosaic. At the same time, the rooms in the southeast corner of the villa were likewise paved with a mosaic, covering the opus signinum floors from the previous phase.
Roman one.
En el capítol concret de la numismàtica es tracten les diferents monedes trobades al jaciment.
Issues to be discussed and analysed are multiple: models and types of settlement (villae, vici, figlinae, nundinae, and other lesser rural settlements), structuring and management of rural areas, adaptation and enviromental impact, commercial and productive strategies, economic dynamics, infrastructure, relation between town and rural world and many others. The review and sharing of these and other points will allow us to draw a clearer picture of the rural world of ancient times and to verify the differences and similarities that exist between very different territories and contexts
Castell de Calonge, Calonge i Sant Antoni (Baix Empordà, Catalunya)
The period is open for submitting papers to present in person and for registering as an attendee. The call for applications is aimed at researchers who work in the area of exploitation of the territory during the Roman period. Papers can be presented in person in any language and will last fifteen minutes.
In recent years, many studies on the rural world in the Roman period have focused on examining how the territory was exploited. This congress is designed to have an impact on this issue and provide a forum for discussion in which to share and discuss studies that have focused on this area in any part of the territory of the Roman world. It is divided into six sessions that reflect a comprehensive view of the territory and its exploitation. Each session will contain a framework presentation and papers.