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Add Exposures to your DAG

Exposures make it possible to define and describe a downstream use of your dbt project, such as in a dashboard, application, or data science pipeline. By defining exposures, you can then:

  • run, test, and list resources that feed into your exposure
  • populate a dedicated page in the auto-generated documentation site with context relevant to data consumers

Declaring an exposure

Exposures are defined in .yml files nested under an exposures: key.

version: 2


- name: weekly_jaffle_metrics
label: Jaffles by the Week
type: dashboard
maturity: high
url: https://bi.tool/dashboards/1
description: >
Did someone say "exponential growth"?

- ref('fct_orders')
- ref('dim_customers')
- source('gsheets', 'goals')
- metric('count_orders')

name: Callum McData
email: [email protected]

Available properties


  • name: a unique exposure name written in snake case
  • type: one of dashboard, notebook, analysis, ml, application (used to organize in docs site)
  • owner: name or email required; additional properties allowed


  • depends_on: list of refable nodes, including metric, ref, and source. While possible, it is highly unlikely you will ever need an exposure to depend on a source directly.


  • label: May contain spaces, capital letters, or special characters.
  • url: Activates and populates the link to View this exposure in the upper right corner of the generated documentation site
  • maturity: Indicates the level of confidence or stability in the exposure. One of high, medium, or low. For example, you could use high maturity for a well-established dashboard, widely used and trusted within your organization. Use low maturity for a new or experimental analysis.

General properties (optional)

  • description
  • tags
  • meta

Referencing exposures

Once an exposure is defined, you can run commands that reference it:

dbt run -s +exposure:weekly_jaffle_report
dbt test -s +exposure:weekly_jaffle_report

When we generate the dbt Explorer site, you'll see the exposure appear:

Exposures has a dedicated section, under the 'Resources' tab in dbt Explorer,  which lists each exposure in your project.Exposures has a dedicated section, under the 'Resources' tab in dbt Explorer, which lists each exposure in your project.
Exposures appear as nodes in the dbt Explorer DAG. It displays an orange 'EXP' indicator within the node. Exposures appear as nodes in the dbt Explorer DAG. It displays an orange 'EXP' indicator within the node.