
Exposition d'Œuvres de Sculpture et de Peinture du Salon des Artistes Indépendants de Paris

ID: 1101, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
May 16‒Jun 7, 1914
Organizing Bodies:
Galerie Georges Giroux
Catalogue Entries: 191
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 20, other medium: 21, unknown: 150
Artists: 64
Gender: female: 17, male: 47
Nationalities: 15
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Oct 10‒30, 1912 Salon de la "Section d'Or" Paris Galerie La Boëtie 6 artists
Feb‒Mar 1914 45. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Moderní umění [45. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague. Modern Art] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 6 artists
Jan 14‒Feb 10, 1907 Exposition de Peintures & de Sculptures Paris Galerie B. Weill 4 artists
Mar 8‒Apr 13, 1913 Interprétations du Midi Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 5 artists
Jan 12‒Feb 10, 1906 Peintures & Aquarelles Paris Galerie B. Weill 3 artists
Sep 20‒Dec 1, 1913 Der Sturm. Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon Berlin Lepke-Räume 6 artists
Nov 20‒Dec 16, 1911 Exposition d'Art Contemporain / Société Normande de Peinture Moderne 2me exposition Paris Galerie d'Art Ancien & d'Art Contemporain 4 artists
Nov 1913 Der Sturm. Neunzehnte Ausstellung. Expressionisten / Kubisten / Futuristen Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 3 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 18 artists
Jun 8‒16, 1914 Le Paysage du Midi Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 3 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 16 artists
Nov 13‒Dec 4, 1909 Natures Mortes et Fleurs (Peintures) Paris Galerie Eug. Blot 3 artists
May‒Jun 1914 De 3de Internationale Jury-Vrije Tentoonstelling. Vereeniging van Beeldende Kunstnaars Amsterdam Vereenining van Beeldene Kunstenaars "De Onafhankelijken". Tentoonstellingsgebou 6 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Jun 1914 Der Sturm. Sechsundzwanzigste Ausstellung. Marc Chagall Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 2 artists
May 17‒28, 1910 Nus Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 3 artists
Apr 6‒May 3, 1914 Exposition de Sculptures de R. Duchamp-Villon Paris Galerie André Groult 2 artists
Apr 30‒May 19, 1907 Exposition de Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
May 12‒Jun 10, 1905 Exposition de Peintures, Pastels par MM. Bouche (Georges), Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 8, 1908 Salon d'Automne. 6e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 7 artists
May 30‒31, 1910 Collection Particulière de M. Charles Boutet de Monvel Paris Hôtel Drouot 3 artists
Dec 4‒30, 1906 Exposition de Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
Apr 15‒27, 1912 Exposition de Dix Peintres Paris Galerie Druet 2 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 1, 1908 VIII. Serie Französische Impressionisten Zurich Zurich (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 15‒16, 1911 Tableaux Modernes. Aquarelles - Pastels - Dessins Paris Hôtel Drouot 3 artists
Apr 13‒May 25, 1914 Esposizione Libera Futurista Internazionale / Pittori e Scultori / Italiani - Russi - Inglesi - Belgi - Nordamericani Rome Galleria Futurista - Sprovieri 2 artists
Oct 25‒Nov 10, 1905 Société des Peintres du Paris Moderne.Troisième Exposition Paris Galerie des Artistes Modernes 2 artists
Mar 18‒Apr 23, 1911 La Libre Esthétique, dix-huitième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 5 artists
Feb 22‒Mar 25, 1906 La Libre Esthétique. La treizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Nov 14‒30, 1907 Fleurs et Natures Mortes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
1915 Sammlung Walden. Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Plastiken Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 2 artists
Jun 26‒Jul 13, 1911 L'Eau Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 12, 1909 La Libre Esthétique. Seizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Dec 19‒30, 1910 La Faune Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
Apr 18‒30, 1910 D'après les maîtres Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 6 artists
May 4‒Jun 25, 1913 A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
Jul 16‒Oct 9, 1910 Ausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler Dusseldorf Städtischer Kunstpalast 2 artists
May 2‒Jun 7, 1910 (Apr 19‒May 25, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Saint Petersburg Vladimir Izdebsky 3 artists
Jun 25‒Jul 20, 1910 (Jun 12‒Jul 7, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Riga Vladimir Izdebsky 3 artists
Apr 28‒May 19, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Boston Copley Hall 2 artists
Dec 17, 1909‒Feb 6, 1910 (Dec 4, 1909‒Jan 24, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 3 artists
Feb 26‒Mar 27, 1910 (Feb 13‒Mar 14, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выстака картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'staka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Kiev Vladimir Izdebsky 3 artists
Oct 1911 Kunst unserer Zeit in Cölner Privatbesitz Cologne Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 2 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 3 artists
Dec 16, 1907‒Jan 4, 1908 Portraits d'Hommes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
1906 Elfte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2 artists
Nov‒Dec 1910 XXXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Mar‒Jun 1913 Prima Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 2 artists
Jul 1909 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association: 2nd year London Royal Albert Hall 2 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 3 artists
Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year London Royal Albert Hall 2 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 2 artists
Exposition d’Œuvres de Sculpture et de Peinture du Salon des Artistes Indépendants de Paris. 1914.
