Hamsa Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1faac
- Symbol
- 🪬
- 🪬
🪬 Emoji Pictures
🪬 Meaning: Hamsa
🪬 Hamsa Emoji was approved as part of Unicode 14.0 standard in 2021 with a U+1FAAC codepoint and currently is listed in 🎁 Objects category. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Hamsa Emoji meaning. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them ;-). Use symbol 🪬 to copy and paste Hamsa Emoji or 🪬 code for HTML. This emoji is not so new, but some old devices can't display it properly. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Hamsa
- Symbol
- 🪬
- Codepoint
- U+1faac
- Shortcode
- Category
- Objects
- Keywords
- Windows Alt-code
- Alt+1faac
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🪬
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🪬
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xdeac
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%AA%AC
- Version
- Unicode 14.0
- Year
- 2021
🪬 International Names
- 🪬 Hamsa (amulet, Fatima, hand, Mary, Miriam, protection) – English
- 🪬 Hamsa (Amulett, Fatima, Glückssymbol, Maria, Miriam, Schutz) – Deutsch
- 🪬 Main De Fatma (amulette, Fatma, hamsa, khamsa, Myriam, protection) – Français
- 🪬 Хамса (амулет, защита, ладонь, рука Марии, рука Мириам, рука Фатимы) – Русский
- 🪬 Hamsa (amuleto, Fátima, jamsa, mano, María, Miriam, protección) – Español
- 🪬 Mano Di Fatima (ALO, amuleto, hamsa, khamsa, Maria, Miriam, protezione) – Italiano
- 🪬 Hamsá (amuleto, Fátima, mão, Maria, Miriam, proteção) – Português
- 🪬 Chamsa (amulet, dłoń, dłoń Fatimy, dłoń z okiem, Fatima, Miriam, ochrona, ręka Fatimy, ręka Miriam, ręka z okiem) – Polski