Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2009
Inter-wiki links by TXiKiBoT
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi TXiKi! I noticed that your bot sortes the interwiki-links when adding new ones. Unfortunatelly, the alphabetic order of the shortcuts for the languages isn't the same as for the full names (e.g. "fi" results in "Suomi" meaning that it should be place under "s" instead of "f"), see e.g. here. Nothing that important but it would be nice if you could fix it. Thanks, AxelStrauss 13:44, 7 Urtarrila 2009 (UTC) (de:user:AxelStrauss)
- Hi there, you may want to ask for bot status on more wikis at m:Steward requests/Bot status, especially for small wikis such as zu.wp. Cheers, Sj 02:46, 22 Urtarrila 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Apa, orain dela gutxi sortu dudan orrialde batekin arazo bat dut. Aduanazaintza Zerbitzuaren artikuluan hain zuzen. Taula bat dago bukaeran non autonomia erkidegoka agertzen diren egoitza ezberdinak, baina taula beti irekita dago, eta itxita egotea hobe dela iruditzen zait. Saiatu naiz "collapsed" jartzen itxita bezala agertzeko baina ez dit funtzionatzen. Lagundu nazazu arazoa konpontzen. An13sa 15:00, 13 Urtarrila 2009 (UTC)
Please, can you give me the program of your bot ? this is my email : Thanks in advance. Jagwar 08:10, 19 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)
- Hello again,
- Which version of Python do you use for your Bot ? Best regards ; --09:49, 28 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)
Bot en Dead Space
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hola, te queria comentar que tu Bot, elimina las referencias en otros idiomas de la página de Dead Space en Español, me toca deshacer los cambios, casi a diario. Agradezco lo soluciones.--DONKIKO 12:52, 20 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)
Reversión en .an
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hola, he revertido esta edición de tu bot en la Biquopedia en aragonés, ya que añadía interwikis a una página redirigida, que además he marcado para su borrado, ya que la creó un anónimo con un nombre incorrecto. Lo raro es que el bot añada enlaces a una página redirigida. --Manuel Trujillo Berges 19:43, 23 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)
- Hola, tu bot está funcionando erróneamente en an: al añadir interwikis a páginas redirigidas. En concreto, cuando redirigimos algunas páginas, Txikibot edita las páginas redirigidas y les vuelve a poner los interwikis. Lo he bloqueado por un día, para evitar problemas, ya que estamos trasladando algunas páginas relacionadas con "Rioxa" a "Riocha". No sé si podrías arreglarlo para que no añada interwikis a páginas redirigidas, y en lugar de ello, corrija el cambio en las páginas de otros idiomas. Esprisions! --Juanpabl 16:19, 21 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
- Hola, tal y como te ha contestado Manuel en tu discusión de an:, son las páginas que llevaban en el título "Rioxa". En concretos, son los traslados de páginas que puedes encontrar aquí hechos los días 20 y 21 de marzo. Sería estupendo si pudieras hacer las correcciones hacia el resto de idiomas. Ahora te quito el bloqueo, era más bien para evitar que hubiera una "guerra de ediciones" entre los usuarios de nuestra wiki y el bot. Saludos y gracias! --Juanpabl 16:57, 21 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Non ho idea di quale sia la Tua lingua, spero Tu capisca l'Italiano.
Ciao TXiKi, conosco bene l'esistenza della voce Priniàs in Sicilianu: l'ho creata io... Ho realizzato sia la prima pagina in Italiano che quella Siciliana tutt'ora in lavorazione. Non avevo ancora aggiunto il collegamento esterno, in quanto ancora ci sto lavorando e non è facile da tradurre in un solo giorno. Comunque grazie per il collegamento. Ciao [1] 13:28, 7 mar 2009 (CET)
Malena Ernman
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi could you make the bot put interwiki links between the new Malena Ernman article on German wikipedia to all the rest of her articles.--Sigurd.1 12:27, 16 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
Global bot flag for TXiKiBoT
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hello TXiKi. You should get a global bot flag for TXiKiBoT, which will give it bot access on 212 wikis (and more every week), listed at m:Bot policy/Implementation. To request one, see m:Steward requests/Bot status. —Pathoschild 06:02:48, 25 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
Bandera no oficial de Río Negro
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hola TXiKi. Quisiera saber de donde obtuviste la bandera no oficial de la Provincia de Río Negro (Argentina), que pusiste en ese artículo de Internet el 20 de marzo de 2009. Cordiales saludos de Carlos Soliverez. Patagonia argentina, 28 de marzo de 2009.
