Modern jQuery event calendar

Updated on May 17, 2021

Use it in responsive mobile & desktop web apps with jQuery

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Responsive event calendar with month view, variable week view, range view and event listing.

Supporting one-time, recurring, all-day and multi-day events with pop-over and schedule listing capability. Use it for mobile, desktop and responsive websites.

Shipping with useful features for a refined UX, including:

  • Usage on mobile and desktop with responsive features
  • Single and multi-day events
  • One-time and recurring events
  • Daily, weekly, monthly and custom event schedules
  • Month view, week view and range view
  • Liquid layout with inline display mode
  • Pop-over event listing or list view for schedule
  • Multiple theme support
  • RTL support
  • Full localization

As part of Event calendar and scheduler it can be picked up with the Framework and Complete licenses or with the component license.

Interested in calendar views? Other demos that could be useful:

Calendar Range

Event calendar demos available for other frameworks.

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jQuery Calendar Calendar for jQuery and jQuery Mobile

Calendar - Mobile month view

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Mobile month view
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Use the event calendar for mobile, desktop and everything in-between. The content perfectly fills the parent container or the mobile screen in full width. You can choose to render an agenda-view below the calendar broken up into days ordered chronologically. For more ways to customize the agenda view check out this example.

Interested to see how the event calendar looks on largers screens?  Check out the next demo →
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Calendar - Desktop month view

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Desktop month view
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Depending on the screen width the calendar seamlesly transforms into a desktop-view using the available space more intelligently. The main difference between the mobile and desktop rendering is how the day cells are laid out. People can now see on a glance how many events a day holds and by clicking on day the event list will show up in a pop-over.

Interested to see how the event calendar looks on smaller screens?  Check out the previous demo →
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Calendar - Responsive

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The event calendar is fully responsive. It adapts to the available space and fills the screen to look good everywhere. While you don't have to worry about the width the height can be manually adjusted with the calendarHeight property.

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Calendar - Events as labels

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Events can be displayed a couple of different ways. Most of the time showing the event data inside and across the calendar cells is the way to go.

When configuring the calendar object, you can set labels: true. All of this happens under the view setting.

Rather show events in a pop-over?  Take a look at the next example →
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Calendar - Compact daily schedule

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Compact daily schedule
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Use a compact week calendar that you can place at the top of your screen and list a daily schedule below. The calendar view is configured with the calendar object (check out this example) while the agenda view is configured by the eventList setting. For more details on the agenda view see this example. Both are set up inside the view setting.

Days with events are marked with a little dot and days without any events have a localized empty view. Btw. the components are completely localized. Go on and check out this example.

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Calendar - Events in popover

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Events in popover
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Besides displaying event labels or listing them in an agenda view, you can have them show up in a pop-over. Set it up through the calendar: {popover: true} object inside the view setting. Using the popover setting saves vertical space and provides a subtle cue to the user that there are events. A small dot will appear in day cells with events.

Would a full-blown event list help?  Take a look at the next example →
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Calendar - Agenda view

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Use the eventList object, configurable inside the view setting to render a scrollable schedule or agenda view. type and size can be set:

  • day - eventList: { type: 'day', size: 20 } can be configured for a single day or a range of days
  • week - eventList: { type: 'week', size: 3 } can be configured for a single week or a range
  • month - eventList: { type: 'month' } can be configured for a single month or a range
Interested in combining this with a calendar view?  Check out the previous example →
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Calendar - Month or week view

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Month or week view
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JQuery event calendar for one, two and three weeks. Control the range displayed & number of weeks in calendar view. For jQuery or jQuery Mobile.
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Calendar - Synchronized views

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Synchronized views
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You can usually get away with using a single event calendar instance, but being able to use and synchronize multiple views can come in handy.

In this example we have a two-pane layout with a calendar view on the left and a large agenda view on the right. Because the default rendering of agenda below the calendar doesn't fit we'll be needing two instances. The sync has to happen for both. The day view calls the navigate method of the calendar in its onPageChange event, while the calendar sets the day view with navigate from its onSetDate event.

