This post is for - b a d g e - farming.
I will list the badges I don’t have and why-
for some reason, this badge is glitched for me, TheGreatPapyrus (how are you doing?), and potentially others. DiscoBot wont reply when we do the commands (i think we are good enough at this forum anyways)
impossible to get (we could try to get this badge too
I missed my chance and now i cant get this badge (do the mods pick who get this badge or something?)
i could get this but im not moderator material (or admin level, or develeper level, or rofle level)
i mean i made a guide, and its pretty decent imo.
i will get this but it will prob take a year!
A list of anticipated replies to this post -
Q-But if we can just do this, badges are worthless
A-But literally no one says posts worth spamming due to the nature of posting here
Q-This is cheating, do this later, nerd.
A-This is like a small badge i need.
Q-Do you want to play Tic-Tac-Toe with me?
A-Yes, but only if your name is Lightsword.
Your turn @Lightswords (i pinged you so you notice because you are typing at the moment)
also, i would like to flag someone for a badge, but i think the ability to have regular is lost then, so can i flag a deactivated account in a REALLY old post (the ones where only mods have icons)
edit - turns out, it DOES affect it, so could i flag an old post?