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英訳・英語 production company;show biz production company
Weblio実用英語辞典での「芸能事務所」の英訳 |
talent agency, entertainment agencytalent agency
talent agencyのニュアンス
「talent agency」という表現は、俳優、ミュージシャン、モデルなどの芸能人を代表し、仕事を斡旋する組織を指す。この用語は、特に個々の芸能人のキャリア管理やマーケティングを重視する際に使用されることが多い。
talent agencyと一緒に使われやすい単語・表現
talent agencyの例文
・He signed a contract with a major talent agency.(彼は大手の芸能事務所と契約を結んだ。)・The talent agency provides full representation to its clients.(その芸能事務所はクライアントに対して全面的な代表を提供する。)
・She got an audition through her talent agency.(彼女は自身の芸能事務所を通じてオーディションを受けた。)
entertainment agency
entertainment agencyのニュアンス
「entertainment agency」は、幅広いエンターテインメント業界における芸能活動をサポートする機関を指す。この語は、イベントの企画やプロモーション、広告など、芸能人の活動を多角的にサポートする組織に対して用いられることが一般的である。
entertainment agencyと一緒に使われやすい単語・表現
entertainment agencyの例文
・The entertainment agency organized a large event with several celebrities.(そのエンターテインメント事務所は、複数の有名人を迎えた大規模なイベントを企画した。)・They are responsible for the promotion of new artists.(彼らは新人アーティストのプロモーションを担当している。)
・Our company hired an entertainment agency to produce a commercial.(私たちの会社はコマーシャル制作のためにエンターテインメント事務所を雇った。)
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She belongs to the entertainment office.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
In Kamigata, on the other hand, storytellers belong to entertainment companies, including Yoshimoto Kogyo, Shochiku Geino Co., Ltd., and Office Beicho, resulting from Kamigata rakugo's peculiar development after the War.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
永沢未紗が所属する 芸能事務所がある場所なんですよ。例文帳に追加
This is where the office of nagasawa misa's agency is located. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Makino Geinosha (established June 1946 - dissolved October 1948) was a performing art office located in Kyoto.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The association identified the Shimanouchi Yose Theater as rakugo-specific theater where storytellers of all affiliations, whether entertainment companies or TV stations (with which famous storytellers had exclusive contracts), could perform.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For this reason, the problem of "the rivalries among entertainment companies," which is common among stand-up or slapstick comedians, or who cause difficulties in assigning personalities to TV programs, is not so conspicuous, if not nonexistent, in the rakugo industry.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第二十七条 法第四十二条第一項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬の支払をする同項に規定する免税芸能法人等(第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)のその支払につき同条第一項の規定により徴収をすべき所得税の納税地については、所得税法施行令第五十五条中「場所とする」とあるのは、「場所(租税特別措置法(昭和三十二年法律第二十六号)第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬等に係る源泉徴収の特例)に規定する免税芸能法人等(以下この条において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が国外において同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価」という。)のうちから同項各号に掲げる者に支払う同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬については、当該免税芸能法人等に対し当該芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者(その者が免税芸能法人等に該当する場合には、その者に対して芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者)の国内にある事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものの所在地(これらが二以上ある場合には、主たるものの所在地))とする」とする。例文帳に追加
Article 27 (1) With respect to the place for tax payment of income tax to be collected, pursuant to the provisions of Article 42(1) of the Act, for the payment of the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42(1) of the Act (referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in paragraph (3)) to entertainers, etc. for their provision of services, the term "shall be the place prescribed in the said items" in Article 55 of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall be the place prescribed in the said items (with respect to the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42(1) (Special Provisions for Withholding at Source of Remuneration, etc. Paid by Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporations, etc. to Entertainers for Their Provision of Services) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Act No. 26 of 1957) (hereinafter referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in this Article), outside Japan, to entertainers, etc. listed in the items of the said paragraph for their provision of services out of consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. prescribed in the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc." in this Article), the location of an office, business office or any other place equivalent thereto located in Japan of a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. of the said entertainers, etc. to the said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. (where such person falls under the category of a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc., a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. to the said person) (where there are two or more locations, the principal location))."発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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Weblio例文辞書での「芸能事務所」に類似した例文 |
this office
She belongs to the entertainment office.
his unostentatious office
I left the office.
I'd like to see you in my office.
I'd like to talk to you in my office.
We shall have an office at a convenient place.