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Calendar - Marked, colored & labels

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Marked, colored & labels
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For additional information you can mark days with colored dots, add labels or completely color the background of the days. This offers means to add more information to the calendar that is valuable to users. Take a look at this example of marked days and description.

You can add these with exact dates, ranges, days of week, days of month and recurring dates. When processing a lot of data you can load the marked days, labels, colors dynamically in the onPageChange event.

Want to show event data and use multiple labels?  We have an example for that →
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Calendar - Switching views

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Dynamically switch views within one calendar instance. Use a UI control to let users do the switching or do it programmatically.

The example features a month view with full event schedule, a week view with a weekly schedule and daily event list. Use the option method to dynamically change the settings.

Interested in building more complex views?  See how to synchronize a calendar and a separate event list →
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Calendar - Events in agenda view

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Events in agenda view
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The calendar view ships with two methods for listing events. Either as event labels or in a pop-over. Besides these two the third way is to configure an event list under the view setting.

Configure the event list like this view: {eventList: {type: 'month'}}.

Looking for more options for event lists?  Try the daily/weekly/monthly schedule →
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Calendar - Custom event data

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Custom event data
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If you want to display complex event data, you can do it by passing HTML as the text. This can be full fledged HTML with a layout, CSS, styling, emojis and so on.

When the events are renderend, instead of just plain text, the component will print the styled HTML markup. Besides that the layout, time will be kept the same as with plain text. If you have something completely different in mind, you can use the listview to render the events instead of relying on the event calendar agenda view. Psst... the listview supports slide gestures.

Have a different event list in mind?  Use the listview with gestures →
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Calendar - Custom rendering with listview

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Custom rendering with listview
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While we have flexible event listing, sometimes you might need something entirely different. For those situations we have the listview.

You will be passing the events to the calendar like before, but the event listing will be handled externally. Use the Event API to query the events and create any layout you desire. The listview is super-useful to render anything that is a list and it event supports gestures, so you can do things like swipe away to remove an event. Try swiping the events left and right.

Do you want to keep the aganda view and customize the content?  Pass HTML as the event text →
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Calendar - Event properties

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The event data structure for is straightforward with a couple of base properties that the component understands and uses to render the UI. Besides the base properties you can add any custom property, like location, description ...

  • text - Defines the event text. This can be plaintext or HTML
  • color - Defines the event color
  • start - Sets the start date and time for the event. It can be a date object, ISO date string or moment.js object
  • end - Sets the end date and time for the event. The same formats are supported as for start

This is how a simple event looks like with a couple of extra properties:

    text: 'Product planning',
    color: '#56ca70',
    start: new Date(2018, 11, 21, 13, 00),
    end: new Date(2018, 11, 21, 14, 00),
    busy: true,
    description: 'Weekly meeting with team',
    location: 'Office'

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Calendar - Supported date formats

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Supported date formats
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The event calendar supports multiple date types. The data, marked, colors and labels objects all understand the different formats. Let's see how they look:

  • JS date objects - new Date(1995, 11, 17, 15, 24)
  • ISO date strings - '2008-09-15T15:53:00'
  • Moment.js objects - moment([2018, 3, 27, 12, 15])
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Calendar - Events from remote API

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Events from remote API
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Data sources for the event calendar include inline data, you can load all events at once from an external resource or load data on demand. This example shows how to use an external API to load the data from. The same JSON format applies for the events, but it's base properties and optional fields. The previous demo shows what data format to follow. More information about the data setting can be seen in the documentation.

Looking for load on demand?  Dynamically load events on month change →
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Calendar - Loading events on demand

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Loading events on demand
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The calendar supports remote and local data sources. Besides that, events can be populated on initialization or loaded on demand. Getting the events in real time as the user navigates improves load performance and always serves the most recent data.

Use the onPageLoading lifecycle event to load the data when needed.

Interested in pre-loading event data all at once?  Load events from a remote API →
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Calendar - Load events from public google calendar

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Load events from public google calendar
Get started with the eventcalendar

Data can be loaded from any number of places. The idea is to load the data and make sure to convert it into a format that the event calendar understands. You can use base fields and add custom fields that you can then render with the help of templates.

You can show events coming from google calendars. In this example you'll see how you can load events from a public calendar using the googleSDK. Make sure to set your API key and Client ID, that you can get from here.