Nr. of pages: [PDF page number: 25], The year 1914 is not indicated in the catalogue. Gordon however states the year 1914..
Holding Institution: RKD Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
Catalogue Structure
"Peintures, Aquarelles et Sculptures", cat. no.1-183, 14 p.
"Supplément", cat. no. 184-190, 1 p.
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed
Participant Addresses listed

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Places of Activity of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Alexander Archipenko 1887 1964 US 5
Mary Assier 3
Eugène Autran 1838 1920 CH 2
Alice Bailly 1872 1938 CH 3
Maurice Bechet FR 3
Aimé Emile Raymond Billette 1875 1942 FR 2
Georges Bouche 1874 1941 FR 1
Elizabeth Frances Boyd 1867 1946 GB 2
Aline Sybil Bridge GB 3
Roger de La Broye FR 3
Patrick Henry Bruce 1881 1936 US 1
Claudi Castelucho Diana 1870 1927 ES 3
Marc Chagall 1887 1985 BY 2
Yakov Chapchal 1880 1947 3
Pierre Marie Alfred Chapuis 1863 1942 FR 3
Emilie Charmy 1878 1974 FR 1
Giorgio de Chirico 1888 1978 IT 3
Lucie Cousturier 1878 1925 FR 2
Alice Dannenberg 1861 1948 RU 3
Paul Deltombe 1878 1971 FR 3
Victor François Eugène Dupont 1873 1941 FR 3
Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Exster 1882 1949 RU 1
Hans Ekegardh 1891 1962 SE 3
Édouard Ferrat 3
Rodolphe Fornerod 1877 1953 CH 3
Karl Hagedorn 1889 1969 GB 3
Mabel Harrison 3
Henri Hayden 1883 1970 PL 2
Helen Hewitt GB 3
Tristan Klingsor 1874 1966 FR 3
Hanna Koschinsky 1884 1939 PL 2
Antonius Johannes Kristians 1883 1957 NL 1
Léon Lafourcade 3
Robert Lotiron 1886 1966 FR 3
Jean Metzinger 1883 1956 FR 1
Félix Del Marle 1889 1952 FR 2
Marry S. MacMullan 3
Marcel Lenoir 1872 1931 FR 2
Louis Marcoussis 1883 1941 FR 3
Carlos Mérida 1891 1985 GT 2
Alexis Mérodack-Jeaneau 1873 1919 FR 2
Jacques Nam 1881 1974 FR 3
Henri Ottmann 1877 1927 FR 3
Roger Parent 1881 1986 FR 3
Louis Claude Paviot 1872 1943 FR 3
Jeanne Perrot 3
Jean Peské 1870 1949 RU 2
Francis Picabia 1879 1953 FR 2
Ernest Puech 3
Carlos Reymond 1884 1970 FR 3
Diego Rivera 1886 1957 MX 3
Pierre Rougeot 3
Valentine de Saint-Point 1875 1953 FR 3
Suzanne Sainte-Claire Deville 2
André Sivade 1880 1950 FR 3
Martha Stettler 1870 1945 CH 2
Gabriel Sue 1867 1958 FR 3
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 1871 1930 RU 3
Louis Valtat 1869 1952 FR 1
André Verdilhan 1881 1963 FR 4
Jacques Villon 1875 1963 FR 3
Henry de Waroquier 1881 1970 FR 3
André Zinet 3
Etienne Dewinter BE 7
Recommended Citation: "Exposition d'Œuvres de Sculpture et de Peinture du Salon des Artistes Indépendants de Paris." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Apr 28, 2021. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1101