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Returns the contents of a tracked file.

This is similar to the dvc get command in our CLI.

def read(path: str,
         repo: str = None,
         rev: str = None,
         remote: str = None,
         remote_config: dict = None,
         config: dict = None,
         mode: str = "r",
         encoding: str = None)


import dvc.api

modelpkl = dvc.api.read(


This function wraps dvc.api.open(), for a simple way to return the complete contents of a file tracked in a DVC project. The file can be tracked by DVC (as an output) or by Git.

The returned contents can be a string or a bytearray. These are loaded to memory directly (without using any disc space).

The type returned depends on the mode used. For more details, please refer to Python's open() built-in, which is used under the hood.


  • path (required) - location and file name of the target to read, relative to the root of the project (repo).

  • repo - specifies the location of the DVC project. It can be a URL or a file system path. Both HTTP and SSH protocols are supported for online Git repos (e.g. [user@]server:project.git). Default: The current project is used (the current working directory tree is walked up to find it).

  • rev - Git commit (any revision such as a branch or tag name, commit hash, or experiment name). If repo is not a Git repo, this option is ignored. Default: None (current working tree will be used)

  • remote - name of the DVC remote to look for the target data. Default: The default remote of repo is used if a remote argument is not given. For local projects, the cache is tried before the default remote.

  • remote_config - dictionary of options to pass to the DVC remote. This can be used to, for example, provide credentials to the remote.

  • config - config dictionary to pass to the DVC project. This is merged with the existing project config and can be used to, for example, add an entirely new remote.

  • mode - specifies the mode in which the file is opened. Defaults to "r" (read). Mirrors the namesake parameter in builtin open().

  • encoding - codec used to decode the file contents to a string. This should only be used in text mode. Defaults to "utf-8". Mirrors the namesake parameter in builtin open().


  • dvc.exceptions.FileMissingError - file in path is missing from repo.

  • dvc.exceptions.PathMissingError - path cannot be found in repo.

  • dvc.exceptions.NoRemoteError - no remote is found.

Example: Load data from a DVC repository

Any file tracked in a DVC project (and stored remotely) can be loaded directly in your Python code with this API. For example, let's say that you want to load and unserialize a binary model from a repo on GitHub:

import pickle
import dvc.api

data = dvc.api.read(
model = pickle.loads(data)

We're using 'rb' mode here for compatibility with pickle.loads().


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