- Hola Carlos. No sé a qué imagen te refieres. Yo no he subido ninguna bandera de la provincia de Río Negro. ¿Estás seguro que he sido yo? –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 15:29, 28 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
Montelupo Fiorentino
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Dear friend. I have see your rollback about the latin translation of "Monte Lupo". I don't agree on your proposal, for following reasons:
1. Montelupo Fiorentino is my birthplace, and I was one of the founders of Ceramic Museum of Montelupo. Related to that, I have spent a lot of time in archaelogical initiatives and archive researches, during wich we discovered that the most significant human settlement in middle age in Montelupo territory was during the IX century, where somebody founded a little castle in the top of the hill of Montelupo. Probably, the founder was Viking, or Goth, or Longobard. Probably, the name was "Wolf" or similar (you have to consider also that during the middle age, in Tuscany, the surname "Lupo" was common). For this reason, the hill (not a veritable mount, because his height is 100 meters...) was named "the mount of wolf", in italian "Monte del Lupo", then "Montelupo".
2. During Roman Empire, there's not any significative settlement in Montelupo territory. For this reason, is not logical to think to latin name of Montelupo, under pure scientific side. If we want to joke, we could translate the actual name, by considering his philological evolution (previous point 1.). Then, we must translate "the mount of wolf" in latin "mons lupi".
3. I have rolled back the item. If you have some consideration or information to show, please insert your point of view in the discussion related before new modifications. best regards. --Aeroleo 17:13, 31 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
Caro amigo, eu recebi um e-mail de seu bot, no dia 31 de março de 2009. No entanto eu não sei ler em basco, e pouco sei ler em inglês. Tentei traduzir o texto em algum sítio na internet, mas também não tive sucesso. O texto era:
Kaixo Andrevruas,
Wikipedia(e)ko Lankide eztabaida:Andrevruas orrialdea sortu egin du TXiKiBoT(e)k une honetan: 09:31, 31 Martxoa 2009, ikus azken bertsiorako.
Honako hau orrialde berria da.
Egilearen laburpena: Ongi etorri!
Egilearekin harremanetan jarri: e-posta: wiki:
Ez dira oharpen gehiago bidaliko orrialde hau berriz bisitatzen ez baduzu. Horrez gain, orrialdeen oharpen konfigurazioa leheneratu dezakezu segimendu zerrendatik.
Wikipedia(e)ko oharpen sistema
-- Zure segimendu zerrendako konfigurazioa aldatzeko, ikus
É possível o senhor reenviar esta informações pelo menos em inglês ou espanhol, inclusive as futuras, para eu poder compreender melhor?
Andrevruas 03:10, 1 Apirila 2009 (UTC)
""(e)tik eskuratuta
- Dont't worry. This is only a notification, advising you that your user talk has been modified. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 06:39, 1 Apirila 2009 (UTC)
- I have the same experience. I do not appreciate this. I cannot drop the option in a strange language. And: it did not happen with other languages I opened. -DePiep 13:34, 8 Apirila 2009 (UTC)
Bot summary in Waray Wikipedia
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi, I've noticed that when running the bot war:User:TXiKiBoT in the Waray-Waray Wikipedia that you're using the Tagalog terms in the robot summary (like dinagdag). Could you use the Waray terms instead? Tell me what the Waray terms you need and I'll be happy to provide you with the translation. Thanks. war:User:Harvzs 04:08, 29 Apirila 2009 (UTC)
Wrong interwikis
[aldatu iturburu kodea]There is a wrong interwiki in a category about Oceania, for example if you see fr:Catégorie:Ville d'Océanie you will notice that it:Categoria:Città per continente is inappropriate for that interwiki because Città per continente is for continent and not for Oceania and therefore all interwikis with that Italian category are wrong, please correct that wrong interwikis.--Noder4 01:03, 3 Maiatza 2009 (UTC)
- Done! –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 22:18, 3 Maiatza 2009 (UTC)
Thank you very much Basque warrior!--Noder4 02:00, 4 Maiatza 2009 (UTC)
Account renaming...
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hello!
