Kim Hallberg


8475 Points 25 Followers

18 Posts

73 Answers

Freelance web developer 👨‍💻 Open-source contributor 🚀 Aspiring article writer. ✍️

Kim Hallberg · 1 year ago

How to use Bootstrap with Laravel and Vite

While the Laravel community now mostly uses Tailwind CSS. Bootstrap - one of the most used CSS frameworks currently on the market, is still widely used by a portion of the community. Since L...

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

How to use jQuery with Laravel and Vite

jQuery is one of the OG JavaScript libraries still in heavy use in the Laravel community to this day. It was a breeze to add with Laravel Mix, but since Laravel v9.2.0 Vite is now the defaul...

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

Getting Started with TALL stack

TALL stack is a full-stack development solution used for building powerful, modern, and reactive Laravel applications. This stack can be used to build a multitude of applications, in fact, y...

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

How to Add Sign in With GitHub to Wave

Introduction In this tutorial, we will cover how to add social login to Wave. For this example, we will use GitHub as our OAuth provider. We will start by adding Laravel's Socialite package....

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

How to add your socials to DevDojo

Hello there fellow member. 👋 Ever wondered how to add your socials? Like your Twitter, Github, Polywork and Facebook page? 🤔 Don't fret, it's a simple process. Let me show you how. Profile...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

How to use BuyMeACoffees webhooks with Laravel.

In this post, I will demonstrate how to use BuyMeACoffees Webhooks in Laravel. BMCs Webhooks allows you to get near-instant notifications when an event happens on your account, as said by BM...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

Solving Multisoft's Monthly Code Challenge

Swedish software company Multisoft does a code challenge each month, where it provides a fun little challenge for developers to solve. They do this in hopes of finding new candidates for pot...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

How to create a simple CLI app with MiniCLI.

In this post we're covering how to create a simple CLI app with the help of MiniCLI. What we'll be creating is a small CLI tool to ping websites. Setting up our requirements. The first thing...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

The future of Responsive Design with Container Queries.

When we write responsive design using CSS today, we use the media at-rule, more commonly known as a Media Query. This at-rule queries the device or user-agent to grab the values it needs for...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

You don’t necessarily need Composer

Don't get me wrong, Composer is an amazing product. It has an easy-to-use API for quick autoloading, supports multiple standards, and has autoloading optimization built-in - it even lets you...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

Laravel Quickie: How to install and build TailwindCSS v2 with Laravel Mix 😎

Introduction Welcome to another Laravel Quickie! In this quickie, we will go over how to install and build TailwindCSS v2 with the help of Laravel Mix. If you've already tried and have run i...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

Laravel Quickie: Basic Controllers

Introduction Welcome to Laravel Quickie! In this section, we will go over the two basic controllers used in Laravel. The regular controller and the single-action controller. Prerequisites If...

Kim Hallberg · 3 years ago

How to create a Contact Us form with Livewire. 👋

Introduction. The contact form, an essential piece of functionality on every website. From a single input field asking for an email address. To full-page forms with address fields. Used to a...

Kim Hallberg · 4 years ago

How I review Tails components. 👨‍💼

When Tails first got released to the public. DevDojo opened up the repository for contributions. Prompting pull request after pull request to come in. Some being ready to merge into the proj...

Kim Hallberg · 4 years ago

Let's validate some DNS TXT records. 👍

Here's a scenario, let's say you have users. And those users can sell domains, or maybe add their domains to their profile. Now you can validate that they own that domain multiple ways. You...

Kim Hallberg · 4 years ago

Nearing the start of Hacktoberfest 2020

Hacktoberfest is back! 🎉 Hacktoberfest 2020 edition being less than a month away from starting - the challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to contribute to open-source projects betw...

Kim Hallberg · 4 years ago

How Laravel's password confirmation works.

Introduction into Laravel. The password confirmation middleware was introduced in Laravel v6.2.0, and it's built into Illuminate/Auth, and can be found under Illuminate/Auth/Middleware/Requi...

Kim Hallberg · 4 years ago

Creating default user initial avatars in PHP 7

This post had some traction on my profile, so I thought, why not add it here as well. What are "default" avatars? When it comes to user-uploaded material, such as avatars, f...

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