Academic Notice Policy in the School of Mechanical Engineering

Updated Spring 2025

What is Academic Notice?

A student at Purdue University will be placed on Academic Notice if their fall or spring semester or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), at the end of any fall or spring semester, is less than a 2.0.

A student on Academic Notice will be removed from that standing at the end of the first subsequent fall or spring semester in which they achieve a semester and cumulative GPAs equal to or greater than 2.0.

Any grade change due to a reporting error will result in a recalculation of the GPA and determination of notice standing.

Academic Notice is NOT assessed in summer or winter sessions.

Note that students must earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA to complete the BSME degree.

If you are a co-op student, you will not be allowed to participate in a co-op work session until you are removed from Academic Notice.

What is ME Core Notice?

A student in the School of Mechanical Engineering will be placed on ME Core Notice if their ME Core GPA, at the completion of any fall or spring term, is less than a 2.0.

Click here to view ME Core classes and to calculate your ME Core GPA.

A student on ME Core Notice will be removed from that standing at the end of the first subsequent fall or spring semester in which their ME Core GPA is equal to or greater than 2.0.

Any grade change due to a reporting error will result in a recalculation of the GPA and determination of notice standing.

ME Core Notice is NOT assessed in summer or winter sessions.

Note that students must earn a minimum 2.0 ME Core GPA to complete the BSME degree.

What will happen if I am placed on Academic Notice or ME Core Notice?

If you are placed on Academic Notice or ME Core Notice, you will partner with your Academic Advisor to chart a plan that will allow you to meet your academic goals.

You will receive a letter from your Academic Advisor after grades post.  You will be asked to:

  1. Send your Academic Advisor a revised Plan of Study
    • Include any plans to repeat courses
    • You are strongly encouraged to enroll in no more than 15 credit hours per semester until you are removed from Academic Notice
  2. Complete and send your Academic Advisor the ME Core GPA Calculator Sheet
  3. Complete the University’s Academic Notice survey
    • Note that completing the Academic Notice survey is not required for students placed on ME Core notice only
  4. Schedule an Academic Notice Review Appointment with your Academic Advisor
    • Work with your Academic Advisor to complete an Academic Notice Agreement during the appointment