I have posted a request to rename my account. I am waiting for two wikis to perform the renaming in order to "Sulize" my new username. Could you please perform the renaming? Thank you! GillesC 19:11, 30 Maiatza 2009 (UTC)
Iepe! Ohar bat gehitu diot hasieran. Ez bazaude ados, esan ;-) --Unai (esan) 16:26, 10 Uztaila 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Bonjour,
Please, see here ; do you agree with Volkov ?
Budelberger 18:34, 13 Uztaila 2009 (UTC) ().
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Buenas TXiKi, podrias (si tienes tiempo) pasarte por Wikipedia:Bot-ak/Baimenak? no me llevo bien con el euskara pero creo que hay algunas que tienen meses ahi, gracias por adelantado Manuelt15 01:22, 17 Uztaila 2009 (UTC) PD: en caso que no tengas tiempo me avisas para llevarlos a meta
biography bot-link confusion (Tobias Mayer)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hallo TXiKi Your bot "TXiKiBoT" recently made an interwiki link between the English Wikipedia article for "Tobias Mayer" and " uk:Тобіас Йоганн Маєр ".
Please note that
- "Tobias Mayer" (17 February 1723 – 20 February 1762), astronomer, did not carry the name "Johann", and
- "Johann Tobias Mayer" (5 May 1752 – 30 November 1830), physicist, was not the same person.
These two were father and son.
These two persons have often been confused in the past, and it would help the accuracy and reliability of Wikipedia to do what is necessary to avoid extending the confusion.
With good wishes, Terry Terry0051 13:06, 11 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
Hi. Could you add this template (doc) on TXiKiBoT's user page at sr.wikipedia, please? --Bokim 08:52, 12 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
TXiKiBoT on Urdu Wikipedia
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Your bot TXiKiBoT is active on Urdu Wikipedia. We appreciate the good work that the Bot is doing for maintenance of InterWiki links. Urdu Wikipedia community recently held a poll to decide the order of InterWiki links. You can see the poll results in English at our Embassey or the original poll in Urdu here. I have noticed that When your Bot adds or updates any InterWiki links, it also resorts them in alphabetical order by ISO code, which is not the sort order that the community recently decided. My understanding is that this the default implementation of Python Wikipedia Robot Framework which you are most likely using. I have already filed a request with them to implement this special sort order for Urdu.
While we wait for this to be implemented in the Framework, I'll request you to update the links without changing the sort order if possible. It would be great if you can implement the new sort order yourself without waiting for the Framework update. I have provided the full custom sort array at Embassy that you can use for the implementation
To contact me, you can leave a message at my Talk Page or at our Embassy
Kashif Aqeel - Urdu Wikipedia Administrator
--کاشف عقیل 23:00, 13 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]It looks like you have made some adjustment to your Bot in response to my message but it is not completely correct. If you are using Python Wikipedia Robot Framewok, you can use the following for correct ordering
'ur': ['ar', 'fa', 'en'] + self.alphabetic
For more details, please see our Embassey
Kashif Aqeel - Urdu Wikipedia Administrator
fi language interwikis.
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Your bot is not adding fi-language interwikis correctly. I was just in a middle of doing it on all wikis and yours was screwing it up while I was in a middle of a job. your bot is sorting fi-language with F. Finnish language should be sorted with S, since it correct Finnish name is Suomi. Cheers.. J Hazard 02:48, 18 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
- When going throught your history, I see you have been noticed about this before. So can you please fix it? J Hazard 03:02, 18 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
IIT Indore
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi....I am newbie.I wish to learn new things & concepts.
I edited the page of IIT Indore. during which i deleted ta:இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் இந்தூர் as i thought it is worthless. but bot added the same later on.:
PLease guide me. what that line is about "ta:இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் இந்தூர்" & why did you added it again....
Please guide.. Thanks....
abutorsam007 11:35, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
IIT Indore
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi....I am newbie.I wish to learn new things & concepts.
I edited the page of IIT Indore. during which i deleted ta:இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் இந்தூர் as i thought it is worthless. but bot added the same later on.:
PLease guide me. what that line is about "ta:இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் இந்தூர்" & why did you added it again....