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Calendar - Add/delete event

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The component renders event data that it gets from an API, however you can manually add and delete events in real time. The idea is to pass the event in the correct format, which means it needs a couple of base properties:

  • d or start & end - Defines the date and length of the event
  • text - Defines the lable for the event, which can be anything from text to something more complex like HTML
  • color - Defines the color of the event
  • allDay - Sets if the event is an all-day event or not
  • everything else you would like - You can add any additional data that makes sense, like busy or location...

After you have the data object ready with the event data you can pass it to the addEvent method. While the event calendar doesn't ship with a built-in form for adding events, you can use the popup component along with inputs & fields to build the form you need.

Deleting events can be done just as simply by calling the removeEvent method

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Calendar - View/update event

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View/update event
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This demo renders event data that it gets from an API, however you can update events. You can find and load the event by ID into a form and then pass it back to the calendar on Save. Edit the fields:

  • d or start & end - Defines the date and length of the event - Use the range picker
  • text - Defines the lable for the event, which can be anything from text to something more complex like HTML
  • color - Defines the color of the event - use the color picker
  • allDay - Sets if the event is an all-day event or not
  • everything else you would like - You can add any additional data that makes sense, like busy or location...

After you have the new data object ready with the event data you can pass it to the calendar. While the event calendar doesn't ship with a built-in form for adding/editing events, you can use the popup component along with inputs & fields to build the form you need.

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Calendar - Theming capabilities

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Theming capabilities
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The look and feel of the event calendar can be deeply customized. There are four levels of customization:

  • Base themes: Choose between Mobiscroll, iOS, Android Material and Windows.
  • Light or dark: Every theme has a light and dark variant. Setting the themeVariant to 'auto' will switch based on system settings.
  • Custom themes: Use the theme builder to customize the colors and make it match your brand.
  • Custom CSS: If you need further customization, the sky is the limit with CSS overrides.

You can also see how every example looks by changing the theme from the header.

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Calendar - Localization

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The components are fully localized. In case of the event calendar this covers date and time format, button copy, rtl and more. You can see how each example shows up by clicking on the small flag icon or checking the examples below.

All settings can be manually overridden  See what options the localization impacts →
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Calendar - Calendar systems

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The event calendar supports multiple calendar systems. You can control it with the calendarSystem setting, and it supports the following options:

  • Gregorian - it is included by default
  • Jalali - it is the default system of the Persian calendar and is included within the Farsi language pack
  • Hijri - it is included in the Arabic language pack
Interested in localization?  Explore this example →
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Calendar - Lifecycle events

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The event calendar ships with different hooks for deep customization. Events are triggered through the lifecycle of the component where you can tie in custom functionality and code. While users interact with the UI events like onEventSelect, onInit, onLabelTap ... will be triggered. Interact with the example and check the event log for the output.

For a complete list of events go to the documentation  See available lifecycle events →
Clear event log
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

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$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

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$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Create an Ionic 3 & Mobiscroll starter with the CLI:

$ mobiscroll start ionic myStarter

Run this command for Ionic 4 & Mobiscroll starter:

$ mobiscroll start ionic-angular myStarter

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Run this command for Ionic 5 & React Mobiscroll starter:

$ mobiscroll start react-ionic myStarter

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TSX
Copy CSS

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

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$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Angular project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config angular --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Step 3.Copy the code into your app. HTML goes into the markup, TS into Typescript.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ng serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ng serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Extract the zip file and run the project like any Ionic app. Make sure to have Ionic CLI installed and open the terminal in the app root folder.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ionic serve

Let us know if we can help and enjoy!

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

Extract the zip file and open the demo in your favorite browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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Please extract the zip file and run the project like any Angular CLI app. Make sure to have the Angular CLI installed.

For installation and usage, extract the zip file and open a terminal window and follow these steps.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ng serve --open

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The easiest way to get started is to follow the installation steps and by grabbing the code directly from the demo page. Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

You'll find a fully functional Kitchen-sink Ionic app in the zip file.

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The demos are using Babel's in-browser ES6 and JSX transformer.
Extract the zip file and open the demo in your browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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