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Realization of Dynamic Walking and Running of the Quadruped Using Neural Oscillator

Published: 01 November 1999 Publication History


In the present study we attempt to induce a quadruped robot to walk dynamically on irregular terrain and run on flat terrain by using a nervous system model. For dynamic walking on irregular terrain, we employ a control system involving a neural oscillator network, a stretch reflex and a flexor reflex. Stable dynamic walking when obstructions to swinging legs are present is made possible by the flexor reflex and the crossed extension reflex. A modification of the single driving input to the neural oscillator network makes it possible for the robot to walk up a step. For running on flat terrain, we combine a spring mechanism and the neural oscillator network. It became clear in this study that the matching of two oscillations by the spring-mass system and the neural oscillator network is important in order to keep jumping in a pronk gait. The present study also shows that entrainment between neural oscillators causes the running gait to change from pronk to bound. This finding renders running fairly easy to attain in a bound gait. It must be noticed that the flexible and robust dynamic walking on irregular terrain and the transition of the running gait are realized by the modification of a few parameters in the neural oscillator network.


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Published In

cover image Autonomous Robots
Autonomous Robots  Volume 7, Issue 3
November 1999
79 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 November 1999

Author Tags

  1. gait transition in running
  2. neural oscillator
  3. quadruped robot
  4. reflex mechanism
  5. walking on irregular terrain


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