該当件数 : 10件
第二十七条 法第四十二条第一項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬の支払をする同項に規定する免税芸能法人等(第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)のその支払につき同条第一項の規定により徴収をすべき所得税の納税地については、所得税法施行令第五十五条中「場所とする」とあるのは、「場所(租税特別措置法第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬等に係る源泉徴収の特例)に規定する免税芸能法人等(以下この条において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が国外において同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価」という。)のうちから同項各号に掲げる者に支払う同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬については、当該免税芸能法人等に対し当該芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者(その者が免税芸能法人等に該当する場合には、その者に対して芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者)の国内にある事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものの所在地(これらが二以上ある場合には、主たるものの所在地))とする」とする。例文帳に追加
Article 27 (1) With respect to the place for tax payment of income tax to be collected, pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Act, for the payment of the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in paragraph (3)) to entertainers, etc. for their provision of services, the term "shall be the place prescribed in said items" in Article 55 of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall be the place prescribed in said items (with respect to the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42, paragraph (1) (Special Provisions on Withholding at Source for Remuneration, etc. Paid by a Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporation, etc. to Entertainers, etc. for Their Provision of Services) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (hereinafter referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in this Article), outside Japan, to entertainers, etc. listed in the items of said paragraph for their provision of services out of consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. prescribed in said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc." in this Article), the location of an office, business office or any other place equivalent thereto located in Japan of a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. of said entertainers, etc. to said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. (where such person falls under the category of a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc., a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. to said person) (where there are two or more locations, the principal location))."発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
二 法第百七十二条第一項第一号に規定する給与又は報酬(法第四編第五章(非居住者又は法人の所得に係る源泉徴収)又は租税特別措置法第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬に係る源泉徴収の特例)の規定の適用を受けないものに限る。)の支払者の氏名又は名称及び住所若しくは居所又は本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地例文帳に追加
(ii) The name of a defrayer of wages or remuneration prescribed in Article 172, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act (limited to wages or remuneration that is not subject to the provisions of Part IV, Chapter V (Withholding at the Source of Income of Nonresidents or Corporations) of the Act or Article 42, paragraph (1) (Special Provisions for Withholding at the Source of Remuneration, etc. for the Provision of the Services of Entertainers, etc. Paid by Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporations, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation) and his/her domicile or residence or the location of the head office or principal office発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第四十二条 国内において所得税法第百六十一条第二号に規定する事業(映画若しくは演劇の俳優、音楽家その他の芸能人又は職業運動家の役務の提供(以下この項及び第三項において「芸能人等の役務提供」という。)を主たる内容とする事業に限る。)を行う非居住者又は外国法人(国内に居所を有し、又は国内に事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものを有するものを除く。)で、芸能人等の役務提供に係る同号に掲げる対価につき同法第百六十二条に規定する条約(以下この項において「租税条約」という。)の規定により所得税が免除されるもの(国内に恒久的施設(当該租税条約に定める恒久的施設をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を有しないこと又はその対価がその国内に有する恒久的施設に帰せられないことを要件として所得税が免除されるものに限る。以下この項及び第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が、国外においてその所得税を免除される対価のうちから次の各号に掲げる者に対して当該各号に定める給与若しくは報酬又は対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供報酬」という。)を支払うときは、当該免税芸能法人等は、その支払の際、当該芸能人等の役務提供報酬の額に百分の二十の税率を乗じて計算した金額の所得税を徴収し、その徴収の日の属する月の翌月末日までに、これを国に納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 42 (1) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation (excluding a nonresident having a residence in Japan or a foreign corporation having an office, place of business or any other business facility equivalent thereto in Japan) engaged in conducting, in Japan, the business prescribed in Article 161(ii) of the Income Tax Act (limited to a business that is mainly intended to provide the services of motion picture or theatre artistes , musicians and any other entertainers, or professional athletes (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (3) as the "provision of the services of entertainers, etc.")), which is exempt from income tax pursuant to the provisions of a convention prescribed in Article 162 of the said Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as a "tax convention") with respect to the consideration listed in Article 161(ii) of the said Act for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. (such nonresident or foreign corporation shall be limited to those to be exempt from income tax on condition that the nonresident or foreign corporation has no permanent establishments (meaning permanent establishments specified by the said tax convention; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) in Japan or that the consideration to be received by the nonresident or foreign corporation is not attributed to his/her or its permanent establishments located in Japan; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (3) as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc."), pays outside Japan to the person listed in any of the following items, pay, remuneration or consideration specified in the relevant item (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "remuneration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc."), from the consideration for which the tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. is exempt from income tax, the said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. shall, upon payment, collect income tax equivalent to the amount calculated by multiplying the amount of remuneration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. by a tax rate of 20 percent, and pay it to the State no later than the last day of the month following the month that includes the date of collection:発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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