Example application

You can find example SDK application in the github repository

This application is hosted on example.rarible.org

Example applications demonstrates how to:

  • connect wallet using SDK's connectors (with support for multi-chain)
  • create a collection
  • list an NFT for sale
  • buy an NFT
  • make a bid on an NFT
  • accept a bid on an NFT
  • cancel an Order
  • fetch data using SDK's API client
  • ... other less important actions

How to use example app

  1. Clone repository (optionally: fork a repo before cloning)
  2. Install dependencies and build sdk:
yarn install --ignore-engines && yarn bootstrap && yarn build-all
  1. Start the application in development mode:
cd packages/example
yarn start

The application is available at https://localhost:3000

Action example

Usually example app page consists of a simple form for executing action and example code which can help you use.

This is how page about selling NFT token looks like:


Rarible Protocol SDK Example application can be a great source of information how to use SDK