Please guide.. Thanks....
abutorsam007 11:35, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Please stop adding this article to the English Wikipedia at en:Joe Mullen. They are different people. 01:08, 29 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
IP edits
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Please, check, if this isn't your bot. Thanks. JAn Dudík 06:44, 31 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]On fy:, your bot suffers from the no:-bug, see fy:Wikipedy:Oerlisside. Please, either apply the fix or get the frame fixed, and/or refrain from making changes on fy:. Aliter 21:48, 31 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
Sakha Wiki
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Please, register the robot TXiKiBot in our section: sah: --HalanTul 22:42, 16 Iraila 2009 (UTC)
Interwiki links !!!
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Obviously You don't get it! Interwiki links are not sorted by their abbreviations. They are sorted by their real names. Like fi-wiki is not sorted by F, it is sorted by S-Suomi. And other issue is that when I create an article, and add it to all wikis, your stupid bot is messing it up on all others before I have chance to do it CORRECTLY on all other wikis (Soon as I add it on En-wiki your bot is adding it incorrectly on all other ones and then I have to go and fix it). J Hazard 01:40, 2 Urria 2009 (UTC)
El Somme
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Muy buenas caballero, me gustaría preguntarle ¿sabes por qué el Departamento de El somme ha periddo población de forma casi initerrumpida desde hace 200 años? ¿qué explicación tiene?
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, TXiKi! Azken boladan bota gelditzen zait, nahiz eta "-always" jarri. Lehen ez zitzaidan hori gertatzen. Ba al dakizu erlaziorik ote duen bot baimenduna ez izatearekin? Bide batez, eta "burokrata" zarenez, pasa zaitezke hemendik, egoki iruditzen zaizun botei baimena emateko? Eskerrik asko. --Unai (esan) 18:34, 7 Azaroa 2009 (UTC)
- Adibidez, baserriekin aldaketa bat egin nahi izan nuen, eta zera idatzi:
- -start:! -always "Oin-planta" "Oinplanoa"
- Beno, bada lehena ondo aldatu ondoren, gelditu zen.--Unai (esan) 15:37, 10 Azaroa 2009 (UTC)
Bingo! Zuk esandakoa jarri eta gero ematen du ondo doala! Eskerrik asko!! --Unai (esan) 10:08, 12 Azaroa 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi,my friend I am from turkey and you, do you like history do you know history of ottoman empire
Your iw bot on tr wiki
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hello, thanks for your bot on Tr wiki. I would like to ask you one thing: How many hours does your bot waits until it adds the iws to an article after the article has been created? Thanks for your answer. Please give our answer here: tr:Kullanıcı mesaj:Manco Capac --Manco Capac 14:14, 11 Azaroa 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]I have created articles in the template LST (around 1000 articles). Can the TXiKiBoT check them all? Thanks. Fabiano Tatsch 22:32, 30 Azaroa 2009 (UTC)
- Sure! –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:40, 1 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks. Fabiano Tatsch 14:21, 1 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
Wrong interwiki links on en:Fritz Erler (painter)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hi, I have a small problem with your bot on EN wiki. As you can see, the bot added the wrong interwiki links to the article I just created on a German artist. I specifically titled the article Fritz Erler (painter) to avoid conflict with the politician de:Fritz Erler. However, the bot proceeded to add the interwiki links, and after I reverted its edits, it proceeded to add them again! Please see what you can do about this, and thanks for all the work you do. - Petropoxy (Lithoderm Proxy) 23:32, 15 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
- The English Wikipedia article was pointing to the incorrect article in the German Wikipedia, and so the bot was following it. Now, I've manually corrected this link. I think the problem is solved now. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:38, 16 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
Jeremiah Burroughs is NOT William S. Burroughs
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Your bot and another bot tried to link 20th century author William S. Burroughs on Simple English Wikipedia to 17th century minister Jeremiah Burroughs, on Frysk Wikipedia. Please tell them to stop. 03:38, 22 Abendua 2009 (UTC) (Zephyrad - English and Simple English Wikipedia)
- These problems are due to autonomous edits, so the best we can do in these cases is to manually correct the incorrect interwiki links in the source page (simple wikipedia). Therefore, the bot will fix these links. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 09:26, 22 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
thank you
[aldatu iturburu kodea]hi, tahnk you for your editions about my article in persian viki Paiamshadi 21:44, 24 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
- And thank you for the great .ru addition to the Charactron page! 03:10, 29 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo TXiKi! Zure bota Lafitte argipen orriko interwikiak ezabatu ditu behin eta berriz. Konpon al zenezake arazoa? Milesker.--An13sa ✎ 20:33, 29 Abendua 2009 (UTC)