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      Histoire militairePremière Guerre Mondiale
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesPolitical Science
In questo studio si esaminano alcune testimonianze provenienti dall'Archivio della Comunità ebraica di Ancona riguardanti le pie confraternite attive in città dal XVIII al XX secolo.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesModern Jewish History
This paper’s aim is to communicate the existence of a particular typology of reuse of fragments of Hebrew manuscripts: the fragments held within musical instruments. During an archival campaign about the sixteenth- and seventeeth-century... more
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      Viola Da GambaHebrew ManuscriptsMusical InstrumentsHistory of musical instruments makers
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      Book of EstherHebrew PaleographyHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Epigraphic HebrewJewish Burial and Mourning Liturgy In Italian CemeteriesHistory of AnconaStoria di Ancona
Since the 10th century, Hebrew script of Italian-type draws its origin in the culture of the Jewish communities inhabiting the region of Salento in Southern Puglia, which were important centers of cultural and religious life, as well as... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsPaleography and CodicologyHebrew PaleographyItalian Jews
I ciclo di seminari di epigrafia ebraica - Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryTriesteVenice
XIVème journée d’étude en paléographie et diplomatique hébraïques des étudiants de Judith OLSZOWY-SCHLANGER, 14 Novémbre 2022.
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsHebrew PaleographyCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Hebrew BibleHebrew ManuscriptsCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew ManuscriptsItalian Jewish historyCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Museums
Il metodo RE-ORG cambia l'approccio alla gestione degli spazi e al concetto di deposito, che diventa continuazione dell'allestimento museale. Il Poster presenta il progetto della Sinagoga e  Museo Ebraico Fausto Levi di Soragna
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHistory of CollectionsMuseologyMuseography and Museology
Among the thousands of foreign volunteers who came to the Peninsula during the Spanish Civil war were hundred teenagers. These very young volunteers, French for the most part, having lied about their age. They are the subject of... more
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      Spanish Civil WarTeenagersInternational BrigadesGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA
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      Private military contractorsContractorsMercenaries and Private Military ContractorsMercenaries and Private Security
Conférence à l'occasion de la journée "Histoire et mémoire de la guerre d'Espagne" à Montreuil (France) le 12 mars 2016. Lecture on the occasion of the event "History and memory of the Spanish Civil War" at Montreuil (France) on 12th... more
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      Gender HistorySpanish Civil WarInternational BrigadesForeign Fighters
Les sources transnationales d’un phénomène historique mondial. Radioscopie documentaire du volontariat international durant la guerre civile espagnole. The Transnational Sources of a Global Historical Phenomenon. Desk Review of the... more
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      Spanish Civil WarInternational BrigadesInternational Brigades Spanish Civil WarInternational war volunteers
Les débats autour des frondeurs du PS ou l'exclusion de J.-M. Le Pen du FN montrent que l'indiscipline partisane est aujourd'hui fréquemment mise au coeur de l'actualité politique. Exemplaires, ces cas rappellent que les partis politiques... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical ParticipationPolitical PartiesPolitical Science
Virtual exhibition realized by the CHS, within the framework of the Consortium Archives des Mondes Contemporains, consortium of the TGIR Huma-Num The Centre d'Histoire Sociale du XXeme siècle (CHS, Paris, France) has prepared and set up a... more
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      TransnationalismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismInternational BrigadesFrench Communist Party