
Please do not use these email addresses for support requests. For contact specific to research, outreach and security please use:

  • press _at_ geti2p.net - Press contact
    GPG Key fingerprint: 48C7 AAAB 0B9E 4FE3 9535 9EBE 4B05 8F7D 13F6 E886
  • security _at_ geti2p.net - Vulnerability disclosure
    GPG Key fingerprint: EA27 06D6 14F5 28DB 764B F47E CFCD C461 75E6 694A
    Public key


Please visit our I2P user forum - i2pforum.net (available on non-private internet at https://i2pforum.net and on I2P at https://i2pforum.i2p)

The discussion about I2P's development happens on the I2P user forum. This is usually the best place to start with developer inquiries, if the dev IRC channel is inactive. For general support use either the I2P user forum or the Subreddit.

Social Media


우리의 주된 IRC 네트워크는 I2P 내부에 있는 Irc2P 네트워크입니다; 새 라우터 설치시에 이 네트워크는 기본 터널로 구성됩니다. 또한 우리는 여러개의 표준적인 네트워크에도 있습니다. OFTC, EIN 그리고 Freenode. 이 네트워크상의 모든 I2P-관련 채널들은 릴레이 봇들에 의해 메인 채널인 Irc2P와 링크됩니다.

채널 리스트:

#i2p       일반 i2p 논의와 도움 채널
#i2p-chat  주제 외
#i2p-dev   개발 이야기

메일링 리스트

I2P has no active mailing lists, however archives can be accessed.


관리자 I2P Java Release Manager idk Builds and signs the releases
Outreach Sadie Coordinator with community, NGOs and human rights groups. Meeting facilitator, Digital Security training and Press
Assistant PR manager idk Public speaking, public relations assistance
Forum admin eche|on I2P public forum maintainer
Download mirrors admin idk manage the mirrors for the download files
Website mirrors admin [vacant] manage the mirrors for the website
Monotone guru eche|on manage the public monotone repositories
Packager; Linux idk Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) distribution packager
Packager; Windows idk Windows installer packager
Packager; OSX echelon OSX installer packager
Release Manager Alternates eche|on Backup release managers
CI admin idk Maintain Continuous Integration infrastructure
Reseed Admin backup Monitors, advises and recruits reseed hosts
Gitlab admin idk I2P Gitlab maintainer
Localization eche|on, idk, Sadie Admins on Transifex
Translators many many people! Translators on Transifex
Usability Lead Sadie Usability research
Product Development Sadie supervises projects from the early planning stages to project completion
Website Maintainer idk manage the public project website content design
Webserver admin eche|on manage public project webservers
Website admin idk manage the public project website
News Admin eche|on manage router console news feed
Backup News Admin idk manage the backup news feed
Google Play admin idk
F-Droid admin idk
Outproxy admin StormyCloud
I2P Core Integration Mainatainers I2P mail lead postman organize and develop the i2p mail system
I2PSnark lead idk Maintains the integrated Bittorrent client
Syndie lead [vacant] Syndie development
Susimail lead idk Susimail development
Android lead idk Android development
콘솔 idk, Sadie Router console HTML/CSS design
SAM idk SAM maintainer
Contributors cervantes fire2pe dev, console enhancements
Mathiasdm desktopgui, dijjer port
idk Debian/Ubuntu Packager and PPA maintainer
str4d Routerconsole backend and UI work, website revamp, unit tests work
[vacant] Help needed on many fronts!
Past contributors mihi I2PTunnel development, ministreaming library
zzz Project lead, Lead Developer, Lead Maintainer, Forum Administrator, many other roles
jrandom Project lead, Syndie lead
Complication Project lead, Syndie lead, I2Phex, support guru
mkvore iMule lead
redzara I2Phex work
striker I2Phex work
legion I2Phex work
Connely Python SAM library, attack simulations
mastiejaner i2pmail development
dust Syndie help
susi23 i2p mail,susimail and susidns apps
sirup I2Phex (port of Phex to I2P)
Ragnarok addressbook,i2p-bt,syndie client
duck organize and develop the i2p-bt BitTorrent port
Ragnarok addressbook, i2p-bt, syndie client development
thecrypto encryption and signature routines, I2PIM
aum SAM jython code, work on stasher (DHT) and v2v (VoI2P)
hypercubus installer, systray, bogobot
ugha jbigi development, wiki migration, doc cleanup
oOo java debugging and client development on I2PTunnel and the router console
BrianR SAM perl module
eco i2psnark work
shendaras java cleanup
JAnonymous docs. wiki migration
jar translations into French
scintilla C port of jcpuid
smeghead C# SAM library, pants, fortuna integration
Nightblade libSAM
dinoman i2p-bt tracker development
DrWoo i2p-bt tracker development
dr|z3d Console and website themes
walking Chinese translation
monkeybrains Dutch translation
magma French translation
eche|on, mixxy German translation
rus, 4get, slow Russian translation
user Spanish translation
thelastcode, hamada Arabic translation
… and many others
Hall of Fame!


I2P welcomes all kinds of people, as long as they are friendly and helpful to each other.
We disgrace hate, anger, racism, and bad speaking towards anyone.
We do support LBGT, suppressed minorites and other people, wether they need help in kind of our I2P software or not.
We work together to build a free world without hate, racism and violence.
The I2P router software was created in this spirit and should be used to help repressed people to regain their freedom of speech, while not suppressing others.